View Full Version : [SX88v2] Cannot expand mount setting

26-09-23, 12:52
I'm using an SX88 V2. Trying to set up a mount - my PC and various hard drives in a nearby room. I've browsed the network and can see my PC's ip address. I'm invited to click on OK to expand. It doesn't expand however much I press on OK.

26-09-23, 12:57
Do you have Samba and Nfs running on the box as sometimes they wont open for me in Samba but do in Nfs.
Usually found in Utilities.

26-09-23, 13:34
Do you have Samba and Nfs running on the box as sometimes they wont open for me in Samba but do in Nfs.
Usually found in Utilities.

I have neither running on the box.

26-09-23, 23:32
Do you have Samba and Nfs running on the box You don't need Samba running in order to mount a CIFS share, nor nfsd to mount an NFS one.
You only need these if you want your box to be a file server.

27-09-23, 00:29
@Hpavil - Win 10/11 has tightened up security on SMB shares. Usually requiring user/password to access unless you have specifically disabled this. As @birdman points out, you do not need Samba/NFS installed on the box unless you are using it as a file server. I usually configure any shares I wish to access from my Vix boxes by specifying their IP addresses and always set a userid and password. Maybe show us a screenshot of your network mount settings?

27-09-23, 07:47
Thanks. I scan for mounts and see two ip addresses - one for my router and one for my PC. If I select my PC, I click "OK" to expand but nothing happens.

27-09-23, 11:45
If I select my PC, I click "OK" to expand but nothing happens.Is your PC configured to share anything?

27-09-23, 16:42
Yes, the PC is discoverable.

27-09-23, 18:19
Yes, the PC is discoverable.

What windows version? Have you specified a shared folder on the PC? By default, you will need to supply the windows username and password.

27-09-23, 20:01
Yes, the PC is discoverable.I don't think that's the same thing.
I believe you still need to make particular file-systems shared.

30-09-23, 14:01
Thanks for the help but not fixed. I'm just going to resort to moving a USB stick from one device to the other.

30-09-23, 16:40
You haven't responded to the questions in #7 and #9. We are trying to determine if the issue lies with the PC configuration or the box settings. It's not as straightforward to access Windows shares since Microsoft tightened up security defaults in Win10/11.

30-09-23, 17:57
Think this was asked earlier on box have you setup a password with remote and saved it , right it down so you dont forget it.

Right on my laptop my security pops up asking for my credentials , username -root and password you entered and wrote down for your box .

Enter those details should let you into your box.

Usb format to ext4 when recording on box might not be readable on pc if you plugged it in ?

30-09-23, 18:02
Thank you. Windows 11. The PC is configured to share (it does so already with my TV). I have not specified a folder, Windows username or password as I cannot expand the PC's details on the SX88 to input any details. I click on OK to expand and nothing happens.

I'd be interested to know whether this is a problem with the receiver or OpenVix

30-09-23, 19:47
So you have setup a password on box yes .

I am on windows 10 and when i click on my box i got that pop up wanting credentials entered to log into it.

Might you have security blocking up a pop up?

30-09-23, 20:11
Thanks for your help. I have a working password on the SX88 V2, used among other things for ftp connection with my PC. My PC also connects without problem to my TV. So I don't see an obvious problem on the PC side of the equation.

Returning to the SX88, when I click "OK" on the IP address of my PC it does not expand. Not sure where security could be blocking a pop up.

Curious to know if you are getting the mount set up to work with an SX 88 V2, or another Octagon.

30-09-23, 20:47
I only have my mounts on my boxes so any box i am on can view recordings on that tv and dont need pc to view their files

On my laptop i go into MY PC and it opens up a page with all my pc stuff on left and down at the bottom under network i see all my connected boxes on the bottom left and i click on the box and this security box pops up hence why thinking it might be security stopping you?

30-09-23, 20:55
Password set up on box; box connects to PC via ftp (when ftp works) My PC connects without problem to my TV.

Returning to the SX88, when I click on "OK" to expand my PC's details nothing happens. I am not asked for credentials. I don't get that far.

Curious to know whether you are using an SX88 V2.

30-09-23, 21:19
No using other boxes on my network , all on vix previous image.

Not using windows 11 so not sure on this

30-09-23, 21:52
Do you have FileZilla on pc if so open it up and enter box ip and root lower case and your password and does it connect to box?

01-10-23, 07:34
No, I do not have Filezilla. Will look into it.

01-10-23, 10:02
I had same problem, but I got it fixed.

Windows 11 :

1. Share the folder (give proper rights) you would like to get access from Enigma2 box
2. Menu --> Setup --> Network --> Mounts
3. Mount Manager --> User Management --> enter user name & password for you PC
4. Network Browser --> expand your PC's IP and press OK
5. Mount using AUTOFS & CIFS share & enter user name and password
6. Save and you see that under expanded PC's share it is now green
7. Test it by opening MovieSelection, press yellow button and select PC's share

01-10-23, 14:57
Do you have FileZilla on pc if so open it up and enter box ip and root lower case and your password and does it connect to box?

@cactikid - my reading of the OP's issue is that he is trying to access the Windows 11 PC FROM the box. I think you are assuming he is trying to access the box FROM the PC.
If OP is actually trying to access Win 11 from the box, then he needs a share set up on the PC (as per @Orlandox post #22). The fact that the TV can access the Windows PC may be that it is using a different protocol than SMB.

01-10-23, 17:14
Thank you all. All fixed with Orlandox's very clear instructions.

02-10-23, 00:20
Ok thanks @Hpavil. So just to be clear for other users who land on this thread when searching - you needed to specify a shared folder on the PC and then specified a Windows user and password in the Mount Manager on your sat box - correct?

02-10-23, 06:56
Yes, that's correct. As there are a number of related menus in OpenVix, I found the detail in Orlandox's post particularly helpful.

05-10-23, 14:28
Having issues with NFS Mount on box running 6.4.007, I have three Vu boxes (Lounge, Study & Bedroom) all now running VIX 6.4.007, I have just flashed the Lounge box with fresh image (previously 6.3.007) in Network Browser I can see ( Lounge, I get asked to press Ok to expand the host, after a short while another message appears (press Ok to collapse host) but nothing appears underneath the main folder. When the Lounge is running 6.3.007 all this works fine with the other two boxes running 6.4.007.

Going the other way from the Lounge box, I can see and expand both Study & Bedroom mounts and play correctly.

Anyone any ideas...........?

05-10-23, 15:16
Screen shots



05-10-23, 15:31
@spevs - I would suggest you start a new thread for your issue. The OP in this thread was using SMB (not NFS) and was trying to expand a Windows PC share. He/she fixed issue with config changes on PC and box.

05-10-23, 16:03
@spevs - I would suggest you start a new thread for your issue. The OP in this thread was using SMB (not NFS) and was trying to expand a Windows PC share. He/she fixed issue with config changes on PC and box.

Done, Thanks Joe_90