View Full Version : Epg sourcing.

12-09-23, 21:23
I had a Giga Quad and a Vu Zero on Client mode and Epg used to load for 5 days as channels and egg were imported and went down to only a few channels slowly updating .

Et8000 replaced the Quad and upgraded both boxes to a newer image but Zero over last 4 days does not show up a full epg.

Can the Vu be set to run EPG update with no sat feed and if so what provider should i choose.
Vu Zero has an External Hdd mains powered.


12-09-23, 21:35
Have you set the ftp password?

12-09-23, 22:46
I think i did as previously could not enable client mode and you mentioned password of which i had not done.
Setup password and worked for a while.
Full epg in the Et 8000 .
Yes checked my tuner settings and see i have my password entered into the setup.

13-09-23, 09:01
So does it fetch epg.dat ok? Where is it being stored? Has the client box got a storage device (usb drive) to store epg.dat? Have you checked the log to see what is downloaded?

13-09-23, 11:09
I dont think it fetches epg as just checked the Vu and only got now and next on my epg.

Vu has an externally powered hdd and i do see epg.dat yesterday at 14.10

I had not setup logs as just checked and enabling it now

13-09-23, 13:55
by doing the setup it does not import epg.Use epgimporter and specify the sources there (blue button)

13-09-23, 18:12
I was using that but when i rechecked it nothing was ticked so no idea what happened as it imported before.
47134 events now loaded.

13-09-23, 18:18
loads only the ones ticked an saved.If you did a clean flash without restore all settings are lost

13-09-23, 18:30
I only do a clean flash and did have it ticked after it was flashed as i did have it importing for weeks until it stopped, never thought of rechecking sources so will have to keep an eye on it Cheers.

13-09-23, 18:45
I dont think it fetches epg as just checked the Vu and only got now and next on my epg.

Vu has an externally powered hdd and i do see epg.dat yesterday at 14.10

I had not setup logs as just checked and enabling it nowIt is supposed to download epg.dat from the server box (et8000). So you need to check that is happening and that the epg is correct on the et8000.

You don't need to download any additional epg.

Logs should show the process.

13-09-23, 19:01
1) server box must have a populated epg.
2) client box tells server box to save epg to epg.dat
3) prints "[ChannelsImporter][saveEPGonRemoteReceiver] Response: ..." in debug log
4) prints "[ChannelsImporter][checkEPG] Searching for epg.dat..." in debug log
5) look in the debug log for messages after this point related to "[ChannelsImporter]".

13-09-23, 23:44
When i log into the 8000 it has a full epg as dont use that box in the room as full of bits and pieces but when i do i see 5 days ahead which is normal.
I have 1 log 5 / 09 / 23 . Please refresh my brain to retrieve from where.

15-09-23, 10:38
When i log into the 8000 it has a full epg as dont use that box in the room as full of bits and pieces but when i do i see 5 days ahead which is normal.
I have 1 log 5 / 09 / 23 . Please refresh my brain to retrieve from where.That is just some random log that doesn't contain anything related to client mode.

You need to reboot the client box, wait 2 minutes and then retrieve the log.

17-09-23, 10:39
Dont know why i just got 2 sizes .

17-09-23, 22:59
That is the IP of the ET 8000 and you want that changed to a browser like on Laptop as confused with that.
Epg seems fine on the 8000.

Entered that into browser and got this.
"result": true,
"message": "EPG data saved"

17-09-23, 23:26
epg.dat is downloading to the client.

< 78.4347> [ChannelsImporter] Remote EPG filename. '/media/hdd/epg.dat'
< 78.4363> [ChannelsImporter] Downloading remote file 'epg.dat'
< 79.1406> [ChannelsImporter][importEPGCallback] '/media/hdd/epg.dat' downloaded successfully.
< 79.1421> [ChannelsImporter][importEPGCallback] Removing current EPG data...
< 80.5744> [eEPGCache] 68239 events read from /media/hdd/epg.dat