View Full Version : VIX can't support no-ip

22-02-11, 20:33
hi to all team her after many img of VIX i see the team don't support no-ip in hem img plugin's can some one try with other blugin's to run it like black hole dynds plugin's thinks for all

22-02-11, 20:34
vix has a dyndns plugin that you can use, there is no no-ip.com

22-02-11, 20:46
dyndns.com is not no-ip.com so the plugin's in VIX support the first not the last in black hole support both

22-02-11, 23:02
A search of the forum might help...

I posted a working version of inadyn here (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?2641-Inadyn&p=18907&viewfull=1#post18907), with further instructions on using it later in the thread iirc...