View Full Version : Picon s missing sly movies

19-06-23, 18:56
a lot of picons missing in the sly movies and other picons what up dating if possible we could do with an up date I think

abu baniaz
19-06-23, 21:33
Which picons are you using? Are yo using Service Named Picons (SNP) or Service Reference Picons (SRP)?
You had a thread about IPTV picons and USB, You also had another thread on another forum where you say you resolved the issue.
The Ocram picons on the Vix server are dated 17/06/2023.

Post a picture of what you are seeing/not seeing. Maybe we can help better.

20-06-23, 05:57
Whitch picons are u using from the image

20-06-23, 07:44
mising piconsi

abu baniaz
20-06-23, 11:42
I have deleted your pictures because they had your IPTV provider website on them.

Are you using SNPicons or SRPicons?

20-06-23, 13:21
I was using the first picons in the vix list picons

abu baniaz
20-06-23, 14:46
That doesn't mean anything useful. Pretend you are removing them, it will show you the name as well as date of them. Take a picture/screenshot.

Menu, Plugins, Red (remove/uninstall), picons
Take a picture, do not remove.

20-06-23, 15:26
iv sent u some photos could explain what u mean i dont under stand u or what u are saying

20-06-23, 16:50
65484 is this what u ment

20-06-23, 16:59
65485 picon pic that im usung this is the picon file im using

abu baniaz
20-06-23, 20:57
I am using SNP on one receiver and SRP on another. The only picon I am missing is Sky BTTF HD on the SNPicons.

Are you sure you only have one picon folder on your receiver? Check your debug log. Please do not upload any logs without checking and removing any IPTV details.

21-06-23, 06:07
I don’t under stand a word ur saying I told u what picons I’m using and sent a photo to u whitch line of picons I’m using Regards deltec

21-06-23, 06:24
We’re do I find the debut log in the dcc