View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Is the VIX Image for the original Vu+ Duo still available? Cant find it

Slammed Mind
08-06-23, 14:00
Hey guys, sorry if this is in the wrong section but I am after the vix image for the original Vu+ Duo.

Had a look around the site but cant find it

Can anyone point me in the right direction

Thanks guys

08-06-23, 14:07
still downloadable but no support or feeds I think : https://www.world-of-satellite.com/forumdisplay.php?154-VU-Duo-ViX-Team-images

Slammed Mind
08-06-23, 14:10
Thanks mate, I clicked on that link you provided.

Is it the second stick thread where i can download the last image for the Duo?

08-06-23, 14:17
do not know if it was the mast one for that "old" receiver : Sticky: New ViX Team VU+ Duo OE3.0 Release

08-06-23, 15:10
No Images are supported for old models with OpenVix including Duo , think ATV still do Images for older boxes.
Was only the newer Duo2 that has images listed.

08-06-23, 20:42
Vu+ Duo doesn't have sufficient flash for a modern image. Only 128 MB.

20-01-24, 16:18
Hi All I am new to threads and how to find my way around.
I have a VU+ Duo box and it had a 3.2.055 openvix image on it. I have lost the image from it and do not have a back up.
I am looking for a copy of this image or even a more up to date one. I know its not supported any more but I would be happy to be back working where I was. I have found an image 3.0.204 but nothing newer than that. I also found updates but I don't know if they are images or not. if anyone can help me I would be very thankful.

20-01-24, 16:30
pls read and you will find : https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?20199-New-ViX-Team-VU-Duo-OE3-0-Release

20-01-24, 23:09
Thanks bellejt I have read through that link and found the 3.0.204 on it. I see the last comment from Larry G on it refers to him uploading the 3.0.294 but I can't find a link and don't know where he uploaded it to. any ideas please.

21-01-24, 09:47
he mentiones it but no more link