View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] DNS servers Hard Coded?

07-05-23, 08:59
Trying to establish why

No matter what is set manually DNS servers are always

I know these are generic and safe but I prefer my router to determin DNS servers.

Are these hard coded and if so how to change?

07-05-23, 09:20
settings receive ip address or DHCP. Or if you wish your own DNS servers program IP yoursef (fixed ip)

07-05-23, 09:45
I would have expected, by default, the DNS servers to be obtained via router so long as you flashed with image from this site and it's not a "back-up" image done by someone else as not sure if that would contain any DNS they may have set manually.

This telnet/putty command: nslookup google.co.uk

returns gateway of my router. However, within my router, I have it setup to use:
(primary) cloud-flare DNS (via DoT)
(secondary) google DNS

07-05-23, 10:06
The thing is those DNSservers are not set anywhere in my router.

07-05-23, 10:10
edit DNS settings (blue button) and set your own. I set as first my router and second the 1st DNS provider

07-05-23, 10:12
Done that and after reboot just returns those DNS addresses

07-05-23, 10:22
did you save with green button ?

07-05-23, 10:28
Of course :-)

07-05-23, 10:30
maybe reflash box

07-05-23, 10:32
Sorry guys found the problem with part of a script I use to keep iptv channels upto date

echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
echo "options single-request" >> /etc/resolv.conf

07-05-23, 11:17
At least you found out where it was coming from.

Personally, I use ABM with a mixture of free-to-air channels and switch out certain other channels with an IPTV stream. Best of both worlds, so use free-to-air satellite channels where available and IPTV stream (where available) for other channels.

07-05-23, 22:36
DNS is taken from the router by default unless you override it

07-05-23, 22:40
At least you found out where it was coming from.

Personally, I use ABM with a mixture of free-to-air channels and switch out certain other channels with an IPTV stream. Best of both worlds, so use free-to-air satellite channels where available and IPTV stream (where available) for other channels.

How do you override the channels with ABM?

I am using E2M3uBouquetMaker which allows me to override the M3U files with FTA using the Service Ref.
I wonder if ABM might be easier maintenance.

08-05-23, 10:01
How do you override the channels with ABM?

I am using E2M3uBouquetMaker which allows me to override the M3U files with FTA using the Service Ref.
I wonder if ABM might be easier maintenance.
Might be best to start a thread in the ABM section to not take this thread completely off-topic (although I'm aware, I did kind of start this haha).

It's a CustomMix file I created. Post in correct section, and i'll reply back with an example of mine.