View Full Version : GUI lags while mounted NAS is offline

28-04-23, 08:48
Hello, ive got NAS thats not always running, basically i turn it on when i need it, the problem is, when the NAS is offline, and im using my enigma2 box, the GUI/HUD freezes every 20-30s, and the loading icon pops up, is there a way to make the box not try to mount the drive so often, or even better, mount it only when its actually needed (like im trying to record or timeshift, or watch something from the drive), ive got the option mount as needed enabled, but it doesnt seem to work as i would think it should?
Currently im just disabling the mount manually, but its annoying, especially when someone else is using the STB...

28-04-23, 09:24
Maybe this is linked to the default record settings/default hard disk sleep time where if the device isn't used for a peroid of time it is automatically disabled. You could find this setting and leave the NAS on to see if this improves things.

Otherwise I have noticed my old NAS (Netgear Stora) causes intermittent problems if I leave it on and connected. (it uses the old SMB 1.0 protocols which may be the problem.)

I have found using my Asus Router as a NAS (sharing USB 3.1 devices)is better for me as maybe its easier to keep the router firmware updated than a standard NAS drive (although the router NAS is not as fast).

28-04-23, 10:36
Uhm, my issue is, that the STB wants to mount the drive every 30ish seconds (which causes lags), while the NAS is offline (and i turned it off, theres nothing wrong with the NAS itself), even tho i set up options to only mount as needed...

28-04-23, 18:03
Uhm, my issue is, that the STB wants to mount the drive every 30ish seconds (which causes lags), while the NAS is offline (and i turned it off, theres nothing wrong with the NAS itself), even tho i set up options to only mount as needed...

So you are using it as an hdd replacement?

29-04-23, 16:50
I mean, yes i kinda do, but i didnt turn on the hdd replacement option on (i tried with it on, but its exactly the same)

As i said, im using the network drive to watch videos that are stored on the drive, with my enigma2 box (enigma box is a player in this instance), as well as recording to that drive, but i dont record stuff 24/7, and as i said, i keep the NAS off (shut down) for 90% of the time, and i turn it on only when i need it, but during the time its off, the enigma box tries to mount it every 30ish seconds, which causes lags

29-04-23, 19:07
I mean, yes i kinda do, but i didnt turn on the hdd replacement option on (i tried with it on, but its exactly the same)

As i said, im using the network drive to watch videos that are stored on the drive, with my enigma2 box (enigma box is a player in this instance), as well as recording to that drive, but i dont record stuff 24/7, and as i said, i keep the NAS off (shut down) for 90% of the time, and i turn it on only when i need it, but during the time its off, the enigma box tries to mount it every 30ish seconds, which causes lags
But if you are recording to it then you must have it defined as a hdd

30-04-23, 00:25
Hello, ive got NAS thats not always running, basically i turn it on when i need it, the problem is, when the NAS is offline, and im using my enigma2 box, the GUI/HUD freezes every 20-30s,Are you using automount?

30-04-23, 01:13
Where do you store the EPG? If you have it defined as being on the NAS drive, then it is going to try to reload it at startup or save it at shutdown. I use my internal HDD as EPG storage and also as main recording location, but I also have a NAS which I use as an archive location for programmes. It is set up as automount and spends most of its time offline/powered off and the box does not continually try to mount it. It just checks at boot time.

01-05-23, 09:44
But if you are recording to it then you must have it defined as a hdd
No, i just set the path in recording settings, to record in a folder thats on the nas drive

Are you using automount?
im using the default settings, didnt change anything basically

Where do you store the EPG? If you have it defined as being on the NAS drive, then it is going to try to reload it at startup or save it at shutdown. I use my internal HDD as EPG storage and also as main recording location, but I also have a NAS which I use as an archive location for programmes. It is set up as automount and spends most of its time offline/powered off and the box does not continually try to mount it. It just checks at boot time.

never touched epg so im assuming default location on the box itself (dont even know where to look, where it is exactly)

abu baniaz
01-05-23, 09:53
You will find the EPG settings in the EPG menu.
Menu > Setup > EPG

01-05-23, 09:59
Yeah, but i dont see an option to set a path for epg, anwyays, i got the epg when the nas is offline, so its definetly not an issue, ive had the epg before i even set up the mount

01-05-23, 10:29
So if you haven,t turn on debug logs (Menu, setup, system, logs, settings .... enable, save other than flash, SET LOCAL time!

Post debug log(s)

01-05-23, 13:14
it seems that the timeshift is the problem

14:06:01.4815 [eDVBServicePlay] timeshift /media/autofs/DownloadsRPI/Recordings// statfs failed: Function not implemented
it shows up in logs every time the gui freezes

but i thought if the timeshift is disabled in "automatically start after" it needs human intervention to start "recording"

Ok it happens everytime when i try to change channel, press ok to enable inforbar epg, or when i enter timeshift settings, right now it doesnt happen when i just browse the channel list but i think it did in the past

01-05-23, 15:04
Thats why I asked for debug log, I think,both timeshift and recording use same device … not at home, so cannot check but don,t think you can separate the 2, as basically,timeshift is a recording.

abu baniaz
01-05-23, 15:05
They are separate functions and you can set different locations.

01-05-23, 15:10
They are separate functions and you can set different locations.

yeah, but it doesnt matter if i pick different folder, the error is exactly the same, and i want them in one folder just for managing sake, seems like the only solution is to set the timeshift to internal flash and dont use it at all at this point

07-06-23, 06:47
vThought I saw a comment about this being fixed in the nightlies but that might have been just the Apps section. I know I also had responsiveness issues when I messed something up doing my app setup and the system was churning out error logs in the background (looking for some docker datasets that no longer existed or something). Regardless, I would expect more optimizations for performance and responsiveness once it hits Release status.

07-06-23, 12:06
yeah, but it doesnt matter if i pick different folder, the error is exactly the same, and i want them in one folder just for managing sake, seems like the only solution is to set the timeshift to internal flash and dont use it at all at this pointWell timeshift to flash is not supported for obvious reasons. And of course if you have a mount to a NAS and the NAS is not available there is going to be a big delay while the box tries to establish communication with it.

12-06-23, 16:44
I would expect more optimizations for performance and responsiveness once it hits Release status.

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12-06-23, 20:46
I would expect more optimizations for performance and responsiveness once it hits Release status.

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