View Full Version : [Zgemma H9S] Continual crashing

09-04-23, 20:31
I'm not sure wether its openvix but more of a problem with xeev edtor but i'm going to post my logs and screen log here and welcome thoughts.
I wold flash an image either openvix or openatv and at some point soon after i will get a screen crash. I now have a box stuck in a continual loop.
I think its related to xeev player since it was updated to v3 template. I can't really make sense of the logs. Any feedback welcome. Thanks65212

abu baniaz
09-04-23, 20:45
It says that there is no space left in the internal flash memory. Try deleting some skins, picons

09-04-23, 21:21
Thanks. Ok will do but have to reflash as stuck in continual reboot loop unless there is a different option. picons are on stick and i only have the basic skins that are part ofmopenvix build.

09-04-23, 21:44
Thanks. Ok will do but have to reflash as stuck in continual reboot loop unless there is a different option. picons are on stick and i only have the basic skins that are part ofmopenvix build.

EPG in flash rather than HDD or stick?

09-04-23, 21:49
EPG always on stick /media/hdd . It's so bizarre. It could be the new batch of sticks but they flash and reflash ok. Or it could be the xeev template. I may go back to them but wanted to seek feedback from other openvix users.

09-04-23, 23:00
Something is writing to the flash. That is why it is full. This should never happen. Probably caused by a crap plugin.

10-04-23, 09:25
Something is writing to the flash. That is why it is full. This should never happen. Probably caused by a crap plugin.

wget -O /tmp/install.sh "https://xeev.app/files/ipk/3.11.1.sh" && chmod 755 /tmp/install.sh && /tmp/install.sh and quarterpounder (which is a restart stream service) are the only additional plugins so will check that out. Thank you.

Is there anyway you can check which plugin is writing to flash?

10-04-23, 10:04
Check this (https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?55942-Drive-free-space-vanishing&p=442827&viewfull=1#post442827) post for telnet/putty commands to check free space left.

There is also command there to check for errors too.

10-04-23, 17:35
root@zgemmah9s:~# df -mh
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
ubi0:rootfs 202.6M 202.6M 8.0K 100% /
devtmpfs 470.5M 40.0K 470.5M 0% /dev
tmpfs 64.0K 0 64.0K 0% /media
tmpfs 470.8M 168.0K 470.6M 0% /var/volatile
/dev/sda1 14.4G 390.1M 14.0G 3% /media/hdd

10-04-23, 19:14
Yeah, the root is full. Maybe uninstall some plugins like maybe skins (few maybe installed automatically as part of image).

10-04-23, 20:45
There is inbuilt code in ViX to copy the root to a sdcard …this fixes any flash full situation.
Go to vix plugin and use h9sdcard manager to copy root to sd card and then follow instructions

10-04-23, 23:29
Likely that the xeev app is filling /etc/engima2/xe_poster/ folder with junk images?

Maybe check what files of a notable size have been add since the last plugin was installed?

find / -type f -newer /var/lib/opkg/status -size +64b

11-04-23, 06:18
Likely that the xeev app is filling /etc/engima2/xe_poster/ folder with junk images?

Maybe check what files of a notable size have been add since the last plugin was installed?

find / -type f -newer /var/lib/opkg/status -size +64b

You are probably correct that its an issue with this plugin, which I am tired of having to try and find fixes or,provide debug for,issues
There are a whole bunch of good alternatives to this plugin e.g. Xstreamity, e2m3u2bouquet, jedi

11-04-23, 08:14
Thanks all for the responses. Yes it was the picons being imported to flash via the template. I've not disabled import on plugins and ensure its not applied via template setting.
Thanks to Abu for his time in diagnosing and solving.

11-04-23, 08:54
should read I've disabled import on plugins....