View Full Version : [ET10x00] Boot up spalsh screen changes?

04-04-23, 11:23
This morning I have updated to 6.3.006 via menu/setup/system/software update

For the past few years I have been using my own boot-up/start-up images which have remained in place with the above update method or with a setting restore if I've used a couch or usb flash.

After the upgrade to 6.3.006 something has changed
From deep standby I now get
i) A screen showing the manufacturers logo (no change from what I had previously)
ii) My own start-up image for 10 seconds (as expected from what I previously had set up)
iii) The default openvix start-up screen image
iv) a blank screen for a second or two (normal operation)
v) The default openvix start-up screen image

Differences in what I was expecting (and from my boot-up for the past couple of years)
Step iii) a new extra start-up screen step?
Step v) i would previously have shown my start-up screen image

Rebooting the box doesn't make a difference, putting the box in deep standby and removing power for a few minutes doesn't make a difference, restoring settings followed by a reboot etc. doesn't make any difference.

Has the boot-up sequence changed to add an extra step and/or have the names of the splash/start-up images changed?

04-04-23, 11:57
The same changes have been made to my Zgemma H9S start-up after up-dating to 6.3.006. This box previously had been booting with my startup screens for 1 year+ and with many updates.

04-04-23, 12:16
I just copied my boot mvi's to /usr/share/ as well.

There is mention of it in the e2 changelog.

[Multiboot.py] lower priority of modified bootlogo.mvi


04-04-23, 12:45
This morning I have updated to 6.3.006 via menu/setup/system/software update

For the past few years I have been using my own boot-up/start-up images which have remained in place with the above update method or with a setting restore if I've used a couch or usb flash.

After the upgrade to 6.3.006 something has changed
From deep standby I now get
i) A screen showing the manufacturers logo (no change from what I had previously)
ii) My own start-up image for 10 seconds (as expected from what I previously had set up)
iii) The default openvix start-up screen image
iv) a blank screen for a second or two (normal operation)
v) The default openvix start-up screen image

Differences in what I was expecting (and from my boot-up for the past couple of years)
Step iii) a new extra start-up screen step?
Step v) i would previously have shown my start-up screen image

Rebooting the box doesn't make a difference, putting the box in deep standby and removing power for a few minutes doesn't make a difference, restoring settings followed by a reboot etc. doesn't make any difference.

Has the boot-up sequence changed to add an extra step and/or have the names of the splash/start-up images changed?
Where are your user files? They should be in /etc/enigma2.

04-04-23, 12:46
I just copied my boot mvi's to /usr/share/ as well.

There is mention of it in the e2 changelog.

[Multiboot.py] lower priority of modified bootlogo.mvi

User changes go in /etc/enigma2.

04-04-23, 12:58
User changes go in /etc/enigma2.

That's where the files resided - and no longer work with 6.3.006

As per willo3092 post copying them to usr/share restores the previous boot image operation but I seem to remember from discussions many years ago they may/will be overwritten on every upgrade.

04-04-23, 13:56
Don't change anything in /usr/share. That is not the way to solve this problem.

Post some *.mvi's for me to experiment with.

04-04-23, 14:06
Mine were in /etc/enigma2/ and worked perfectly until this was mentioned in the changelog:

[Multiboot.py] lower priority of modified bootlogo.mvi


04-04-23, 14:16
SEARCHDIRS="/etc/enigma2/${SKIN} /etc/enigma2/skin_common /etc/enigma2 /usr/share/enigma2/${SKIN} /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default /usr/share/enigma2 /usr/share"
Those are the priorities for boot logo.

Something has gone wrong creating enigma2.sh. Variables have expanded to the wrong values.

if [ -n "${SKIN}" ]; then
SEARCHDIRS="/etc/${SKIN} /etc/skin_common /etc /usr/share/enigma2/${SKIN} /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default /usr/share/enigma2 /usr/share"
SEARCHDIRS="/etc/skin_common /etc /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default /usr/share/enigma2 /usr/share"

I'll fix it later. Got work at the moment.

04-04-23, 22:57
Try this... goes in /usr/bin.

04-04-23, 23:46
Try this... goes in /usr/bin.

That appears to have fixed it - thanks

I re-installed 6.3.004 from my backup
I upgraded to 6.3.006 via menu/setup/system/software update and got the same changes as reported in post #1
Copied over the enigma2.sh file and rebooted - box now shows my images on bootup as I've been using for past years.