View Full Version : Vu+ Solo2 - Wont change bouquet

28-03-23, 10:53
Hi All , I am new here so go steady on me. I have had a vu+ Solo2 for a while but not had much use as we had sky and my wife struggles with tech and refused to use the Vu+ so I used it upstairs via Kodi so never realy used the GUI on the main box. Anyway we have decided to cancel sky (Have now done this) so I loaded the latest version of OpenViX 6.3.003 (2023-03-02) , Retuned and set things up.

Everything seemed to be fine but then when I load the EPG and click the arrow Forward or Backwards to change the Bouquet the first press changes it fine and displays the channels, then when I press the arrow again to go to the next bouquet in the list it does nothing at all, If I go back it goes back one but then will only go forward one and back one. If I then scroll down the channel list and press the arrow forward it works and goes to the next bouquet in the list , Then scroll again and arrow forward and works fine. Basically if I dont scroll down the channel list at least one channel it does not work ( I am terrible at explaining things sorry ! )

Its a strange one but I didn't have much time to play. I have restarted the unit in case but no change. I will change the skin later to see if its that and disable each Bouquet just in case its that. I have also used E-Channelizer to configure some IPTV channels, Organise and disable bouquets so unsure if this may have anything to do with it.

Hopefully I have explained well enough !!, All help appreciated, I can supply any additional info if required. I cant remember what skin it is and not at home to check but will add that later.


P.S I am currently looking to upgrade to the Duo 4k Or Uno 4k , Just need to get her in doors to use this one first ! Was a bit embarrassing last night when I told her everything was good and its no different , Only for it not to work ! lol

28-03-23, 11:20
Could i ask if your on the favourites list and you see all the bouquets listed like movies sports news etc and can you go up and down that list via the buttons above and below the OK button

28-03-23, 11:55
Hi Thanks for the reply. When i click 'epg' it loads my Entertainment bouquet one up first. I know I can select an option for the bouquet list to open when i press epg (From settings) is there a was I can do it from the main EPG page then ?

I have logged in a machine at home and grabbed this from openwebif, Circled are hidden :-



P.S I have hidden a lot of the bouquets , i have ' Entertainment ' , ' +1 ' Sports ' , ' 'Movies ' , ' Documentaries ' & ' Music '. The others are hidden using E-Channeliser.

28-03-23, 14:13
What do you mean backwards and forwards buttons? The buttons to change bouquet are left and right of the 0 button.

Also in EPG press TV button and it will show the bouquet list.

28-03-23, 14:29
Yes its the buttons at the side of the 0 :-


Ah I will try the TV button later, Didnt realise you could do that.


28-03-23, 20:53
Ok so I get home and the wife is not happy , I managed to get her to use it earlier and she was watchinf a recording and it locked up and froze. When I got back the screen was just froze so I had to reset the box, Came back on ok.

*** During a reset doing the tests below , The HDD starting tiking so I am wondering if that is guessed ??? Hence why it froze on a recordinh. ***

So I moved onto the other issue , There are alsorts of things that dont seem right now , All on the same lines with pressing a button on the remote and nothing working until i press arrow (On EPG this will go down to the next in list). This also seems to be happening on the in other parts. I attempted to flash the system to see if the Openvix 6.3 was the issue. I went into the settings / Vix / Install Manager / Downloads and then downloaded the vix 6.2 Then select that . With the openvix- selected (As Pictured ) :-


Now at this point I press 'OK' on the remote , The light on remote comes on TV , And nothing happens at all untill I select something else in the list and go back upto the openvix- I continued anyway but that is making no difference to the system.

It seems some buttons will not react untill I press up / down on the remote to select something else.

I am totally confused and the wife is doing her nut at me. I am tempted to just buy the VU+ Uno 4K but I am worried it may happen on that as well.

The only other option is to totally reset the whole thing back to factory and try again ?????



28-03-23, 21:16
I have never used either side buttons of the 0

On my bouquets ABM i use the buttons around the OK button.

That image above was your Image Manager and i dont see the coloured buttons for other options.
Ah i see it on the left saying what the coloured buttons do

What skin are you using as i use simple 1080 which might show more info.
On mine if i click on 6.3 or 6.2 i get a choice of which version i want to use.

I never factory reset as can screw boxes up and only overwrite by reflashing another image.
Do you have a HDD mounted for recordings or a mounted usb stick

28-03-23, 21:19
*** Additional , Yeh i think it has to be the box / Remote. I have done a factory and had to press up and down before selecting any options and pressing ok did nothing until then ***

I suppose has to be a new box. Batteries are fine in the remote and light comes on when you press ok so it cant be that.

I am stumped.


28-03-23, 21:36
"I have never used either side buttons of the 0

On my bouquets ABM i use the buttons around the OK button.

That image above was your Image Manager and i dont see the coloured buttons for other options.
Ah i see it on the left saying what the coloured buttons do

What skin are you using as i use simple 1080 which might show more info.
On mine if i click on 6.3 or 6.2 i get a choice of which version i want to use.

I never factory reset as can screw boxes up and only overwrite by reflashing another image.
Do you have a HDD mounted for recordings or a mounted usb stick "

Something now right at all with the system , Strange its just gone. Its as if the remote is not working and the when you press up / down it makes it work.

I am just doing the reset now so, Scanning channels. I will get the skin name then , BUt i have tried them all and noting works with either.

The 'TV' button does not bring the bouquets up for me ??

HDD Is internal , No bif thing replacing that at all.


28-03-23, 22:04
Just order a new one ...... Obviouslt from World Of Satalite.

Thanks for your help all,


28-03-23, 22:10
That solo2 is a great box and why you messed with e channelizer is beyond me. You should have kept it simple initially. You are behind the rimes, no one does a factory reset. you flash a new image etc/

Openvix is configured to work almost out of the box. If you want to start again you need to say, have you a HDD installed and did you initialise it. where are you storing the epg? did you enable openepg? have you 2 cables and both tuners configured? The buttons are preconfigured in vix so no need to change. The default skin is simple 1080 and very good so start with that. So this my method

1. flash, do initial setup language etc

2. set epg best to store on usb.

3. set openepg

4. select autobouquets and hide sections, you have to select your regions and your done/

now press tv button bouquets appear, select a bouquet, then press epg buttton appears, eixt. press ok arrow up list of channels appear, and you have 4 colour buttons at bottom s blue takes you back to favouites ie bouquets, when in a channel list arrows work up down left right.

Its really that simple, So press tv and bouquets appear press menu and you can configyre the layout, i use mostly default, first line chnage to yes, you get numbers 1 etc, green to svae/ exit, press epg press menu to configure view mode graphics, service title mode picon and service name, picture in grahic yrs, green to save and exit

job done, , i might do a few pics to show how good it looks later

28-03-23, 22:30
Just order a new one ...... Obviouslt from World Of Satalite.

Thanks for your help all,


Thanks for reply , I have been using this system for 6 - 7 years now with no issues it just suddelny stopped doing what it should do last night. I use the arrows to change the bouquet whilst on the EPG and has always worked with no issues. The remote is not doing what I tell it / Or the box is not responding to the command it sends. The HDD is no issue , The EPG is no issue.

Why not use E-Channeliser ???? I have used this alot and I have found it good and allows you to sort Bouqets very easy and allows you to add your own IPTV channels without importing the full list or trying to use Xstream plugin.

As far as the factory restore I was not aware you didnt use it, Unsure why its there then ?? I did flash the system to the new 6.3 on saturday - system worked ok after that until Monday night. I did a factory tonight just incase but made no difference. Even trying to select from the menu's does not work properly. Hence why I now 99% sure something has died.


28-03-23, 23:06
Gotcha enjoy the new box, from your first post it sounded like you only used KODI but your last post shows you are pretty adept. And thanks for clarifying.

28-03-23, 23:10
I still have my Solo2 and not used as much but still works , with all all the changes going on with images did you set it up from scratch ?

Did you do resetting's restore from an older image as with all the changes with Python 2 to Python 3 and beyond.

abu baniaz
28-03-23, 23:40
Although you can hide ABM bouquets using E-channelizer, ABM has options to hide bouquets. It is never a good idea to manually adjust ABM bouquets, ABM will override your changes next time it runs. You are better off using the function in ABM to customise the bouquets it creates or hijack the bouquets and make them your own. You may want to enable always show bouquets both in the channel selection and EPG options until you get used to it. A thread which may be useful to you: https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?63049-Bouquets-EPG-amp-Channel-navigation

29-03-23, 09:29
Yeh I agree cactikid the Solo2 is a great piece of kit. I tried flashing before I did the restore on it to try and see if that would change anything. As it had sat for years and never had newer software on I decided to do this Saturday, I think it was Monday it stopped working so I could not see it being that but had to try everything I could as logically there was no reason for it to fail.

Sorry bmitie I did not explain too well in my first post , I have had the box for ages and set it up. I am a VB / Delphi programmer and was an IT Repair technician (And arcade repair technician) for many years so I have a reasonable understanding of how it all works. Never done anything with Linux stuff though, Never got round to it.

Thanks for your reply abu baniaz, I found E-Channeliser many years ago when I first had the box and just stuck with it as I could not find where to change the settings to what I needed. I need box as simple as possible (So the wife can use it) and to customise the Bouquets to allow me to add IPTV with EPG. I never delete bouquets just edit and hide. When I get time I will dig into this further to see how this is coded to get a better understanding of how things work. I will look at the ABM stuff when I get my new shiny Vu+ tommorow (Thursday). I have just noticed that the instruction in PDF you attached reccomends using e-channeliser ?? :-


I have read that I dont need the Unicable LNB and I can use my sky ones as normal (I hope). I cant afford the Unicode LMB yet but with certainly be purchasing in a few months.

I am strongly thinking there may be an issue with the remote but not 100% , I may buy 1 just out of the fact I need to know why its not working ! lol

Thanks all for your input.


P.S also noticed that there is not many English reviews for the VU+ on youtube or help videos. I always like these as gives you some good tips and incites !

01-04-23, 12:56
So the 'Repacement' Has arrived and wow its awsome !!! Setup in 10 minutes , Used E-Channeliser to sort my channles out and all working perfect. Again I use the forward and backward to go between my Bouquets.

I have ordered a remote for the Solo2 as I am convinced its that, WIll let you know.

Big thanks to world of satalite for the great servcie - Order arrived next day.


01-04-23, 14:03
You could also use the Solo2 when you have it up and running in another room with no sat feeds and using the Hdmi and lan feed and use the box in client mode and use a tuner on the new box to stream to.?

01-04-23, 17:01
Yeh I was thinking about that , May put a new HDD in it and leave it donestairs and the daughter can use it through Kodi (I have my nas box with everything on so kill 2 birds). I didnt realise you could use it in another room without sat feeds , How do you mary the 2 up ?? Is there instructions anywhere ??


P.S As an added bonus the sky box died last night !! Damn things sound was on and off and box getting hot , Restarted and lost video & audio. SPoke to engineer (Who was very helpfull) and after a few reset we got video back but no audio. Only got 3 weeks of contract as it ends on the 25th but he said I was paying at the minute so he will send an engineer out next Froday. They will replace the box for like 2 weeks , Unsure if its worth it but hey if they insist.

01-04-23, 22:45
On your solo2 go into Tuner settings and look for Fallback Configuration and enter your other box ip in here when you enable it.

It works best on a multi tuner box as it takes one tuner off that box for a connection

4 Tuner box would allow 3 tuners to work as its other tuner will be used on the Solo2.

abu baniaz
02-04-23, 00:17
What is the new box you have? I would not use fallback tuner if your receiver has no signal input of its own. Maybe client mode or Remote channel stream converter

I will be moving this thread from downloads/changelogs

02-04-23, 00:38
@Abu i thought it was Client mode but it is not there and only Fallback tuner is listed

abu baniaz
02-04-23, 01:01
It is there my friend. Look at bottom of screen.

02-04-23, 11:11
Ah yes and now i see it on the tuner page. Cheers better eyesight rules the day.

02-04-23, 20:41
WIll look , Thanks guys.

P.S Whats the best EPG to use ?? I am using the EPG-Downloader one.


06-04-23, 20:09
Just to confirm the issue is the Remote control !!! Damn thing !!!!

Posted this as it may help someone else in the future.


07-04-23, 01:16
I had to open up 2 remotes with issues a Vu Zero with a faulty on/off button and told to give it a clean and now working.

Panasonic remote Duracell batteries leaked again and had to open it up to clean the residue out for my Blu Ray as no signal looking at it on my camera.

07-04-23, 06:53
I had to open up 2 remotes with issues a Vu Zero with a faulty on/off button and told to give it a clean and now working.

Panasonic remote Duracell batteries leaked again and had to open it up to clean the residue out for my Blu Ray as no signal looking at it on my camera.

Duracell batteries are not the quality they once were and will leak, often before they get to the end of their life. When mentioning this on other groups I read many people confirmed this was their experience and even pound shop unbranded batteries were lasting longer without leaking. I first noticed this change in quality with Duracell Procell/Industrial batteries around 4 years ago but also in the past few years with Duracell batteries readily available in supermarkets. Unfortunately it's often 6+ months later after fitting the batteries in equipment that you find the problem.

As for the remote, its common for them to stop fully working. Prising open the plastic case, dismantling and washing EVERTHING under a cold running tap and then letting everything dry before re-assembly will usually get them working again. Dry first on a paper towel and then place the component parts is a warm place for many hours will get them dry. It's often gunge/oil from your hands that over many years of use gets between the keyboard membrane and the PCB that causes the failures - and this can be washed off.