View Full Version : [VU+ Zero4K] video mode selection problem after upgrade to 6.x

02-03-23, 21:30
Hi all,

I decided to upgrade my VU+ Zero4K from 5.3.028 to the latest, 6.3.002. On booting the new version, I get a "Video mode selection" screen. However I can't actually select a video mode from the list, because it doesn't seem to get my remote control's signal. Using the VU+ remote that came with the box, fresh batteries, worked fine a minute ago on 5.3.028.

I tried downgrading to the oldest version available, 6.2.009, and the same problem happens there. Unfortunately no older versions are available, so I can't trace this any further.

Only have a manual backup of /etc as backup was broken on the old 5.3.028, so cannot just restore that old image.

So I now have no sat TV :-(

Anyone know how to proceed?

03-03-23, 01:37
No idea why that is. It works here. Also even without UP/DOWN the list changes the selection itself every few seconds.

03-03-23, 01:46
Thanks for the reply, Huevos.

I've since worked out what's going on. It turns out I'd changed the (System -> Setup -> Remote Control Code -> Remote Control System Code) setting from 2 (default) to 1. I think my universal remote needed it that way. When you change it, OpenVIX tells you how to set your RCU to code 1, so of course it then stopped working with an upgrade to a new OpenVIX installation, which again defaulted to 2.

I ended up using the web interface's simulated remote control to set it to 1, and indeed, to get past the video mode selection screen.

So, not a bug -- but if you ever change your RCU system code, you can't upgrade your OpenVIX installation. That's not so good. But at least the problem and solution are now documented here for posterity.