View Full Version : DM800 SifTeam Extreme Edition rev.178

22-02-11, 09:04
SifTeam Extreme Edition rev.178

Added Firmware for DVB-T based on EM28xx
Update v4l-dvb-modules for last commit
Added EM28XX for DVB-T ( Hauppauge WinTV HVR 900 etc..). See usbloader dictionary.csv for complete list.
fix warning in the compilation of the driver RTL8187L
Removed panel "usb tuners"
Added panel "usb devices"
Preinstalled usbutils
Fixed bug on "end of line" in usbloader
Removed modprobe.conf (now is autogenerated from usbloader dictionary)
Added all usb dvb tuners in usbloader dictionary
Preinstalled on image all v4-dvb modules
Fix wrong patch on last commit for realtek rtl8187l
Big fix for sources code driver rtl8187l
Fixed rtl8187l preinstallation
Reverted latest updated of enigma2.bb
Added wifi in **** machine configuration
Changed rtl8187l PN
Added rtl8187 as default in wlan task
Added wpa-supplicant as depency of enigma2 (needed on ****)
Commented getChannelInfo from WirelessLan plugin (needed for rtl8187l)
Added usbloader
Moved modprobe.conf from extuner to usbloader
Added support crypto arc4 and michael_mic by default for rtl8187l
Missing file on last commit for Realtek RTL8187L (sources prepared by bobsilvio)
Driver for Wifi with chipset Realtek RTL8187L (BETA VERSION)
Readded **** machines with correct wpa-supplicant preferred version
Added libdvdcss2 as dependency of dvdplayer
Added missing font "Display" in skin.xml
Increased enigma2 revision
Fixed movie menu alignment issue
Small fixes on extuner
Added support for AverMedia A815M and firmware for af9015
Added support for DVB-T AverMedia A835/B835
Removed now useless customized vuplus machines configurations
Added folder (for now empty) for wifi drivers
Updated vuplus stuff to 20110101
Updated LCN scanner revision
Updated OE to 20101230
Updated enigma2 to 20101231 (80a99b08bd6e0932a420e805d928dc5ae5b80f61)
Upgrade enigma2 plugins to 20101230
Added LCN scanner
Updated crossepg

Abbiamo introdotto due importanti novità in questa release:

La prima è LCN scanner :
Un comodo plugin per il dtt. Per il suo funzionamento fate riferimento a questo thread LCN SCANNER Plugin

La seconda è l'usbloader:
D'ora in poi le periferiche usb che siano dispositivi wifi o dtt potranno essere installate comodamente plug and play.
Infilando la penna nella porta usb e riavviando il decoder essa sarà riconosciuta ,installata e avviata automaticamente.
Essendo un cambiamento radicale, questo nuovo metodo di riconoscimento delle periferiche va testato in larga scale,dunque riportateci feedback sia negativi che positivi.

Le penne dtt basate su chip 9015 funzionano solo sul dm800 e Vusolo e non sul dm800se -8000 e 500hd Vuplus in quanto stiamo cercando di capire come farle funzionare sui processori dual core

(Fate riferimento alla lista dei dispositivi compatibili qui Usbloader SifTeam lista dispositivi compatibili wifi-dtt)

Thanks to
And all SifTeam Members
