View Full Version : My YouViX Blue modification

05-02-23, 17:08

attached my modification version of the great YouViX Blue -skin. If someone is interested testing it. It is up to date with latest version of OpenViX image !


05-02-23, 19:34
What are the changes?

05-02-23, 20:25
I've tried it and it works well but I don't use YouViX normally so wasn't sure what was different.
One thing that is a huge improvement is that he's changed the preview image in skin selector. That red wine screen does my head in :)

64705 64706

06-02-23, 06:38
What are the changes?

I have checked every screen against log to get rid of skin warnings and alarms.
Added missing buttons, menu keys, descriptions, footnotes etc.
InfoBar, Second InfoBar, Graphical EPG have been modified maybe most.
Running text on for example Event_Now and Event_Next.
Added more plugins.

abu baniaz
06-02-23, 07:13
Surely if you have fixed errors, the fixes should be pushed to the repository?

Thanks for effort in fixing them.

04-03-23, 07:42
Updated version (Vu+ Multiboot, TextBox, LCD4Linux)


04-03-23, 08:38
Updated version (Vu+ Multiboot, TextBox, LCD4Linux)



This is correct version


04-03-23, 10:26
@Orlandox. You changed the filenames. How can we commit this?

04-03-23, 10:39
Hello, I have changed the original YouViX-Blue so much, that's why I would like to use name YouVix-Blue-Mod. Is it possible to commit with that name ?

04-03-23, 13:27
Not really unless you create a new standalone skin... and you have also modified the shared skin.

Unless you can think of another way to handle it.

04-03-23, 17:22
Can it be done by just renaming the skin ?

04-03-23, 17:49
You can combine everything into one skin folder.


04-03-23, 17:54
You can combine everything into one skin folder.


Yes, if it then can be commit, thank you. I need to check the paths of the *.png then.

04-03-23, 18:01
I did a find and replace with Notepad++ and changed everything from the common folder to the blue folder

04-03-23, 19:25
Here it is ! 64931

04-03-23, 19:46
So this no longer depends on the common skin? That would make things simpler... but... can't commit like that. All the makefiles are missing.

04-03-23, 20:36
So this no longer depends on the common skin? That would make things simpler... but... can't commit like that. All the makefiles are missing.

Yes, only 1 folder 'YouViX-Blue-Mod'. What are 'makefiles' ?

Is it Makefile.am ?

Looks like this ?

installdir = $(datadir)/enigma2/YouViX-Blue-Mod

SUBDIRS = buttons countries crossepg epg extensions fonts icons imdb infobar logos menuicons networkbrowser ondemand pvr screens selectionbars spinner vixcore

dist_install_DATA = *.png *.xml

Does it also need 'meta' folder ?

04-03-23, 21:21
Yes, there needs to be a makefile in every folder and then they all need listing in configure.ac.

So have a look at the ones in the current folders for the basics.

05-03-23, 09:48
Hello Huevos,

here is the YouViX-Blue-Mod zip file with Makefile.am added to each folder + meta folder added with files Makefile.am and skin_YouViX-Blue-Mod.xml.
So, I modified configure.ac. Do I need to make a PR for both ?



05-03-23, 17:53
Thank you @Huevos for adding my skin !

If changes are needed in the future, how do I commit them ? By creating PR ?

05-03-23, 18:40
You can check if that worked ok by reflashing with the latest Dev build.

Yes, just create PRs.

10-03-23, 14:53
Hello @Huevos,

I made https://github.com/OpenViX/skins/pull/74 couple of days ago, is it okay ? When you have time, can you please check it ?

abu baniaz
10-03-23, 15:27
I don't see why changes to fix a skin have to be a new skin.

10-03-23, 19:39
I don't see why changes to fix a skin have to be a new skin.

Because they are not changes to fix a skin. They are modifying the skin. And from the start point there was no proper commit record of the skin mods. So now Orlandox has his own play area.

By the way I had to fix the build because of this skin: https://github.com/OpenViX/skins/commit/5c3a6e15937edfe09bb2c82f7b9360ea49186605

10-03-23, 21:17
Okay, and thank you Huevos ! Just made a PR about those dot.png and fulldot.png (copied from your skin :o).

10-03-23, 23:23
Just made a PR about those dot.png and fulldot.png. Where they are used? How to test?So this is experimental code. In Setup lists and other lists that use your MenuConfigWidget in templates.xml, (you can experiment with other lists and widgets too), you can lose the scrollbar and add the pagination icons instead.

Something like this in templates:

<!-- ## MENU WIDGETS ## -->
<screen name="MenuConfigWidget">
<widget name="config" objectTypesInverted="config,ConfigList" position="680,157" size="1160,765" font="youvix-r;27" itemHeight="45" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="menubackground" transparent="1" enableWrapAround="1" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" zPosition="1" />
<widget name="config" objectTypes="config,ConfigList" position="680,157" size="1160,720" font="youvix-r;27" itemHeight="45" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="menubackground" transparent="1" enableWrapAround="1" scrollbarMode="never" zPosition="1" />
<widget addon="Pager" connection="config" objectTypes="config,ConfigList" position="680,890" size="1160,25" spacing="30" transparent="1" backgroundColor="background" />

11-03-23, 10:50
Tested and okay, except this must be scrollbarMode="showNever", just for an info, if someone want to use that.

11-03-23, 13:36
Tested and okay, except this must be scrollbarMode="showNever", just for an info, if someone want to use that.Nobody's perfect! I'm glad I've got you to keep an eye on me. :D

06-08-23, 16:23

I would like to show 'ico_stream.png' on the InfoBar, but this is not showing it. What's wrong ?

<widget source="session.CurrentService" render="Pixmap" pixmap="icons/ico_stream.png" position="1607,984" size="38,38" zPosition="1" alphatest="blend" scale="1">
<convert type="TransponderInfo">Stream</convert>
<convert type="ConditionalShowHide"/>

These are shown OK :

<widget source="session.CurrentService" render="Pixmap" pixmap="icons/ico_dvb-s.png" position="1607,984" size="38,38" zPosition="1" alphatest="blend" scale="1">
<convert type="TransponderInfo">DVB-S;DVB-S2</convert>
<convert type="ConditionalShowHide"/>
<widget source="session.CurrentService" render="Pixmap" pixmap="icons/ico_dvb-t.png" position="1607,984" size="38,38" zPosition="1" alphatest="blend" scale="1">
<convert type="TransponderInfo">DVB-T;DVB-T2</convert>
<convert type="ConditionalShowHide"/>
<widget source="session.CurrentService" render="Pixmap" pixmap="icons/ico_dvb-c.png" position="1607,984" size="38,38" zPosition="1" alphatest="blend" scale="1">
<convert type="TransponderInfo">DVB-C</convert>
<convert type="ConditionalShowHide"/>

06-08-23, 19:53

I would like to show 'ico_stream.png' on the InfoBar, but this is not showing it. What's wrong ?

<widget source="session.CurrentService" render="Pixmap" pixmap="icons/ico_stream.png" position="1607,984" size="38,38" zPosition="1" alphatest="blend" scale="1">
<convert type="TransponderInfo">Stream</convert>
<convert type="ConditionalShowHide"/>

These are shown OK :

<widget source="session.CurrentService" render="Pixmap" pixmap="icons/ico_dvb-s.png" position="1607,984" size="38,38" zPosition="1" alphatest="blend" scale="1">
<convert type="TransponderInfo">DVB-S;DVB-S2</convert>
<convert type="ConditionalShowHide"/>
<widget source="session.CurrentService" render="Pixmap" pixmap="icons/ico_dvb-t.png" position="1607,984" size="38,38" zPosition="1" alphatest="blend" scale="1">
<convert type="TransponderInfo">DVB-T;DVB-T2</convert>
<convert type="ConditionalShowHide"/>
<widget source="session.CurrentService" render="Pixmap" pixmap="icons/ico_dvb-c.png" position="1607,984" size="38,38" zPosition="1" alphatest="blend" scale="1">
<convert type="TransponderInfo">DVB-C</convert>
<convert type="ConditionalShowHide"/>

Switch language to English and try again.

06-08-23, 20:00
Language changed to English (UK), but no help for ico_stream.png. ico_dvb-s.png and ico_dvb-t.png are shown.

06-08-23, 21:33
Language changed to English (UK), but no help for ico_stream.png. ico_dvb-s.png and ico_dvb-t.png are shown.Ok, we need debug. Try the attached file and grab the debug log.

07-08-23, 04:47
Is this enough ?

< 35312.0675> 06:41:06.1214 [ActionMap] Keymap 'OkCancelActions' -> Action = 'ok'.
< 35312.0680> 06:41:06.1219 [Navigation] playing ref 4097:0:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv/v1/stitch/embed/hls/channel/xxx/xxx/master.m3u8?deviceType=samsung-tvplus&deviceMake=samsung&deviceModel=samsung&deviceVersion=unknown&appVersion=unknown&deviceLat=0&deviceLon=0&deviceDNT={TARGETOPT}&deviceId={PSID}&advertisingId={PSID}&us_privacy=1YNY&samsung_app_domain={APP_DOMAIN}&samsung_app_name={APP_NAME}&profileLimit=&profileFloor=&embedPartner=samsung-tvplus:Burning Love
< 35312.0685> 06:41:06.1224 [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:60D:2001:20F6:EEEE0000:0:0:0:
< 35312.0685> 06:41:06.1224 [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:60D:2001:20F6:EEEE0000:0:0:0:
< 35312.0846> 06:41:06.1384 [Pixmap] setPixmapNum(0) failed! defined pixmaps: []
< 35312.0857> 06:41:06.1395 [eDVBSubtitleParser] disable dvb subtitles
< 35312.0860> 06:41:06.1399 [eDVBTeletextParser] disable teletext subtitles page ffffffffffffffff (und)
< 35312.0860> 06:41:06.1399 [eDVBSubtitleParser] start on pid 0x07e7 with composition_page_id 1 and ancillary_page_id 1
< 35312.0861> 06:41:06.1399 [eDVBPESReader] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER pid=07e7
< 35312.0883> 06:41:06.1422 [eTSMPEGDecoder] decoder state: play, vpid=ffffffff, apid=ffffffff
< 35312.0884> 06:41:06.1422 [eDVBPCR0] DEMUX_STOP ok
< 35312.0884> 06:41:06.1423 [eDVBPCR0] destroy
< 35312.0884> 06:41:06.1423 [eDVBVideo0] DEMUX_STOP ok
< 35312.0894> 06:41:06.1432 [eDVBVideo0] VIDEO_STOP ok
< 35312.0930> 06:41:06.1468 [eDVBVideo0] destroy
< 35312.0930> 06:41:06.1469 [eDVBAudio0] AUDIO_STOP ok
< 35312.1209> 06:41:06.1748 [eDVBAudio0] DEMUX_STOP ok
< 35312.1210> 06:41:06.1749 [eDVBAudio0] AUDIO_CONTINUE ok
< 35312.1297> 06:41:06.1836 [eDVBAudio0] destroy
< 35312.1297> 06:41:06.1836 [eDVBText0] DEMUX_STOP ok
< 35312.1298> 06:41:06.1836 [decoder][eDVBText] stopCaching
< 35312.1305> 06:41:06.1843 [eDVBText0] destroy
< 35312.1305> 06:41:06.1844 [decoder][eDVBText] resetPID
< 35312.1305> 06:41:06.1844 [decoder][eDVBText] freeCache
< 35312.1322> 06:41:06.1860 [eDVBResourceManager] start release channel timer
< 35312.1326> 06:41:06.1864 [eServiceMP3] construct!
< 35312.1328> 06:41:06.1866 [eServiceMP3] playbin uri=http://stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv/v1/stitch/embed/hls/channel/xxx/xxx/master.m3u8?deviceType=samsung-tvplus&deviceMake=samsung&deviceModel=samsung&deviceVersion=unknown&appVersion=unknown&deviceLat=0&deviceLon=0&deviceDNT={TARGETOPT}&deviceId={PSID}&advertisingId={PSID}&us_privacy=1YNY&samsung_app_domain={APP_DOMAIN}&samsung_app_name={APP_NAME}&profileLimit=&profileFloor=&embedPartner=samsung-tvplus
< 35312.1387> 06:41:06.1926 [eServiceMP3] starting pipeline
< 35312.1581> 06:41:06.2119 [Notifications] RemovePopup, id = Parental control
< 35312.1683> 06:41:06.2221 [eServiceMP3] state transition NULL -> READY
< 35312.4031> 06:41:06.4569 [eInputDeviceInit] 0 160 (352) 1
< 35312.4031> 06:41:06.4570 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 0
< 35312.4035> 06:41:06.4574 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 352 (Break) KeyID='KEY_OK' Binding='('OK',)'.
< 35312.7493> 06:41:06.8032 [eInputDeviceInit] 1 160 (352) 1
< 35312.7494> 06:41:06.8032 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 1
< 35312.7497> 06:41:06.8035 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 352 (Make) KeyID='KEY_OK' Binding='('OK',)'.
< 35312.7500> 06:41:06.8039 [ActionMap] Keymap 'OkCancelActions' -> Action = 'ok'.
< 35313.0850> 06:41:07.1389 [eInputDeviceInit] 0 160 (352) 1
< 35313.0851> 06:41:07.1389 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 0
< 35313.0853> 06:41:07.1392 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 352 (Break) KeyID='KEY_OK' Binding='('OK',)'.
< 35314.0687> 06:41:08.1225 [DVBCAHandler] no more services
< 35314.4092> 06:41:08.4630 [eServiceMP3] state transition READY -> PAUSED
< 35314.4276> 06:41:08.4815 [eServiceMP3] getSubtitleList finished
< 35314.4302> 06:41:08.4841 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 1 getText
< 35314.4303> 06:41:08.4842 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 2 getText
< 35314.4304> 06:41:08.4842 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] t ['dvb-s', 'dvb-s2']
< 35314.4304> 06:41:08.4843 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] out False
< 35314.4307> 06:41:08.4845 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 1 getText
< 35314.4307> 06:41:08.4846 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 2 getText
< 35314.4308> 06:41:08.4846 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] t ['dvb-t', 'dvb-t2']
< 35314.4308> 06:41:08.4847 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] out False
< 35314.4312> 06:41:08.4850 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 1 getText
< 35314.4312> 06:41:08.4851 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 2 getText
< 35314.4313> 06:41:08.4851 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] t ['dvb-c']
< 35314.4313> 06:41:08.4852 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] out False
< 35314.4316> 06:41:08.4854 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 1 getText
< 35314.4316> 06:41:08.4855 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 2 getText
< 35314.4317> 06:41:08.4855 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] t ['stream']
< 35314.4317> 06:41:08.4856 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] out False
< 35314.4553> 06:41:08.5091 [eServiceMP3] getSubtitleList finished
< 35314.4653> 06:41:08.5192 [setIoPrio] best-effort level 7 ok
< 35314.4658> 06:41:08.5197 [eBackgroundFileEraser] removing /media/usb/timeshift/pts_livebuffer_1.meta.del OK
< 35314.4672> 06:41:08.5211 [eServiceMP3] trickSeek no need to unpause!
< 35314.4674> 06:41:08.5213 [Pixmap] setPixmapNum(0) failed! defined pixmaps: []
< 35314.4683> 06:41:08.5222 [eServiceMP3] trickSeek no need to unpause!
< 35314.4684> 06:41:08.5223 [eBackgroundFileEraser] removing /media/usb/timeshift/pts_livebuffer_1.sc.del OK
< 35314.4685> 06:41:08.5223 [Pixmap] setPixmapNum(0) failed! defined pixmaps: []
< 35314.4693> 06:41:08.5232 [eServiceMP3] trickSeek no need to unpause!
< 35314.4694> 06:41:08.5233 [Pixmap] setPixmapNum(0) failed! defined pixmaps: []
< 35314.4698> 06:41:08.5237 [eBackgroundFileEraser] removing /media/usb/timeshift/pts_livebuffer_1.del OK
< 35314.4701> 06:41:08.5240 [Notifications] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
< 35314.4712> 06:41:08.5251 [eServiceMP3] loading cuesheet
< 35314.4713> 06:41:08.5251 [eServiceMP3] cutfile not found!
< 35314.5057> 06:41:08.5595 [eServiceMP3] async-done - 1 video, 1 audio, 0 subtitle
< 35314.5058> 06:41:08.5596 [eServiceMP3] AUDIO STRUCT=audio/mpeg
< 35314.5059> 06:41:08.5598 [eServiceMP3] audio stream=0 codec=MPEG-4 AAC language=und
< 35314.5153> 06:41:08.5691 [eServiceMP3] getSubtitleList finished

07-08-23, 10:40
Can you get more debug please?

07-08-23, 14:00
< 68635.5567> 15:56:30.3021 [Navigation] playing ref 4097:0:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv/v1/stitch/embed/hls/channel/xxx/xxx/master.m3u8?deviceType=samsung-tvplus&deviceMake=samsung&deviceModel=samsung&devi ceVersion=unknown&appVersion=unknown&deviceLat=0&d eviceLon=0&deviceDNT={TARGETOPT}&deviceId={PSID}&a dvertisingId={PSID}&us_privacy=1YNY&samsung_app_do main={APP_DOMAIN}&samsung_app_name={APP_NAME}&prof ileLimit=&profileFloor=&embedPartner=samsung-tvplus:Burning Love
< 68635.5584> 15:56:30.3038 [eFilePushThreadRecorder] stopping thread.
< 68635.5586> 15:56:30.3041 [eDVBRecordFileThread] waiting for aio to complete
< 68635.5587> 15:56:30.3041 [eDVBRecordFileThread] buffer usage histogram (40 buffers of 188 kB)
< 68635.5587> 15:56:30.3041 [eDVBRecordFileThread] 1: 13
< 68635.5587> 15:56:30.3041 [eDVBRecordFileThread] 2: 13
< 68635.5611> 15:56:30.3065 [eFilePushThreadRecorder] THREAD STOP
< 68635.5627> 15:56:30.3081 [eDVBServicePlay] remove timeshift files
< 68635.5628> 15:56:30.3083 [eThread] old thread joined 0
< 68635.5629> 15:56:30.3084 [setIoPrio] best-effort level 7 ok
< 68635.5631> 15:56:30.3085 [eBackgroundFileEraser] removing /media/usb/timeshift/timeshift.mnOeBC.del OK
< 68635.5632> 15:56:30.3086 [eBackgroundFileEraser] filename /media/usb/timeshift/timeshift.mnOeBC.cuts not found: Function not implemented
< 68635.5632> 15:56:30.3086 [eBackgroundFileEraser] removing /media/usb/timeshift/timeshift.mnOeBC.sc.del OK
< 68635.5635> 15:56:30.3089 [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:19:60D:2001:20F6:EEEE0000:0:0:0:
< 68635.5635> 15:56:30.3090 [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:60D:2001:20F6:EEEE0000:0:0:0:
< 68635.5806> 15:56:30.3260 [Pixmap] setPixmapNum(0) failed! defined pixmaps: []
< 68635.5819> 15:56:30.3274 [eDVBSubtitleParser] disable dvb subtitles
< 68635.5823> 15:56:30.3277 [eDVBTeletextParser] disable teletext subtitles page ffffffffffffffff (und)
< 68635.5823> 15:56:30.3278 [eDVBSubtitleParser] start on pid 0x07e7 with composition_page_id 1 and ancillary_page_id 1
< 68635.5824> 15:56:30.3278 [eDVBPESReader] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER pid=07e7
< 68635.5847> 15:56:30.3301 [eTSMPEGDecoder] decoder state: play, vpid=ffffffff, apid=ffffffff
< 68635.5847> 15:56:30.3302 [eDVBPCR0] DEMUX_STOP ok
< 68635.5848> 15:56:30.3302 [eDVBPCR0] destroy
< 68635.5848> 15:56:30.3302 [eDVBVideo0] DEMUX_STOP ok
< 68635.5857> 15:56:30.3312 [eDVBVideo0] VIDEO_STOP ok
< 68635.5898> 15:56:30.3353 [eDVBVideo0] destroy
< 68635.5898> 15:56:30.3353 [eDVBAudio0] AUDIO_STOP ok
< 68635.6175> 15:56:30.3630 [eDVBAudio0] DEMUX_STOP ok
< 68635.6176> 15:56:30.3631 [eDVBAudio0] AUDIO_CONTINUE ok
< 68635.6263> 15:56:30.3718 [eDVBAudio0] destroy
< 68635.6264> 15:56:30.3718 [eDVBText0] DEMUX_STOP ok
< 68635.6264> 15:56:30.3718 [decoder][eDVBText] stopCaching
< 68635.6269> 15:56:30.3723 [eDVBText0] destroy
< 68635.6269> 15:56:30.3724 [decoder][eDVBText] resetPID
< 68635.6270> 15:56:30.3724 [decoder][eDVBText] freeCache
< 68635.6295> 15:56:30.3749 [eDVBResourceManager] start release channel timer
< 68635.6299> 15:56:30.3753 [eServiceMP3] construct!
< 68635.6301> 15:56:30.3755 [eServiceMP3] playbin uri=http://stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv/v1/stitch/embed/hls/channel/xxx/xxx/master.m3u8?deviceType=samsung-tvplus&deviceMake=samsung&deviceModel=samsung&devi ceVersion=unknown&appVersion=unknown&deviceLat=0&d eviceLon=0&deviceDNT={TARGETOPT}&deviceId={PSID}&a dvertisingId={PSID}&us_privacy=1YNY&samsung_app_do main={APP_DOMAIN}&samsung_app_name={APP_NAME}&prof ileLimit=&profileFloor=&embedPartner=samsung-tvplus
< 68635.6374> 15:56:30.3829 [eServiceMP3] starting pipeline
< 68635.6706> 15:56:30.4160 [Notifications] RemovePopup, id = Parental control
< 68635.6784> 15:56:30.4239 [eServiceMP3] state transition NULL -> READY
< 68635.8910> 15:56:30.6365 [eInputDeviceInit] 0 160 (352) 1
< 68635.8911> 15:56:30.6365 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 0
< 68635.8914> 15:56:30.6368 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 352 (Break) KeyID='KEY_OK' Binding='('OK',)'.
< 68636.3694> 15:56:31.1148 [eInputDeviceInit] 1 160 (352) 1
< 68636.3694> 15:56:31.1149 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 1
< 68636.3698> 15:56:31.1152 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 352 (Make) KeyID='KEY_OK' Binding='('OK',)'.
< 68636.3702> 15:56:31.1156 [ActionMap] Keymap 'OkCancelActions' -> Action = 'ok'.
< 68636.7050> 15:56:31.4505 [eInputDeviceInit] 0 160 (352) 1
< 68636.7051> 15:56:31.4505 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 0
< 68636.7053> 15:56:31.4508 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 352 (Break) KeyID='KEY_OK' Binding='('OK',)'.
< 68637.1175> 15:56:31.8629 [eServiceMP3] state transition READY -> PAUSED
< 68637.1511> 15:56:31.8965 [eServiceMP3] getSubtitleList finished
< 68637.1542> 15:56:31.8996 [TransponderInfo][getText] info <enigma.iServiceInformationPtr; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'ePtr< iServiceInformation > *' at 0xa9b351d0> >
< 68637.1543> 15:56:31.8997 [TransponderInfo][getText] ref None
< 68637.1544> 15:56:31.8998 [TransponderInfo][getText] transponderraw {}
< 68637.1544> 15:56:31.8999 [TransponderInfo][getText] ref 4097:0:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv/v1/stitch/embed/hls/channel/xxx/xxx/master.m3u8?deviceType=samsung-tvplus&deviceMake=samsung&deviceModel=samsung&devi ceVersion=unknown&appVersion=unknown&deviceLat=0&d eviceLon=0&deviceDNT={TARGETOPT}&deviceId={PSID}&a dvertisingId={PSID}&us_privacy=1YNY&samsung_app_do main={APP_DOMAIN}&samsung_app_name={APP_NAME}&prof ileLimit=&profileFloor=&embedPartner=samsung-tvplus:Burning Love
< 68637.1545> 15:56:31.9000 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 1 getText
< 68637.1546> 15:56:31.9000 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 2 getText
< 68637.1546> 15:56:31.9001 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] t ['dvb-s', 'dvb-s2']
< 68637.1547> 15:56:31.9001 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] out False
< 68637.1549> 15:56:31.9004 [TransponderInfo][getText] info <enigma.iServiceInformationPtr; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'ePtr< iServiceInformation > *' at 0xa9b351d0> >
< 68637.1561> 15:56:31.9015 [TransponderInfo][getText] ref None
< 68637.1562> 15:56:31.9016 [TransponderInfo][getText] transponderraw {}
< 68637.1562> 15:56:31.9017 [TransponderInfo][getText] ref 4097:0:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv/v1/stitch/embed/hls/channel/xxx/xxx/master.m3u8?deviceType=samsung-tvplus&deviceMake=samsung&deviceModel=samsung&devi ceVersion=unknown&appVersion=unknown&deviceLat=0&d eviceLon=0&deviceDNT={TARGETOPT}&deviceId={PSID}&a dvertisingId={PSID}&us_privacy=1YNY&samsung_app_do main={APP_DOMAIN}&samsung_app_name={APP_NAME}&prof ileLimit=&profileFloor=&embedPartner=samsung-tvplus:Burning Love
< 68637.1564> 15:56:31.9018 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 1 getText
< 68637.1565> 15:56:31.9019 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 2 getText
< 68637.1565> 15:56:31.9020 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] t ['dvb-t', 'dvb-t2']
< 68637.1566> 15:56:31.9020 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] out False
< 68637.1570> 15:56:31.9025 [TransponderInfo][getText] info <enigma.iServiceInformationPtr; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'ePtr< iServiceInformation > *' at 0xa9b351d0> >
< 68637.1571> 15:56:31.9025 [TransponderInfo][getText] ref None
< 68637.1572> 15:56:31.9026 [TransponderInfo][getText] transponderraw {}
< 68637.1572> 15:56:31.9027 [TransponderInfo][getText] ref 4097:0:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv/v1/stitch/embed/hls/channel/xxx/xxx/master.m3u8?deviceType=samsung-tvplus&deviceMake=samsung&deviceModel=samsung&devi ceVersion=unknown&appVersion=unknown&deviceLat=0&d eviceLon=0&deviceDNT={TARGETOPT}&deviceId={PSID}&a dvertisingId={PSID}&us_privacy=1YNY&samsung_app_do main={APP_DOMAIN}&samsung_app_name={APP_NAME}&prof ileLimit=&profileFloor=&embedPartner=samsung-tvplus:Burning Love
< 68637.1573> 15:56:31.9027 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 1 getText
< 68637.1573> 15:56:31.9028 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 2 getText
< 68637.1574> 15:56:31.9028 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] t ['dvb-c']
< 68637.1574> 15:56:31.9029 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] out False
< 68637.1576> 15:56:31.9031 [TransponderInfo][getText] info <enigma.iServiceInformationPtr; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'ePtr< iServiceInformation > *' at 0xa9b351d0> >
< 68637.1577> 15:56:31.9031 [TransponderInfo][getText] ref None
< 68637.1578> 15:56:31.9032 [TransponderInfo][getText] transponderraw {}
< 68637.1578> 15:56:31.9033 [TransponderInfo][getText] ref 4097:0:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv/v1/stitch/embed/hls/channel/xxx/xxx/master.m3u8?deviceType=samsung-tvplus&deviceMake=samsung&deviceModel=samsung&devi ceVersion=unknown&appVersion=unknown&deviceLat=0&d eviceLon=0&deviceDNT={TARGETOPT}&deviceId={PSID}&a dvertisingId={PSID}&us_privacy=1YNY&samsung_app_do main={APP_DOMAIN}&samsung_app_name={APP_NAME}&prof ileLimit=&profileFloor=&embedPartner=samsung-tvplus:Burning Love
< 68637.1579> 15:56:31.9033 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 1 getText
< 68637.1579> 15:56:31.9034 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 2 getText
< 68637.1580> 15:56:31.9035 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] t ['stream']
< 68637.1581> 15:56:31.9035 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] out False
< 68637.1904> 15:56:31.9358 [eServiceMP3] getSubtitleList finished
< 68637.1995> 15:56:31.9449 [eThread] old thread joined 0
< 68637.1996> 15:56:31.9451 [setIoPrio] best-effort level 7 ok
< 68637.2001> 15:56:31.9455 [eBackgroundFileEraser] removing /media/usb/timeshift/pts_livebuffer_1.meta.del OK
< 68637.2006> 15:56:31.9460 [eServiceMP3] trickSeek no need to unpause!
< 68637.2007> 15:56:31.9462 [Pixmap] setPixmapNum(0) failed! defined pixmaps: []
< 68637.2014> 15:56:31.9469 [eServiceMP3] trickSeek no need to unpause!
< 68637.2015> 15:56:31.9470 [Pixmap] setPixmapNum(0) failed! defined pixmaps: []
< 68637.2020> 15:56:31.9475 [eServiceMP3] trickSeek no need to unpause!
< 68637.2021> 15:56:31.9475 [Pixmap] setPixmapNum(0) failed! defined pixmaps: []
< 68637.2027> 15:56:31.9482 [Notifications] RemovePopup, id = ZapError

07-08-23, 14:55
Ok, one more test. Maybe this fixes but I want debug too.

07-08-23, 16:28
You're the MAN ! Fixed ! Thank you !

< 77567.4202> 18:25:22.3205 [Navigation] playing ref 4097:0:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv/v1/stitch/embed/hls/channel/64915440976ee9000862de87/master.m3u8?deviceType=samsung-tvplus&deviceMake=samsung&deviceModel=samsung&deviceVersion=unknown&appVersion=unknown&deviceLat=0&deviceLon=0&deviceDNT={TARGETOPT}&deviceId={PSID}&advertisingId={PSID}&us_privacy=1YNY&samsung_app_domain={APP_DOMAIN}&samsung_app_name={APP_NAME}&profileLimit=&profileFloor=&embedPartner=samsung-tvplus:Burning Love
< 77567.4206> 18:25:22.3209 [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:1:79E0:443:1:C00000:0:0:0:
< 77567.4206> 18:25:22.3209 [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:1:79E0:443:1:C00000:0:0:0:
< 77567.4295> 18:25:22.3298 [Pixmap] setPixmapNum(0) failed! defined pixmaps: []
< 77567.4314> 18:25:22.3317 [eTSMPEGDecoder] decoder state: play, vpid=ffffffff, apid=ffffffff
< 77567.4314> 18:25:22.3317 [eDVBPCR0] DEMUX_STOP ok
< 77567.4315> 18:25:22.3318 [eDVBPCR0] destroy
< 77567.4315> 18:25:22.3318 [eDVBVideo0] DEMUX_STOP ok
< 77567.4326> 18:25:22.3329 [eDVBVideo0] VIDEO_STOP ok
< 77567.4362> 18:25:22.3365 [eDVBVideo0] destroy
< 77567.4363> 18:25:22.3366 [eDVBAudio0] AUDIO_STOP ok
< 77567.4639> 18:25:22.3642 [eDVBAudio0] DEMUX_STOP ok
< 77567.4640> 18:25:22.3643 [eDVBAudio0] AUDIO_CONTINUE ok
< 77567.4727> 18:25:22.3730 [eDVBAudio0] destroy
< 77567.4727> 18:25:22.3730 [eDVBText0] DEMUX_STOP ok
< 77567.4727> 18:25:22.3730 [decoder][eDVBText] stopCaching
< 77567.4732> 18:25:22.3735 [eDVBText0] destroy
< 77567.4733> 18:25:22.3736 [decoder][eDVBText] resetPID
< 77567.4733> 18:25:22.3736 [decoder][eDVBText] freeCache
< 77567.4747> 18:25:22.3750 [eDVBResourceManager] start release channel timer
< 77567.4752> 18:25:22.3755 [eServiceMP3] construct!
< 77567.4754> 18:25:22.3757 [eServiceMP3] playbin uri=http://stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv/v1/stitch/embed/hls/channel/64915440976ee9000862de87/master.m3u8?deviceType=samsung-tvplus&deviceMake=samsung&deviceModel=samsung&deviceVersion=unknown&appVersion=unknown&deviceLat=0&deviceLon=0&deviceDNT={TARGETOPT}&deviceId={PSID}&advertisingId={PSID}&us_privacy=1YNY&samsung_app_domain={APP_DOMAIN}&samsung_app_name={APP_NAME}&profileLimit=&profileFloor=&embedPartner=samsung-tvplus
< 77567.4811> 18:25:22.3813 [eServiceMP3] starting pipeline
< 77567.4999> 18:25:22.4002 [Notifications] RemovePopup, id = Parental control
< 77567.5066> 18:25:22.4069 [eServiceMP3] state transition NULL -> READY
< 77567.5786> 18:25:22.4789 [eEPGChannelData] abort non avail schedule other reading
< 77567.5796> 18:25:22.4798 [eEPGChannelData] abort non avail netmed schedule reading
< 77567.5802> 18:25:22.4805 [eEPGChannelData] abort non avail netmed schedule other reading
< 77567.5803> 18:25:22.4806 [eEPGChannelData] abort non avail viasat reading
< 77567.5923> 18:25:22.4926 [eEPGChannelData] nownext finished(1691421922)
< 77567.6180> 18:25:22.5183 [eEPGChannelData] schedule finished(1691421922)
< 77567.6182> 18:25:22.5185 [eEPGChannelData] stop caching events(1691421922)
< 77567.6182> 18:25:22.5185 [eEPGChannelData] next update in 60 min
< 77567.7550> 18:25:22.6553 [eInputDeviceInit] 0 160 (352) 1
< 77567.7551> 18:25:22.6553 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 0
< 77567.7554> 18:25:22.6557 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 352 (Break) KeyID='KEY_OK' Binding='('OK',)'.
< 77568.9825> 18:25:23.8828 [eInputDeviceInit] 1 160 (352) 1
< 77568.9826> 18:25:23.8828 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 1
< 77568.9829> 18:25:23.8832 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 352 (Make) KeyID='KEY_OK' Binding='('OK',)'.
< 77568.9833> 18:25:23.8835 [ActionMap] Keymap 'OkCancelActions' -> Action = 'ok'.
< 77569.2733> 18:25:24.1736 [eServiceMP3] state transition READY -> PAUSED
< 77569.2959> 18:25:24.1962 [eServiceMP3] getSubtitleList finished
< 77569.3006> 18:25:24.2009 [TransponderInfo][getText] info <enigma.iServiceInformationPtr; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'ePtr< iServiceInformation > *' at 0xae435038> >
< 77569.3007> 18:25:24.2010 [TransponderInfo][getText] ref None
< 77569.3008> 18:25:24.2011 [TransponderInfo][getText] transponderraw {}
< 77569.3009> 18:25:24.2012 [TransponderInfo][getText] ref 4097:0:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:http://stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv/v1/stitch/embed/hls/channel/64915440976ee9000862de87/master.m3u8?deviceType=samsung-tvplus&deviceMake=samsung&deviceModel=samsung&deviceVersion=unknown&appVersion=unknown&deviceLat=0&deviceLon=0&deviceDNT={TARGETOPT}&deviceId={PSID}&advertisingId={PSID}&us_privacy=1YNY&samsung_app_domain={APP_DOMAIN}&samsung_app_name={APP_NAME}&profileLimit=&profileFloor=&embedPartner=samsung-tvplus:Burning Love
< 77569.3010> 18:25:24.2013 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 1 getText Stream stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv
< 77569.3011> 18:25:24.2014 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 2 getText stream
< 77569.3011> 18:25:24.2014 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] t ['dvb-s', 'dvb-s2']
< 77569.3012> 18:25:24.2015 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] out False
< 77569.3015> 18:25:24.2018 [TransponderInfo][getText] info <enigma.iServiceInformationPtr; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'ePtr< iServiceInformation > *' at 0xae435038> >
< 77569.3016> 18:25:24.2019 [TransponderInfo][getText] ref None
< 77569.3017> 18:25:24.2020 [TransponderInfo][getText] transponderraw {}
< 77569.3017> 18:25:24.2020 [TransponderInfo][getText] ref 4097:0:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:http://stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv/v1/stitch/embed/hls/channel/64915440976ee9000862de87/master.m3u8?deviceType=samsung-tvplus&deviceMake=samsung&deviceModel=samsung&deviceVersion=unknown&appVersion=unknown&deviceLat=0&deviceLon=0&deviceDNT={TARGETOPT}&deviceId={PSID}&advertisingId={PSID}&us_privacy=1YNY&samsung_app_domain={APP_DOMAIN}&samsung_app_name={APP_NAME}&profileLimit=&profileFloor=&embedPartner=samsung-tvplus:Burning Love
< 77569.3018> 18:25:24.2021 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 1 getText Stream stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv
< 77569.3019> 18:25:24.2022 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 2 getText stream
< 77569.3019> 18:25:24.2022 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] t ['dvb-t', 'dvb-t2']
< 77569.3020> 18:25:24.2023 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] out False
< 77569.3022> 18:25:24.2025 [TransponderInfo][getText] info <enigma.iServiceInformationPtr; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'ePtr< iServiceInformation > *' at 0xae435038> >
< 77569.3023> 18:25:24.2026 [TransponderInfo][getText] ref None
< 77569.3024> 18:25:24.2027 [TransponderInfo][getText] transponderraw {}
< 77569.3024> 18:25:24.2027 [TransponderInfo][getText] ref 4097:0:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:http://stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv/v1/stitch/embed/hls/channel/64915440976ee9000862de87/master.m3u8?deviceType=samsung-tvplus&deviceMake=samsung&deviceModel=samsung&deviceVersion=unknown&appVersion=unknown&deviceLat=0&deviceLon=0&deviceDNT={TARGETOPT}&deviceId={PSID}&advertisingId={PSID}&us_privacy=1YNY&samsung_app_domain={APP_DOMAIN}&samsung_app_name={APP_NAME}&profileLimit=&profileFloor=&embedPartner=samsung-tvplus:Burning Love
< 77569.3025> 18:25:24.2028 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 1 getText Stream stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv
< 77569.3025> 18:25:24.2028 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 2 getText stream
< 77569.3026> 18:25:24.2029 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] t ['dvb-c']
< 77569.3027> 18:25:24.2029 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] out False
< 77569.3029> 18:25:24.2032 [TransponderInfo][getText] info <enigma.iServiceInformationPtr; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'ePtr< iServiceInformation > *' at 0xae435038> >
< 77569.3029> 18:25:24.2032 [TransponderInfo][getText] ref None
< 77569.3030> 18:25:24.2033 [TransponderInfo][getText] transponderraw {}
< 77569.3031> 18:25:24.2034 [TransponderInfo][getText] ref 4097:0:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:http://stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv/v1/stitch/embed/hls/channel/64915440976ee9000862de87/master.m3u8?deviceType=samsung-tvplus&deviceMake=samsung&deviceModel=samsung&deviceVersion=unknown&appVersion=unknown&deviceLat=0&deviceLon=0&deviceDNT={TARGETOPT}&deviceId={PSID}&advertisingId={PSID}&us_privacy=1YNY&samsung_app_domain={APP_DOMAIN}&samsung_app_name={APP_NAME}&profileLimit=&profileFloor=&embedPartner=samsung-tvplus:Burning Love
< 77569.3032> 18:25:24.2034 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 1 getText Stream stitcher-ipv4.pluto.tv
< 77569.3032> 18:25:24.2035 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] 2 getText stream
< 77569.3033> 18:25:24.2036 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] t ['stream']
< 77569.3033> 18:25:24.2036 [TransponderInfo][getBoolean] out True
< 77569.3346> 18:25:24.2349 [eServiceMP3] getSubtitleList finished

07-08-23, 17:06
Can you check this works properly in Finnish?

07-08-23, 17:15
Can you check this works properly in Finnish?

Language selection on my Ultimo 4K is Finnish, so it works properly (DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB-S2, Stream)

11-08-23, 09:28
next question. What is wrong with my skin, because I get this :

< 210.4528> 07:42:37.3425 [Skin] Processing screen 'MessageBoxSimple' from list 'MessageBoxSimple, MessageBox', position=(0, 0), size=(1920 x 1080) for module 'MessageBox'.
< 210.4649> 07:42:37.3546 [Pixmap] setPixmapNum(1) failed! defined pixmaps: []

<!-- ## MessageBox ## -->
<screen name="MessageBox" position="fill" flags="wfNoBorder" backgroundColor="transparent">
<panel name="BigMenuPanel" />
<panel name="MenuMyMessagesText" />
<widget name="ErrorPixmap" pixmap="icons/input_error.png" position="250,210" size="256,256" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />
<widget name="QuestionPixmap" pixmap="icons/input_question.png" position="250,210" size="256,256" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />
<widget name="InfoPixmap" pixmap="icons/input_info.png" position="250,210" size="256,256" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />
<widget name="text" position="680,165" size="1160,770" font="youvix-r;27" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="menubackground" halign="center" valign="center" transparent="1" zPosition="1" />
<widget name="list" position="80,600" size="590,210" font="youvix-r;24" itemHeight="35" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="menubackground" transparent="1" zPosition="1" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" />
<panel name="MenuButtonBar" />
<panel name="MenuKeyAutoTemplate" />
<widget name="icon" position="0,0" size="0,0"/> #To remove debug warning
<screen name="MessageBoxSimple" position="fill" flags="wfNoBorder" backgroundColor="transparent">
<panel name="MessageBox" />

11-08-23, 10:44
next question. What is wrong with my skin, because I get this :

< 210.4528> 07:42:37.3425 [Skin] Processing screen 'MessageBoxSimple' from list 'MessageBoxSimple, MessageBox', position=(0, 0), size=(1920 x 1080) for module 'MessageBox'.
< 210.4649> 07:42:37.3546 [Pixmap] setPixmapNum(1) failed! defined pixmaps: []

<!-- ## MessageBox ## -->
<screen name="MessageBox" position="fill" flags="wfNoBorder" backgroundColor="transparent">
<panel name="BigMenuPanel" />
<panel name="MenuMyMessagesText" />
<widget name="ErrorPixmap" pixmap="icons/input_error.png" position="250,210" size="256,256" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />
<widget name="QuestionPixmap" pixmap="icons/input_question.png" position="250,210" size="256,256" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />
<widget name="InfoPixmap" pixmap="icons/input_info.png" position="250,210" size="256,256" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />
<widget name="text" position="680,165" size="1160,770" font="youvix-r;27" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="menubackground" halign="center" valign="center" transparent="1" zPosition="1" />
<widget name="list" position="80,600" size="590,210" font="youvix-r;24" itemHeight="35" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="menubackground" transparent="1" zPosition="1" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" />
<panel name="MenuButtonBar" />
<panel name="MenuKeyAutoTemplate" />
<widget name="icon" position="0,0" size="0,0"/> #To remove debug warning
<screen name="MessageBoxSimple" position="fill" flags="wfNoBorder" backgroundColor="transparent">
<panel name="MessageBox" />

So a standard MessageBox has 5 types, "question, info, warning, error, message" but only 3 types of icons, "question, info, error,".

<widget name="ErrorPixmap" pixmap="icons/input_error.png" position="250,210" size="256,256" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />
<widget name="QuestionPixmap" pixmap="icons/input_question.png" position="250,210" size="256,256" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />
<widget name="InfoPixmap" pixmap="icons/input_info.png" position="250,210" size="256,256" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />

To have the 5 icons (in one widget) do the following:

<widget name="icon" pixmaps="icons/input_question.png,icons/input_info.png,icons/input_warning.png,icons/input_error.png,icons/input_message.png" position="250,210" size="256,256" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />

Either way you will get warnings from the skin (unless you used both but that wouldn't make any sense).

Discussion here: https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/commit/e1a42be5d79ded477ff9f786f285615a58c1b1a2


11-08-23, 10:50
<screen name="MessageBoxSimple" position="fill" flags="wfNoBorder" backgroundColor="transparent">
<panel name="MessageBox" />

Also you should not need that at all as there is a fallback in the python code.

11-08-23, 18:27
Yeah, no matter what I do, I get this [Pixmap] setPixmapNum(3) failed! defined pixmaps: [] <-- that for an errorpixmap, icon is shown correcty by the way.

<widget name="icon" pixmaps="icons/input_error.png,icons/input_question.png,icons/input_info.png,icons/input_warning.png,icons/input_message.png" position="250,210" size="256,256" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />
<widget name="ErrorPixmap" pixmap="icons/input_error.png" position="250,210" size="256,256" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />
<widget name="QuestionPixmap" pixmap="icons/input_question.png" position="250,210" size="256,256" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />
<widget name="InfoPixmap" pixmap="icons/input_info.png" position="250,210" size="256,256" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />

11-08-23, 21:48
Yeah, no matter what I do, I get this [Pixmap] setPixmapNum(3) failed! defined pixmaps: [] <-- that for an errorpixmap, icon is shown correcty by the way.

<widget name="icon" pixmaps="icons/input_error.png,icons/input_question.png,icons/input_info.png,icons/input_warning.png,icons/input_message.png" position="250,210" size="256,256" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />
<widget name="ErrorPixmap" pixmap="icons/input_error.png" position="250,210" size="256,256" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />
<widget name="QuestionPixmap" pixmap="icons/input_question.png" position="250,210" size="256,256" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />
<widget name="InfoPixmap" pixmap="icons/input_info.png" position="250,210" size="256,256" alphatest="blend" zPosition="1" />

Well for a start your order is wrong. I posted the correct order above already. No idea why you can't get it working. For me it works (in S1080) with the following widget.

<widget name="icon" pixmaps="icons/input_question.png,icons/input_info.png,icons/input_warning.png,icons/input_error.png,icons/input_message.png" position="10,10" size="80,80" alphatest="blend" zPosition="25"/>

12-08-23, 07:07
I got it now ! It was my mistake, because I had this <widget name="icon" position="0,0" size="0,0"/> #To remove debug warning. Aaaargh !
Thank you for your help again !

12-08-23, 11:54
I got it now ! It was my mistake, because I had this <widget name="icon" position="0,0" size="0,0"/> #To remove debug warning. Aaaargh !
Thank you for your help again !Yes but the warning is due to no images being listed in the "pixmaps" attribute.

20-08-23, 16:52

next question about TMDb skin: size of star.png has been increased from 100x100 to 150x150 and it doesn't fit anymore to the screen. How I can scale it smaller to fit size 100x100 ?

EDIT : I fixed it by using scale="1"

<ePixmap position="e-400,165" size="100,100" zPosition="0" pixmap="/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/tmdb/pic/star.png" transparent="1" alphatest="blend" scale="1"/>

06-09-23, 16:19

how to this can be shown on 'SoftwareUpdateChoices' ? Now I can only see "Perform a settings backup," and on a second line just the top of "making a backup before updating"


choices.append((_("Perform a settings backup,") + '\n\t' + _("making a backup before updating") + '\n\t' + _("is strongly advised."), "backup"))

06-09-23, 20:25
Get a screengrab of the page.

But anyway if there is only room for one line it is not going to show.

And anyway it is crap breaking up a sentence like that. It should be one translatable unit with %s or line feeds inside the gettext.

07-09-23, 04:54
Get a screengrab of the page.

But anyway if there is only room for one line it is not going to show.

And anyway it is crap breaking up a sentence like that. It should be one translatable unit with %s or line feeds inside the gettext.

From which page you want to have a screengrab ?
I can see all those 3 lines when changing font size -> <alias name="ChoiceList" font="Regular" size="10", but then the text is so small that I barely can read it.

07-09-23, 14:06
It does not make sense having three lines of text in a list item. I've moved the the warning message to the end of self["text"]. You well need to tweak the translations.


07-09-23, 15:22
Thank you. Done that and it looks good now !

07-09-23, 15:57
I was happy too soon. When you select '3', after that we have odd situation again: starting from line 350.


07-09-23, 17:00
Can it be fixed like this ?

if answer[1] == "menu":
if config.softwareupdate.updateisunstable.value == 1:
message = _("The current update may be unstable.") + "\n" + _("Are you sure you want to update your %s %s?") % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()) + "\n(%s " % self.total_packages + _("Packages") + ")"
elif config.softwareupdate.updateisunstable.value == 0:
message = _("Do you want to update your %s %s?") % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()) + "\n(%s " % self.total_packages + _("Packages") + ")"
choices = [(_("View the changes"), "changes"),
(_("Upgrade and reboot system"), "cold")]
if not self.SettingsBackupDone and not config.softwareupdate.autosettingsbackup.value and config.backupmanager.backuplocation.value:
choices.append((_("Perform a settings backup"), "backup"))
if isPluginInstalled("ViX") and not config.softwareupdate.autosettingsbackup.value and config.backupmanager.backuplocation.value:
message += "\n" + _("Making a settings backup before updating is highly recommended.")

07-09-23, 23:23
What exactly is the problem?

08-09-23, 04:53
Same texts, but little differencies:

for example:

https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/blob/Developer/lib/python/Screens/SoftwareUpdate.py#L354 -> message = _("Do you want to update your %s %s ?") % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()) + "\n(%s " % self.total_packages + _("Packages") + ")"

https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/blob/Developer/lib/python/Screens/SoftwareUpdate.py#L269 -> message = _("Do you want to update your %s %s?") % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()) + packagesMsg

Then this is too long to fit : https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/blob/Developer/lib/python/Screens/SoftwareUpdate.py#L358 -> choices.append((_("Perform a settings backup, making a backup before updating is strongly advised."), "backup"))

Now it needs double translations, because small differencies (i.e. space missing).

08-09-23, 08:21
Try this version.

The whole thing is horrible though from a translation point of view. It is all split into small units so the translator has no control over the order.

08-09-23, 09:44
Now everything looks good, thank you.

02-11-23, 14:07

I tried ColorButtonsSequence and ButtonSequence. Can I define more buttons on ButtonSequence ? And some screens are missing buttons. For example "PluginBrowser" is missing key_left, key_0 and key_right. Also "EPGSearch" is missing key_info and key_menu. So they must be added manually and ButtonSequence looses its meaning.

So is it possible to add those buttons to python code ?

05-11-23, 23:05

I tried ColorButtonsSequence and ButtonSequence. Can I define more buttons on ButtonSequence ? And some screens are missing buttons. For example "PluginBrowser" is missing key_left, key_0 and key_right. Also "EPGSearch" is missing key_info and key_menu. So they must be added manually and ButtonSequence looses its meaning.

So is it possible to add those buttons to python code ?

The buttons in ButtonSequence (e.g. TEXT, MENU, HELP, INFO) lead to other screens. In contrast, the buttons you are talking about in PluginBrowser are just a list sorting function. And also the key_0 is an exception being displayed there (no other screen uses that), so personally I don't think those hooks should be added to the python code. Where they are buttons that open other screens they have already been added everywhere in enigma python code (as far as I know).

As for EPGSearch that should be fixed, but unfortunately we don't have write access for every plugin.

07-11-23, 19:30
Is the new skin ready to down load then off the image then

07-11-23, 20:04
YouViX-Blue-Mod skin can be downloaded from the feeds (plugins). Newest version 07.11.2023 will be available when new release is ready.

09-11-23, 17:20
Looking forward to this

11-11-23, 09:47
I tried it but I have the play bar appearing along the top, is this deliberate?

11-11-23, 11:40
Do you mean this ? MoviePlayer on top and InfoBar at the bottom ? Where else MoviePlayer could be ?


11-11-23, 13:51
at the bottom when playing a recording

11-11-23, 15:16
at the bottom when playing a recording

There is only one MoviePlayer and when using TimeShift it must be on top that you can see InfoBar. So no can do ! Same for every skin.

11-11-23, 18:57
this is the normal vix blue on left and yours on right but no worries, i play a lot of recorded dont use timeshift6579665797

11-11-23, 20:18
You can edit the position of the MoviePlayer by yourself by adding a file called 'skin_user_YouViX-Blue-Mod.xml' to the path : \Root\usr\share\enigma2\YouViX-Blue-Mod\

Here is example of the file's content:


<!-- ## Movie Bar ## -->
<screen name="MoviePlayer" flags="wfNoBorder" position="0,415" size="1920,400" title="InfoBar" backgroundColor="transparent">
<panel name="PlayerTemplate"/>
<widget name="statusicon" position="276,119" size="25,25" pixmaps="pvr/play.png,pvr/pause.png,pvr/stop.png,pvr/forward.png,pvr/backward.png,pvr/slow.png,pvr/blank.png" zPosition="1" alphatest="blend" />
<widget name="speed" position="310,119" size="100,38" font="youvix-r;22" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="background2" transparent="1" zPosition="4" />
<widget name="eventname" position="0,0" size="0,0"/> #To remove debug warning
<widget name="state" position="0,0" size="0,0"/> #To remove debug warning
<widget name="key_green" position="0,0" size="0,0"/> #To remove debug warning
<widget name="key_yellow" position="0,0" size="0,0"/> #To remove debug warning
<widget name="key_blue" position="0,0" size="0,0"/> #To remove debug warning


11-11-23, 20:44
my expertise does not extend that far i would need the actual file. i like the mod and i think i edited vix blue a while back when a new release cme out but i think that was then added to later releases .

12-11-23, 10:00
In the guide is there a way to alter the font size of the description, it is too small for me to read

12-11-23, 11:55
In the guide is there a way to alter the font size of the description, it is too small for me to read

Any better with this ? Replace \Root\usr\share\enigma2\YouViX-Blue-Mod\skin_YouViX_Mod.xml with the file below. Unrar it first !


12-11-23, 14:51
Thanks but that did not do anything (that I could see).

I have attached a screen shot to show the part I mean


12-11-23, 15:22
Then search this text (line #627, skin_YouViX_Mod.xml) and change the font size you prefer.

<widget source="Event" render="RunningText" options="movetype=running,startpoint=0,direction=top,stepti me=140,repeat=3,always=0,oneshot=1,startdelay=1100 0,wrap" position="360,210" size="830,120" font="youvix-r;26" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="menubackground" transparent="1" valign="top" zPosition="1">
<convert type="EventName">FullDescription</convert>

And remember to restart the GUI !

13-11-23, 17:37
Jonmm I misread I thought you were referring to subtitles :confused:, was distracted! I tried that edit above from Orlandox and it increases text for now and next. I used 40 but it did not affect the other epg. See 2 pics. And I use WINSCP to ftp to box but any easy way to find line 627!!

13-11-23, 20:47
The attached file will change the Grid EPG font size.
Copy to /etc/enigma2/ and restart GUI.



14-11-23, 15:28
I tried that but do I need to change font size but no increase in text size? I had a look at file and there are quite a few fonts in that file. I used 40 for my pics.

14-11-23, 18:02
The file I posted just changes the meta description to font size 36.


The font size of service and event can be changed by pressing the menu button.

14-11-23, 19:00
I tried again but cant see any difference and would like it a lot bigger, old eyes, here is a pic of what now and next looks like at 40 font.

Had a quick look at your pic and font does look bigger I wonder have I done something wrong??

14-11-23, 19:40
Have you copied skin_user_YouViX-Blue-Mod.xml to /etc/enigma2/ and restarted GUI?

This is only for the YouViX-Blue-Mod and not the standard YouViX-Blue skin.

17-11-23, 08:59

how I can localize these from EPGSelectionMulti screen ?


17-11-23, 10:39
willo i am using the mod and will try again today. I amended the font in a different file, see over and that changed now and next but i will have to keep experimenting until i find the right one.

see post 72 for the fille location that I amended and it worked.

24-01-24, 09:29

Is it possible to add these to skin's parameters or do I need to add them to every screen where is scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" ?

- "scrollbarSliderBorderWidth"
- "scrollbarSliderBorderColor"
- "scrollbarSliderForegroundColor"

24-01-24, 10:51

Is it possible to add these to skin's parameters or do I need to add them to every screen where is scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" ?

- "scrollbarSliderBorderWidth"
- "scrollbarSliderBorderColor"
- "scrollbarSliderForegroundColor"

<scrollbarstyle width="6" borderWidth="1" borderColor="blue" foregroundColor="blue" backgroundColor="black" pixmap="infobar/scrlbr.png" backgroundPixmap="infobar/scrollbar.png" mode="showOnDemand"/>Add to skin.py. You don't have to use all the attributes. If they are missing it will just select the defaults.


24-01-24, 11:01
Okay, If you for example open 'MovieSelection', it used to look like this with scrollbar:


But with the latest dev image (, (completed at 2024-01-23 23:32:48)) there is no more borders. Looks like default value of "scrollbarSliderBorderColor" is missing (white).


24-01-24, 21:20

how I can localize these from EPGSelectionMulti screen ?


Add it in python and remove it from the skin.

25-01-24, 00:26
Okay, If you for example open 'MovieSelection', it used to look like this with scrollbar:


But with the latest dev image (, (completed at 2024-01-23 23:32:48)) there is no more borders. Looks like default value of "scrollbarSliderBorderColor" is missing (white).


That is already fixed.

25-01-24, 06:39
Is there a way to test that fix or do I have to wait for the new dev image ?

27-01-24, 00:25
May as well wait for a rebuild.