View Full Version : Hello once again...!

27-01-23, 18:50
Hello people,

Sort of new here. I used to mess around with my boxes (Vu+ Duo/etc) on virgin a long time back. Went kosher for a while, but I'm back again!
Although, I've forgotten almost everything, I'm eager to get my hands dirty again - all advice greatly appreciated.

I know IPTV is the "in thing" these days, but my broadband is terrible (I'm on 500mbps and it's so unreliable that I can't run 2 Teams calls in parallel !).
So, a run back to the old days of CLines/etc would be most idea. However, I'm open to IPTV as well.

I'm also looking for a good dual box (If sat) or an IPTV box which can record as well - would greatly appreciate all advice (TIA).

If there are threads already on this, please just point me there and I'll go read. This is literally the first thing I'm doing, so haven't searched yet.

Thank you all!

27-01-23, 22:16
Please no talk about CLines on here. Anyway most encryption is fixed these days on any UK channels.

Pretty much all enigma2 boxes are compatible with IPTV.

27-01-23, 22:19
This forum does not support cline talk as in forum rules.

Bad internet might have issues with IPTV