View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] Can IMDB query show if a show is a repeat??

05-01-23, 15:01
I know this is a big ask and I expect I will be told to go and program the IMDB to do this myself (which I can't as I am not capable enough) but I wondered if there was any way the IMDB code could be tweaked to get the latest series date so the end user can know if a show is a repeat or a brand new series.

When looking at the guide it is not possible to tell and it is a real pain sometimes not to know. I used to use an android app to check but even these have become totally unreliable.
There is data in IMDB that tell you, for example, For tonights episode of Dragons Den (5th Jan 2023 on BBC 1 at 8pm) there is no indication that it is a new series. A quick check on (what I thought) was a reliable android app indicated its a repeat. Further delving on IMDB shows that it is, in fact, a new series (20) episode 1. First Aired 5th Jan 2023.



I did try to look at he PY code and tried to call up the URL it seems to be using so I could see if the data was easy to identify but it gave me an Amazon AWS login prompt so I could go no further.

For me it would make life Sooooooo much better and for the right guru who can code in PY it would likely be pretty simple.

Thanks kind people :-)


05-01-23, 19:58
Don't know about code from IMDB to display that but what sometimes would happen is the channel would prefix any new series with "New:". However, this I suspect is upto each Channel provider

06-01-23, 00:49
Where? https://www.imdb.com/find/?q=Dragons%20Den&ref_=nv_sr_sm

06-01-23, 08:19
Do you mean this ? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0443370/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0

06-01-23, 11:22
Do you mean this ? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0443370/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0

Hi Yes that is the place. I assume that the Next Episode bit is the next new 1st release rather than the next time a repeat is to be shown on some random channel. The "New" prefix is sometimes there in the guides (EPG) but is it is so hit and miss. Also, BBC rarely show the prefix "New".

If you look at a series that is never going to have a new episode then the little box (as in the image above for "Dragon's Den") does not appear. e.g. for Inspector Morse You cannot see the popup appear as you can with Dragons Den. Also in the series details you can see the date of all the series' with the last series at the top of the list with its (I assume 1st) broadcast date. e.g. Browse Seasons > xx Episodes > Select All from the drop down box, shows the latest season first and its associated broadcast date:

If you compare that to Dragons Den it also shows the last broadcast date (or the next broadcast date) - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0443370/episodes?ref_=tt_eps :

None of this detail is on the scraping in the plugin on OpenVIX (or any other image I guess) which is such a shame as it is some of the most useful information I feel.


06-01-23, 13:48
The search is done based on the title. How do you suggest we get the episode when doing a search.

06-01-23, 15:36
The search is done based on the title. How do you suggest we get the episode when doing a search.

Once a title is clicked on it takes you into a detail page. It was on this page that I would hope to be able to see all the information for that particular title. In that information page and details page the information on the next new episode does not exisit.

06-01-23, 15:51
In that information page and details page the information on the next new episode does not exisit.If it doesn't exist what are you suggesting?

06-01-23, 15:59
I DOES EXIST :lol3: - I have shown that it exists in IMDB
It is not parsed and presented in the IMDB plugin that is all.
I was hoping that someone might be able to catch the field and present it in the output of the plugin.

06-01-23, 19:01
I'm just quoting your post where it says it doesn't. :D

06-01-23, 19:04
I suggest you open an issue on enigma2-plugins repository so the author of the plugin can respond.

07-01-23, 11:33
I suggest you open an issue on enigma2-plugins repository so the author of the plugin can respond.

I have done that Huevos. Hopefully it will be condered a useful enhancement and be considered :-) https://github.com/oe-alliance/enigma2-plugins/issues/576

19-01-23, 17:28
I have done that Huevos. Hopefully it will be condered a useful enhancement and be considered :-) https://github.com/oe-alliance/enigma2-plugins/issues/576

Well I did log it but its been 2 weeks an no-one has even viewed it on github let alone assigned or accepted or rejected it. I guess it might be a non-starter :-(