View Full Version : Can’t view remote Image Backups Generated from Vu+ Zero 4K

28-12-22, 12:53
VIX version - 6.2.011 release

Hi Guys, I’ve just noticed that although I can create an image backup from the Zero 4K and this is saved in a mounted Synology NAS folder as required, I can’t then go back and view it from the Zero 4K using the Image Manager. The backup is definitely there and created as a zip file correctly when viewing through Synology file viewer. I know @TWOL created a software fix in Oct 2021 for Vu+ receivers as they couldn’t create an image backup at all to a remote location, but now I can’t view them. Log from backup creation below.

<1617585.6122> [ImageManager] Device: /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/
<1617585.6127> [ImageManager] Directory: /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/
<1617585.6133> [ImageManager] canBackupEMC: False
<1617585.6136> [ImageManager] Model: vuzero4k
<1617585.6138> [ImageManager] Machine Build: vuzero4k
<1617585.6140> [ImageManager] Kernel File: kernel_auto.bin
<1617585.6143> [ImageManager] Root File: rootfs.tar.bz2
<1617585.6145> [ImageManager] MTD Kernel: mmcblk0p4
<1617585.6147> [ImageManager] MTD Root: mmcblk0p7
<1617585.6149> [ImageManager] ROOTFSSUBDIR: none
<1617585.6151> [ImageManager] ROOTFSTYPE: tar.bz2
<1617585.6154> [ImageManager] MAINDESTROOT: /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-6.2.011-20221228_105400
<1617585.6157> [ImageManager] MAINDEST: /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-6.2.011-20221228_105400/vuplus/zero4k/
<1617585.6161> [ImageManager] MAINDEST2: /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-6.2.011-20221228_105400/
<1617585.6164> [ImageManager] WORKDIR: /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-temp
<1617585.6167> [ImageManager] TMPDIR: /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-mount
<1617585.6170> [ImageManager] EMMCIMG: none
<1617585.6172> [ImageManager] MTDBOOT: none
<1617585.6428> [Skin] Processing screen 'JobView', position=(0, 0), size=(1920 x 1080) for module 'JobView'.
<1617585.6488> [Screen] Warning: Skin is missing element 'HelpWindow' in <class 'Screens.TaskView.JobView'>.
<1617585.6503> [Skin] Attribute 'halign' (with value of 'center') in object of type 'eListbox' is not implemented!
<1617585.6508> [Skin] Attribute 'valign' (with value of 'center') in object of type 'eListbox' is not implemented!
<1617585.6517> [gAccel] alloc failed
<1617585.6520> [gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
<1617585.6572> [Skin] Parsing embedded skin '<embedded-in-SetupSummary>'.
<1617585.6583> [Skin] Processing screen '<embedded-in-SetupSummary>' from list 'JobViewSummary, ScreenSummary, JobView_summary, SimpleSummary', position=(0, 0), size=(132 x 64) for module 'SetupSummary'.
<1617585.6600> [eWindowStyleManager] getStyle(style_id=1): NOT FOUND
<1617585.8315> [ImageManager] Stage1: Free Mem 633632
<1617585.8316> [ImageManager] Stage1: Found Enough RAM
<1617585.8381> [eInputDeviceInit] 0 160 (352) 1
<1617585.8381> [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 0
<1617585.8388> [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 352 (Break) KeyID='KEY_OK' Binding='('OK',)'.
<1617587.8360> [ImageManager] Stage1: Creating tmp folders. /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/
<1617587.8361> [ImageManager] Stage1: Creating backup Folders.
<1617588.0493> [ImageManager] Stage1: Making Kernel Image.
<1617588.0495> [Console] command: dd if=/dev/mmcblk0p4 of=/media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-temp/vmlinux.bin
<1617588.0496> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
<1617590.3355> [Console] finished: dd if=/dev/mmcblk0p4 of=/media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-temp/vmlinux.bin
<1617590.3356> [ImageManager] Stage1: Complete.
<1617590.3405> [ImageManager] Stage2: Making Root Image.
<1617590.3405> [ImageManager] Stage2: TAR.BZIP Detected.
<1617590.3406> [ImageManager] ROOTFSTYPE: tar.bz2
<1617590.3407> [Console] command: mount --bind / /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-mount/root
<1617590.3408> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
<1617590.3848> [Console] finished: mount --bind / /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-mount/root
<1617590.3850> [Console] command: /bin/tar -cf /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-temp/rootfs.tar -C /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-mount/root --exclude ./var/nmbd --exclude ./.resizerootfs --exclude ./.resize-rootfs --exclude ./.resize-linuxrootfs --exclude ./.resize-userdata --exclude ./var/lib/samba/private/msg.sock .
<1617590.3851> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
<1617653.1099> [Console] finished: /bin/tar -cf /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-temp/rootfs.tar -C /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-mount/root --exclude ./var/nmbd --exclude ./.resizerootfs --exclude ./.resize-rootfs --exclude ./.resize-linuxrootfs --exclude ./.resize-userdata --exclude ./var/lib/samba/private/msg.sock .
<1617653.1101> [Console] command: /usr/bin/bzip2 /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-temp/rootfs.tar
<1617653.1102> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
<1617668.2788> [opentv_zapper] start_download.
<1617668.3825> [opentv_zapper]currentlyPlayingNIM 0
<1617668.3832> [opentv_zapper]available tuners [0]
<1617668.3837> [opentv_zapper]download not currently possible... Will try again at Wed 28 Dec 2022 11:10:23 GMT
<1618121.4771> [Console] finished: /usr/bin/bzip2 /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-temp/rootfs.tar
<1618121.4772> [ImageManager] Stage2: Complete.
<1618122.3472> [ImageManager] Stage3: Making eMMC Image.
<1618122.3473> [ImageManager] Stage3 bypassed: Complete.
<1618123.3520> [ImageManager] Stage4: Unmounting and removing tmp system
<1618123.3932> [Console] command: umount /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-mount/root && rm -rf /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-mount
<1618123.3933> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
<1618123.4802> [Console] finished: umount /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-mount/root && rm -rf /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-mount
<1618123.4803> [ImageManager] Stage4: Complete.
<1618124.3977> [ImageManager] Stage5: Moving from work to backup folders
<1618124.5814> [ImageManager] Stage5: Removing Swap.
<1618124.6750> [ImageManager] Stage5: Image created in /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-6.2.011-20221228_105400
<1618124.6751> [ImageManager] Stage5: Complete.
<1618125.6784> [Console] command: cd /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-6.2.011-20221228_105400 && zip -r /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-6.2.011-20221228_105400.zip *
<1618125.6785> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
<1618186.1456> [Console] finished: cd /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-6.2.011-20221228_105400 && zip -r /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-6.2.011-20221228_105400.zip *
<1618186.1458> [Console][eBatch] retval=0, cmds=['rm -rf /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-6.2.011-20221228_105400'] cmds left=1, data:
b' adding: vuplus/ (stored 0%)\n adding: vuplus/zero4k/ (stored 0%)\n adding: vuplus/zero4k/kernel_auto.bin (deflated 71%)\n adding: vuplus/zero4k/rootfs.tar.bz2 (deflated 2%)\n adding: vuplus/zero4k/imageversion (stored 0%)\n adding: vuplus/zero4k/reboot.update (stored 0%)\n'<1618186.1459>
<1618186.1459> [Console] command: rm -rf /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-6.2.011-20221228_105400
<1618186.1461> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
<1618186.3529> [Console] finished: rm -rf /media/autofs/videoDISKSTATION/imagebackups/openvix-vuzero4k-release-6.2.011-20221228_105400
<1618186.3531> [Console][eBatch] retval=0, cmds=[] cmds left=0, data:
<1618186.3532> [ImageManager] Stage6: Complete.

Not sure if it means anything but here’s the log when going into Image Manager to view (or not in this case) the image backups

<1620968.4625> [Skin] Processing screen 'VIXImageManager', position=(0, 0), size=(1920 x 1080) for module 'VIXImageManager'.
<1620968.4792> [gAccel] alloc failed
<1620968.4796> [gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
<1620968.4829> [Skin] Parsing embedded skin '<embedded-in-ScreenSummary>'.
<1620968.4838> [Skin] Processing screen '<embedded-in-ScreenSummary>' from list 'VIXImageManagerSummary, ScreenSummary, VIXImageManager_summary, SimpleSummary', position=(0, 0), size=(132 x 64) for module 'ScreenSummary'.
<1620968.4855> [eWindowStyleManager] getStyle(style_id=1): NOT FOUND
<1620968.4978> [eInputDeviceInit] 0 160 (352) 1
<1620968.4982> [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 0
<1620968.4988> [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 352 (Break) KeyID='KEY_OK' Binding='('OK',)'.

Any ideas of things to try? Thanks

28-12-22, 14:02
VIX version - 6.2.011 release

Hi Guys, I’ve just noticed that although I can create an image backup from the Zero 4K and this is saved in a mounted Synology NAS folder as required, I can’t then go back and view it from the Zero 4K using the Image Manager. The backup is definitely there and created as a zip file correctly when viewing through Synology file viewer. I know @TWOL created a software fix in Oct 2021 for Vu+ receivers as they couldn’t create an image backup at all to a remote location, but now I can’t view them. Log from backup creation below.

Not sure if it means anything but here’s the log when going into Image Manager to view (or not in this case) the image backups

Any ideas of things to try? Thanks

If in ImageManager when you press Menu does it allow you to find the synology in the mounts??

28-12-22, 14:06
If in ImageManager when you press Menu does it allow you to find the synology in the mounts??

Yes it does. Shows up in the backup location. It creates the backup file ok, I just can’t see it afterwards from within Image Manager.

28-12-22, 14:10
Yes it does. Shows up in the backup location. It creates the backup file ok, I just can’t see it afterwards from within Image Manager.

Backup location can be different for for BackupManager & ImageManager - so you need to check Menu Backuplocation in both

28-12-22, 14:13
Backup location can be different for for BackupManager & ImageManager - so you need to check Menu Backuplocation in both

Backup location is the same for both. Checked in both managers. The backup manager does show the backups sitting in the Synology folder, so it seems it’s purely only the image manager that’s misbehaving.

28-12-22, 18:02
So I changed via Menu to a NAS(synology) and did an image backup, stored image backup on NAS and after reboot still shows.

28-12-22, 18:12
I’ll have a little play around….Maybe delete the mount and reinstate it

28-12-22, 21:06
Ok so had a play with removing and setting up mounts again, but no joy. In the end I loaded a fresh image through usb. Set up network and mounts only, keeping all other settings as default. Still no joy. Tried creating a fresh image backup with this configuration and it’s still not displaying the image backups, only the settings backups as before. So it doesn’t seem to be the mounted backup folders as I can see the settings backups.

Any other suggestions to try?


28-12-22, 21:41
Ok so had a play with removing and setting up mounts again, but no joy. In the end I loaded a fresh image through usb. Set up network and mounts only, keeping all other settings as default. Still no joy. Tried creating a fresh image backup with this configuration and it’s still not displaying the image backups, only the settings backups as before. So it doesn’t seem to be the mounted backup folders as I can see the settings backups.

Any other suggestions to try?


Debug log ! Attach ( don,t paste) complete log from power up, as need to see some startup debug

28-12-22, 22:21
Startup log attached…


29-12-22, 12:42
Startup log attached…

can you copy attachment to: /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/ViX and reboot, and then post the debug log.
I need to see the mounts ---- mine shows for example

12:35:35.5513 [ImageManager][getMountDefault] default, choices /media/hdd/ {'/media/autofs/SYNNAS1': '/media/autofs/SYNNAS1/', '/media/autofs/music': '/media/autofs/music/', '/media/hdd': '/media/hdd/', '/media/net/NAS170movie': '/media/net/NAS170movie/', '/media/net/video': '/media/net/video/'}

29-12-22, 21:54
Thanks twol. Log attached with file loaded as above

30-12-22, 09:28
@carpcat - noticed no /media/HDD defined - so everything is on the network??
Anyway the issue, is that I only coded the search for local & /media/net devices - I assumed that devices used for images etc would be permanently linked(to ensure that there was no disconnect during image processing), also currently there is a significant pause before ImageManager appears with the list of images even with /media/net devices.
So is it an issue for you to change from autofs ??

30-12-22, 09:43
@carpcat - noticed no /media/HDD defined - so everything is on the network??
Anyway the issue, is that I only coded the search for local & /media/net devices - I assumed that devices used for images etc would be permanently linked(to ensure that there was no disconnect during image processing), also currently there is a significant pause before ImageManager appears with the list of images even with /media/net devices.
So is it an issue for you to change from autofs ??

Thanks twol. I have no problem changing from autofs. What would be my options to change to? I have no hdd attached as the receiver only has 1 usb that I use for the WiFi stick, hence why I was using the NAS to store images and backups. Can I use the onboard flash (4gb I think) to store the images? I think I checked before and there wasn’t an option to do this?

30-12-22, 10:14
Thanks twol. I have no problem changing from autofs. What would be my options to change to? I have no hdd attached as the receiver only has 1 usb that I use for the WiFi stick, hence why I was using the NAS to store images and backups. Can I use the onboard flash (4gb I think) to store the images? I think I checked before and there wasn’t an option to do this?
I just use the images network mount options - if you look at post #11, you will see that I have attached my 2 Synology boxes differently, one is autofs(mount when required) and the other as a media/net device (done purely for testing possible different setups)…… not particulaly wonderful as not only does it slow down ImageManager but also boot up sits there while the boxes are accessed!
In the meantime I will probably look at the code in the New Year and see what difference it makes with autofs devices
I wouldn,t use the flash to store images, the change you mentioned does use flash to hold a temporary file, but otherwise its better not to go there.

30-12-22, 15:43
@carpcat, can you try this attachment......

30-12-22, 19:12
@carpcat, can you try this attachment......

@twol, that worked a treat! Everything’s displaying correctly. I’ve also created an image backup and re flash from the NAS and all works perfectly. Thank you so much for doing that. Much appreciated.