View Full Version : [SF8008] Open ViX Downloads Before v6.2 - Any Links?

09-09-22, 13:36

Is it possible to download the Open ViX image files for an Octagon SF8008 for versions before v6.2?
I checked the usual download site and all the images are 6.2 versions. The archive page is empty, no links.

Would anyone please be able to provide a link to the image versions before 6.2 for an Octagon SF8008?


09-09-22, 13:45
They've all gone now as far as I know. Even if you found an old image there would be no feeds for it.

09-09-22, 13:50

Is it possible to download the Open ViX image files for an Octagon SF8008 for versions before v6.2?
I checked the usual download site and all the images are 6.2 versions. The archive page is empty, no links.

Would anyone please be able to provide a link to the image versions before 6.2 for an Octagon SF8008?


i know it's no help, but why?? sf8008 works well with latest images. (for my sins I have one)

09-09-22, 17:56
i know it's no help, but why?? sf8008 works well with latest images. (for my sins I have one)

The simple answer is that some plugins don't work with python3. I'm still on 5.4 on my Solo2 for this reason.

09-09-22, 18:16
The simple answer is that some plugins don't work with python3. I'm still on 5.4 on my Solo2 for this reason.

Name them and maybe it can be resolved. ….. and even OpenPli have announced today a freeze on python 2 and a move to python 3 image

09-09-22, 18:20
Name them and maybe it can be resolved. ….. and even OpenPli have announced today a freeze on python 2 and a move to python 3 image

The main one is a c Line downloader so not sure I can name it here. But the author is on another forum and has already stated that he has no knowledge of python3 but is happy for someone else to take the job on.

10-09-22, 21:09
I am in the same position. Have reinstalled for these plugins

Lucky enough I have the image on an USB Stick and the ipq files of these plugins with me.

The developer of the mp3Brower does not exist anymore and the developer of webradioFS does not see a benefit converting and maintaining two plugins.

11-09-22, 13:46
I am in the same position. Have reinstalled for these plugins

Lucky enough I have the image on an USB Stick and the ipq files of these plugins with me.

The developer of the mp3Brower does not exist anymore and the developer of webradioFS does not see a benefit converting and maintaining two plugins.

So mp3Browser - I have disassembled to python, converted (very quickly) to python 3 and run on latest ViX - its a hacked about version but runs on a few tests of mine.
I have to say that this is not the best code I ahve ever seen but obviously does it for you on python 2.
Can you try it?? no promises but finds my mp3 files , and plays.

So python 3 image copy attached plugin.py to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/MP3Browser (and copy over all the existing files from python2 directory). Then reboot.

If I have time next few days will look at the other plugin, but will probably take a bit longer.

P.S. you need to Telnet to the box and enter :- opkg install python3-mutagen

11-09-22, 21:35
Thanks Twol for investing your time.
I think I did not exactly do what you expected. I saved the old image and flashed the new one 6.2.009. Now I had no more the subdirectory MP3Browser. So I thought I could just load the old ipk. But I got the error message calculate_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies... python-mutagen

What did I do wrong?


12-09-22, 06:09
Thanks Twol for investing your time.
I think I did not exactly do what you expected. I saved the old image and flashed the new one 6.2.009. Now I had no more the subdirectory MP3Browser. So I thought I could just load the old ipk. But I got the error message calculate_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies... python-mutagen

What did I do wrong?


You need to do this….ö
P.S. you need to Telnet to the box and enter :- opkg install python3-mutagen
You should copy the complete folder over from the old image and then copy back replacing the plugin with the attachment……plus the opkg install.
You could try the opkg install and then the .ipk but have,nt tried that

12-09-22, 11:24
Hi Twol
I did this
reinstall 5.4.016

copy /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/MP3Browser to laptop through Filezilla

Installing new image

vusolo2 login: root
root@vusolo2:~# opkg install python3-mutagen
Installing python3-mutagen (1.44.0) on root.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/6.2/vusolo2/mips32el/python3-mutagen_1.44.0-r0_mips32el.ipk.
Configuring python3-mutagen.

copy MP3Browser directory back to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/
copy plugin.py into /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/MP3Browser
There is no old plugin.py to overwrite by a plugin.pyo.

1st try: reboot without removing the old plugin.* files.

plugin MP3Browser

Crash (logfile attached)

2nd try: remove old plugin.* files

after reboot start hangs
hard shut down > power off > wait > power on


plugin MP3Browser

Another crash
Crash: 2nd log saved on laptop

12-09-22, 13:17
Hi Twol
I did this
reinstall 5.4.016

copy /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/MP3Browser to laptop through Filezilla

Installing new image

vusolo2 login: root
root@vusolo2:~# opkg install python3-mutagen
Installing python3-mutagen (1.44.0) on root.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/6.2/vusolo2/mips32el/python3-mutagen_1.44.0-r0_mips32el.ipk.
Configuring python3-mutagen.

copy MP3Browser directory back to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/
copy plugin.py into /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/MP3Browser
There is no old plugin.py to overwrite by a plugin.pyo.

1st try: reboot without removing the old plugin.* files.

plugin MP3Browser

Crash (logfile attached)

2nd try: remove old plugin.* files

after reboot start hangs
hard shut down > power off > wait > power on


plugin MP3Browser

Another crash
Crash: 2nd log saved on laptop

my error, I deleted something and didn't change variable..... see attachment

12-09-22, 13:47
The developer of the mp3Brower does not exist anymore and the developer of webradioFS does not see a benefit converting and maintaining two plugins.Does not need to maintain two plugins. Just make the plugin work in both.

12-09-22, 21:00
Hi Twol

With the new plugin.py I could get into MP3Browser. I see that there are 967 MP3s, the first one with picture and meta data available. With enter this song start playing. And with Guide I see the stored lyrics from the cache files. What I miss is the list of all songs so I can scroll down and select what to play. With "7" I get the list of the artists and can select the artist. The list of the songs however also remains empty. Unfortunately with Openwebif I cannot get a screenshot but only see the current song.

At least now it is working - thank you for this. Is is possible to get the song list back? And how difficult would it be to increase the font and the plugin screen size?

Again, thanks a lot for the time and effort you spend.

12-09-22, 21:25
This is how the list of the 70 Blues songs look like. (screenshot with old digital camera).

13-09-22, 17:33
This is how the list of the 70 Blues songs look like. (screenshot with old digital camera).

OK, getting there! Lots of spagetti and lots of try/except code lines that I am having to fix to sort this out.
If you could let me know what the number and coloured remote keys are supposed to do, it would help. They all now seem to work or at least do something!

I have about 2000 tracks from my NAS box in the database and can see them all. Need to sort out posters as it not finding all of them as I think it should.
A few days more at current pace

13-09-22, 21:08
These are the keys
help shows all keys
yellow Youtube Videos never used, would use YouTube plugin
green Wikipedia Wikipedia is no more available on new image, just disable this key
red Switch plugin Style crashes now
blue Show / Hide plugin never used
Info Lyrics / Discorgs Shows / searches lyrics and stores them in the cache
Video Update Database
Text Edit Database (correct meta data info)
Radio Delete Lyrics never used
<--> Go to first letter in list

1 All MP3s
2 Screen Saver on/off
3 Favorites
4 Search Covers (never worked due to google restriction)
5 Shuffle MP3s
6 Folder select
7 Artist select
8 Album select
9 Genre select
0 End of list

14-09-22, 07:34
I just missed some more (basic) keys

up = scroll up one song in the song list
down = scroll down one song in the song list
right = scroll one page down in the song list
left = scroll one page up in the song list
ok = select item (play song)
stop = stop song
exit = exit MP3Browser

16-09-22, 15:05
Latest update - been quite a saga untaggling all the spaghetti!... issues then post debug log

At some stage will create an ipk

16-09-22, 21:14
List in all songs, selected artist and genre look fine, scrolling within also. Show lyrics is fine too. Had however a crash when entering 3 favorites open. Thanks for all your work and looking into the logs.

16-09-22, 21:25
Hi Twol
Another crash when I clicked on red and selected coverwall. (I actually prefer metrix).

>> Found out the reason. When I changed the Coverwall Plugin Size from 1280 x 720 to 1024 x 576 there was no more crash.

18-09-22, 13:03
Hi Twol
Another crash when I clicked on red and selected coverwall. (I actually prefer metrix).

>> Found out the reason. When I changed the Coverwall Plugin Size from 1280 x 720 to 1024 x 576 there was no more crash.
try attachment...

18-09-22, 16:06
Favorites work, see list and can play them. Can also add to favorites and through edit favorites + red button remove one song from favorites.

Coverwall display works, also with 1280 x 720 setting in the menue.

Great job, well done! Will continue to play around and use the plugin.


18-09-22, 16:51
Favorites work, see list and can play them. Can also add to favorites and through edit favorites + red button remove one song from favorites.

Coverwall display works, also with 1280 x 720 setting in the menue.

Great job, well done! Will continue to play around and use the plugin.

Thanks will give it a couple of days and create ipk, so it can be installed automatically with couch flash.(add to local ipk folder in settings BackupManager)

19-09-22, 13:07
How difficult and time-consuming would it be to increase the plugin size and the fonts by the factor of 1.5?

19-09-22, 13:50
How difficult and time-consuming would it be to increase the plugin size and the fonts by the factor of 1.5?Would be a nightmare to do that with the embedded skin. I looked and it is just too much work. It really is a mess. No idea why someone thought it would be a good idea to have a customisable embedded skin. And when skinned into a main skin all those config settings will be meaningless. Terrible!

A much better idea would be skin it into the main ViX skin.

19-09-22, 21:47
Hit Twol
I created a crash on which I only came out by re-flashing the image.
This is what I did:
I wanted to import some more song and did not find a video button on my remote. So I thought I would enable "update database at Start" and disable Hide Plugin during update. After the crash I made a reboot and tried to enter again the the MP3Browser to set it back, but it crashed just when entering.

I attach you the crash logs.


PS. Never change a winning horse ;-)

19-09-22, 22:09
Hit Twol
I created a crash on which I only came out by re-flashing the image.
This is what I did:
I wanted to import some more song and did not find a video button on my remote. So I thought I would enable "update database at Start" and disable Hide Plugin during update. After the crash I made a reboot and tried to enter again the the MP3Browser to set it back, but it crashed just when entering.

I attach you the crash logs.


PS. Never change a winning horse ;-)Looks like /media/hdd is full.

20-09-22, 08:45
The Information says
Detected devices: SanDisk (Cruzer Blade) External (USB) 31.39 GB - Free 24.41 GB

So I suggest that something else must have provoked the crash.

I think I used this updating of the database only the first time. Afterwards I edited the database file by copying it out by Filezila and editing it using a text editor.
It is a bit tricky: you need to enter the fields correctly in the correct order and set the field separator with :::
Is there a database software which would make editing safer?

This is one string of the file
1910 Fruitgum Company - Simon Says:::/media/hdd/Oldies/1910 Fruitgum Company - Simon Says.mp3:::2017-12-14 22:20:04.408407:::1910 Fruitgum Company:::Simon Says:::1:::Simon Says:::1967:::Pop:::02:14:::192 kbit/s:::1910 Fruit Gum Company.jpg:::

20-09-22, 09:44
have to say not the most obvious field delimiter - if it makes it easier - and you can be sure of another single character not being used for anything else - then use that and at the end do a replace with :::
In the meantime, will try your uodate at start etc and see what happens, although I know that I have tried that in the past.

20-09-22, 10:19
The Information says
Detected devices: SanDisk (Cruzer Blade) External (USB) 31.39 GB - Free 24.41 GB

So I suggest that something else must have provoked the crash.Both those crash logs say "Read-only file system".

20-09-22, 10:53
... and 21:40:03.3407 {BackupManager] Backup failed - e. g. wrong backup destination or no space left on backup device

So also might be worth checking both space and that HDD is the device you are expecting it to be!

20-09-22, 11:05
Hit Twol
I created a crash on which I only came out by re-flashing the image.
This is what I did:
I wanted to import some more song and did not find a video button on my remote. So I thought I would enable "update database at Start" and disable Hide Plugin during update. After the crash I made a reboot and tried to enter again the the MP3Browser to set it back, but it crashed just when entering.

I attach you the crash logs.


PS. Never change a winning horse ;-)
video button or "pvr" is the movie "playlist" button on remote

20-09-22, 13:04
... and 21:40:03.3407 {BackupManager] Backup failed - e. g. wrong backup destination or no space left on backup device

So also might be worth checking both space and that HDD is the device you are expecting it to be!Yes but shouldn't crash. Crash is this:

21:40:03.3407 {BackupManager] Backup failed - e. g. wrong backup destination or no space left on backup device
21:40:13.3968 [MessageBox] Timeout!
21:40:13.4205 Traceback (most recent call last):
21:40:13.4211 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/StartEnigma.py", line 224, in processDelay
21:40:13.4299 callback(*retval)
21:40:13.4311 TypeError: BackupFiles.BackupComplete() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

Hopefully fixed with this:

20-09-22, 15:47
Hi Huevos

On your link I see src/BackupManager.py

Where would I have to copy this file in and would I need a reboot afterwards?

20-09-22, 18:24
\Root\usr\lib\enigma2\python\Plugins\SystemPlugins \ViX\

20-09-22, 19:07
Hi Huevos

On your link I see src/BackupManager.py

Where would I have to copy this file in and would I need a reboot afterwards?

Just wait until the next build. But anyway why is /media/hdd read only. Have you touched a write protect slider on the card?

20-09-22, 21:09
The USB is not write protect. I just made a new backup through the Backup Manager. It says under device: /media/hdd/
So it can't be completely write protect. I only can assume that some files for the cover pictures or the lyrics were by any reason write protected. The best is to remove the USB from my sat box, put it into my laptop and explore it under Linux Mint 21.

21-09-22, 08:35
I noticed that some recordings had failed last night due to /media/hdd not being writeable. Mount Manager showed that the drive was marked as read only.
I did a full reboot and the drive won't mount at all now. I haven't had chance to investigate further yet. OpenViX 6.2.010 (2022-09-05) dev build on a GigaBlue UHD UE 4K.
My logs are set to save to hdd but I noticed there is a crash log in /home/root/.


I think it is probably generated because I have no hdd rather than showing why it was set to R/O

21-09-22, 08:53
I noticed that some recordings had failed last night due to /media/hdd not being writeable. Mount Manager showed that the drive was marked as read only.
I did a full reboot and the drive won't mount at all now. I haven't had chance to investigate further yet. OpenViX 6.2.010 (2022-09-05) dev build on a GigaBlue UHD UE 4K.
My logs are set to save to hdd but I noticed there is a crash log in /home/root/.


I think it is probably generated because I have no hdd rather than showing why it was set to R/OThat crash log is not related. Something went wrong in ABM run. You would need to retest with the latest version of dvbreader.py so the line number in the crash correspond with the current version.

No idea why your HDD is not writeable.

21-09-22, 08:57
I noticed that some recordings had failed last night due to /media/hdd not being writeable. Mount Manager showed that the drive was marked as read only.
I did a full reboot and the drive won't mount at all now. I haven't had chance to investigate further yet. OpenViX 6.2.010 (2022-09-05) dev build on a GigaBlue UHD UE 4K.
My logs are set to save to hdd but I noticed there is a crash log in /home/root/.


I think it is probably generated because I have no hdd rather than showing why it was set to R/O

Dmsg shows error:
3.419268] scsi 2:0:0:0: Direct-Access USB SanDisk 3.2Gen1 1.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
<5>[ 3.428685] sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
<5>[ 3.434637] sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] 240353280 512-byte logical blocks: (123 GB/115 GiB)
<5>[ 3.447080] sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is on
<7>[ 3.451834] sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 43 00 80 00
<5>[ 3.459208] sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: disabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
<6>[ 3.498232] sda: sda1
<5>[ 3.502689] sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI removable disk
<5>[ 3.556820] random: nonblocking pool is initialized
<6>[ 3.871703] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p5): re-mounted. Opts: nodelalloc,data=journal
<6>[ 4.167945] EXT4-fs (sda1): INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem
<3>[ 4.174878] EXT4-fs (sda1): write access unavailable, cannot proceed
<3>[ 4.194909] EXT3-fs (sda1): error: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (2c0)
<3>[ 4.206148] EXT2-fs (sda1): error: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (2c4)
<4>[ 4.221346] UDF-fs: warning (device sda1): udf_fill_super: No partition found (2)

21-09-22, 09:11
I'll try another hdd later on. I added my post to this thread because nekrub2's hdd had suddenly become R/O as well. Just wondered if it was related.

21-09-22, 20:54
I removed the USB HDD and plugged it into my laptop on the windows 7 partition. Indeed the directory mp3browser and its underlying sub-directories cache and db had the read only attribute. so I set them to read and write and attached the stick back to the box. When trying to update the MP3Browser database the box crashed again. This time I could read one error, saying
FAT-fs (sda1): error, fat_free_clusters: deleting FAT entry beyond EOF.
FAT-fs (sda1): Filesystem has been set read-only.

Could it be that I have a buggy stick and as soon as openvix detects this it sets it read-only?

I attach the crash log.

22-09-22, 18:15
FAT-fs (sda1): error, fat_free_clusters: deleting FAT entry beyond EOF.
FAT-fs (sda1): Filesystem has been set read-only.

Could it be that I have a buggy stick and as soon as openvix detects this it sets it read-only?

I attach the crash log.If this is a FAT/FAT32 formatted USB then I would plug this into a Windows device and do a full chkdisk (not quick).

It's talking about deleting File Allocation Table entry beyond the End of File so this doesn't sound promising

23-09-22, 21:01
Dear all
I could fix my problem. 1. I made a chkdsk under windows (after copying the whole content on the HD). With this a big part of the problem was solved. When trying to import again it crashed again but this time I could read out that it had something to do with the character sets (windows versus UTF-8). And indeed, under Linux I could see file names that were broken because they had special characters in, which are different in the two system. After manual editing the files over ftp I did a now mp3browser update and it worked. 127 songs were imported.

Just for your information I attach the crash log related to the file names.


24-09-22, 11:42
Dear all
I could fix my problem. 1. I made a chkdsk under windows (after copying the whole content on the HD). With this a big part of the problem was solved. When trying to import again it crashed again but this time I could read out that it had something to do with the character sets (windows versus UTF-8). And indeed, under Linux I could see file names that were broken because they had special characters in, which are different in the two system. After manual editing the files over ftp I did a now mp3browser update and it worked. 127 songs were imported.

Just for your information I attach the crash log related to the file names.


Thanks. Down with covid will look when recovered.

24-09-22, 19:08
Hi Twol
Wish you a fast and complete recovery. Take your time and do not force yourself too much in the beginning.

08-10-22, 20:10
What is that skin? Or is it the embedded skin?

08-10-22, 20:57
The skin on my box is VIXBMC_1080_Confluence. On TV or Radio I do not have a problems with cut-offs or not completely displayed characters. I think this is plugin specific.