View Full Version : [VU+ Uno4KSE] Live TV channel preview now on right of screen, wanting it back to being on the left

04-09-22, 08:44
I did an online update to OpenVix 6.2.009. All good, but whenever I go into the usual menus like EPG, PVR and TIMER, the live TV channel preview is now displayed on the left and the text is on the right. It's a bit jarring after years of seeing the live channel image on the right.

It there a menu option that would allow me to swap it back so the live TV image is on the right (and the text on the left)?

Thanks for any advice.

04-09-22, 08:58
I think it's because the Simple Ten Eighty skin is now the default.
Just go into User Interface and change skin.

06-09-22, 00:25
Although I think Simple Ten Eighty is a great skin :)