View Full Version : Is satpimps

01-08-22, 18:47
Is sat pimps closing for good then the sponsor has gone very strange

01-08-22, 20:15
Doesn't look closed to me. You would be better off asking that question there

01-08-22, 21:48
Is sat pimps closing for good then the sponsor has gone very strange

Looks like a threat to get some donations.

It's really important we hit our target of £250 for this month, guys. There isn't much time left, the server bill is due on the 1st August.

Maybe they should look for a more economical server package.

02-08-22, 09:53
yeah 250 a month is it gas powered? or is this real?

02-08-22, 16:42
I think u are right it must be GAS POWERD or the admin a totally greedy

02-08-22, 17:23
hda5 is online now
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Thank you so much to everyone who donated! The server bill has been paid! We got there on fumes, I can tell you. If it wasn’t for the last minute donations that came in yesterday, there would not have been enough in the kitty to cover the bill and the forum would have been lost, forever. I can’t stress enough how important donations are to keeping the forum alive. So every donator, give yourselves a big pat on the back for a job well done, thank you, guys! You literally saved the forum.

02-08-22, 17:24
I’ve herd it all now what are there doing to the members u can’t even post now till u have donated I’ve see it all now

02-08-22, 17:32
3000 per year to host 1 website sounds a lot of money to me.

02-08-22, 18:15
Dunno why they are asking for £250 a month though. That forum could be on a cloud server for less than 20 euro per month.
thumbs up 1

04-08-22, 15:10
WOS is asking for £180.00!!

04-08-22, 17:11
WOS is asking for £180.00!!
I don't know where that is requested but anyway completely different, and certainly not mandatory. At OpenViX there are 4 official dedicated servers, for building OpenViX images, for hosting the forum, for hosting the feeds, and for image downloads. And several unofficial ones that are paid for out of our own pockets. Unlike other distros OpenViX is not supported financially by manufacturers.

28-12-22, 17:48
scrounging satpimos there asking again for money dont no uk is in the bigest resesation it has had for years and people havent the money there u to have there just s/b if u ask me the forum has been going down hill for a long time

03-01-23, 17:19
hda5 hda5 is online now
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We need to raise £245 before the end of the month in order to pay the server bill. If we miss this target, we're fooked. If enough members just donated a pound, it could save the forum from going under. The bill is due on 1st Feb. We now have less than a month to raise the necessary. If this forum is important to you, please help, don't leave it too late, thank you. I’ve seen it all now lol what a scoundger

03-01-23, 17:37
Blimey, £245 to run a forum for a month. They should look at cheaper hosting. Mine are on my NAS over fibre. Costs me nothing extra.

03-01-23, 18:09
There are just getting money off the forum members for nothing u have to pay £1 to join now if u don t u don t pay the £1 u can’t post On the forum what a scan