View Full Version : Now in Ninth Decade

White Monk
01-07-22, 17:20
Since turning 80, I'm finding it a struggle to keep up, so please be understanding.

I bought a Vu+ Ultimo 4K from WoS in October 2020, and decided after playing with a few images to stick with OpenVix. My old main box was a TM7102.

Learnt about FBC and Unicable, bought and installed a new LNB and all went well until recently and required a factory reset and rebuild.

Made a point of doing copies of images and backups from time to time to fall back on. Did a bit of housekeeping and decided to delete some files older than 5.4.xxx off my hard drive. At the time there seemed to be copies of 5.x.xxx available either to download from the web to a USB stick or download directly to the Vu+.

Then noticed recently that all the 5.x.xxx images had become unavailable and only 6.0 and 6.1 files were available. Now there's only 6.2 available.

What scared me most was the list of boxes that 6.2 didn't play well with was quite long including, the Vu+ Ultimo.

What is going on? How long before my £500 plus Vu+ Ultimo 4K becomes unsupportable? A bit longer than 2 years, I hope.

01-07-22, 20:30
Don't worry. LOL.

So far no ARM hardware has been remove. The cuts mainly remove boxes with single core cpu or less then 750 MHz. These boxes just don't have resources for modern images and some can't even fit them in the flash. And boxes like the old Ultimo (2011) could run a modern image just about but almost no one was using those feeds or downloading the old images. So it meant paying for more server space for something no one was using or removing them.