View Full Version : [VU+ Uno4KSE] Tags

23-06-22, 16:34
There is an option when Editing an Autotimer called "Tags" with a description of "Tags the timer/Recording will have" its set to "none" and doesn't seem to be changable.
Sorry if its a dumb question but what is its purpose and how is it intended be used?

23-06-22, 17:44
There is an option when Editing an Autotimer called "Tags" with a description of "Tags the timer/Recording will have" its set to "none" and doesn't seem to be changable.
Sorry if its a dumb question but what is its purpose and how is it intended be used?

Not an area I have really got into, but I believe that you can download a tageditor, add tags and use them to search on
I am sure there are more informed people that will add further info

25-06-22, 17:48
Tx for the pointer. I found both Tageditor and Movietagger in the plugin downloads.

There doesnt seem to be much info posted on tagging so if anyone stumbles across this thread because they were looking like I was, this is what I've discovered so far:

Once Tageditor (but not Movietagger) is installed the Autotimer/timer tag options become active.
Both taggers allow you to add tags to existing recordings (highlight a recording in the list then use the MENU button to get a list of options which include either/both of the above taggers)
A number of tags are automatically created by the system based on the program or timer (not sure which) description.
Movietagger enables you to assign both system generated tags and user defind tags to a recording, tageditor only allows user defined tags to be added.
Movietagger looks to be more flexible for adding tags to existing recordings but it crashes when trying to create a new tag.
Once you have created a user defined tag (using tageditor) a file called movietags is created in /etc/Enigma2 which lists the tags added (as plain text)
I found it easier to use WinSCP to manually add/update tags in the file so I could use a proper keyboard instead of using the remote.
Spaces within a tag are treated as a seperators, so use underscores if you want a tag to contain more than one word.
In the list of recordings, the Radio button brings up a list of tags that you can then use to filter the list down to just show the recordings that match the tag.
The filters are "sticky" so you will need to use the radio button again to clear the filter and get all the recording listed again.

If I find out any more I will update the post so the info is in one place.