View Full Version : [VU+ Uno4KSE] Changing the defaults used when an Autotimer is created via the REC button menu

20-06-22, 17:13
I am using the default skin (Vix-Night-1080 skin) and I would like to change the defaults that are used when an Autotimer is created via the REC button "Timer menu". The default creates an Autotimer with the "Restrict to Days" set to "Enabled" and I would like to change it so that it defaults to "Disabled", ie any Autotimer set up via the Rec Button menu will repeat every day.
I've not found an option for this (have I missed it?) so I suspect its hardcoded somewhere.
I am not familiar with Python but looking through the Openvix repository I think the relevent code are lines 267-270 in EpgSelectionBase.py

def addAutoTimerSilent(self, event, service):
from Plugins.Extensions.AutoTimer.AutoTimerEditor import addAutotimerFromEventSilent
addAutotimerFromEventSilent(self.session, evt=event, service=service)

Could someone be kind enough to answer the following:

1. I've probably missed it, but where is the code for Plugins.Extensions.AutoTimer.AutoTimerEditor held?
2. Other than Day/time (I assume) what other data is in the event parameter?
3. Is there a guide/posting on to how to debug python code running on an Enigma box, ie how do you see the contents of varibles, set breakpoints etc. etc?

Any help gratefully received.

20-06-22, 17:46
1. At oe-alliance/enigma2-plugins.

3. Print(var). You will see print statements everywhere in the code. Switch on debug logs in the system menu. Download the logs from the receiver by ftp. The print statements will be in the logs.

20-06-22, 21:54
I am using the default skin (Vix-Night-1080 skin) and I would like to change the defaults that are used when an Autotimer is created via the REC button "Timer menu". The default creates an Autotimer with the "Restrict to Days" set to "Enabled" and I would like to change it so that it defaults to "Disabled", ie any Autotimer set up via the Rec Button menu will repeat every day.
I've not found an option for this (have I missed it?) so I suspect its hardcoded somewhere.


menu/timers/autotimers/press menu again/Edit new timer defaults

21-06-22, 11:21
Huevos - tx for the reply - I shall investigate and see what I can find out.
adm - tx for the suggestion - unfortunately though you can set a default for "Restrict to days" in that menu, it then gets superceded when a Autotimer is created via the REC button.

23-06-22, 16:07
Just an update if anyone is interested
After some trial and error it turned out to be a simple change to get the Autotimers created via the REC button to record everyday. All you need to do is comment out line 1739 in AutoTimerEditor.py (found in https://github.com/oe-alliance/enigma2-plugins/tree/master/autotimer/src)
so the statement
newTimer.include = includes
is changed to
#newTimer.include = includes

This stops the default Autotimer "Use other Filters" setting being overwritten to include a Day filter.

However the change makes the Autotimer created via the REC button record the program on any day at ANY time so it will record repeats if they are shown at a different time on the same/different day.

If you don't want this it can be partially overcome by setting the Autotimer Default (menu/timers/autotimers/press menu again/ Edit new timer defaults ) "Only match during timespan" to "enable" (ignoring the resulting Begin & End timespan times that are then displayed as they will be replaced with EPG data when the autotimer is set).
This will confine the Autotimer to record the program on any day if it starts within a time window of 60 min before the scheduled start and 60 min after the scheduled end. eg if the program selected in the EPG starts at 8pm and is 30 min long, the Autotimer will look for the program everyday between 7pm (start - 60min) & 9.30pm (end + 60min).
The +/- 60min is hardcoded so if you want an narrower time window you need to amend lines 1717 & 1718 in AutoTimerEditor.py

1717 begin = evt.getBeginTime() - 3600
1718 end = begin + evt.getDuration() + 7200

Line 1717 sets the start of the window so change 3600 to the number of secs before the scheduled start that you want.
Line 1718 sets the end of the window so change 7200 to the number of secs after the scheduled End that you want the window to end PLUS the number you used in line 1717.
For example I've gone for a window that starts 10 min before and ends 10min after the program so I replaced 3600 in 1717 with 600 and 7200 in 1718 with 1200 (ie 600 + the 600 from line 1717).

Just for completeness I also amended the descriptions in the Timer Menu that appears when REC button is pressed to better reflect the new Timer behaviour by amending lines 347 and 348 in EpgSelectionBase.py (found in https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/blob/Developer/lib/python/Screens/EpgSelectionBase.py )

347 [[_("Add Timer"), addTimerFromEventSilent, self.session, self.refreshTimerActionButton, event, service],
("Add Timer") changed to ("Record Once")

348 [_("Add AutoTimer"), self.addAutoTimerSilent, event, service]])
("Add Autotimer") to ("Record Repeating")

I'm assuming that if a future Openvix update contains changes made to either AutoTimerEditor or EpgSelectionBase my changes will be overwritten and I will need to repeat the above changes using the NEW source files?