View Full Version : RyVix epg wont download

20-02-11, 19:28
Hello happy +er's

i've got the problem just occured as the title say's RyVix just aint having none of it, been working fine all of a sudden it keeps coming up with zero found, i'm on VIX 2.0:D using as always likra Motor settings and never had a problem with them, i was using his files from the begining of the month, since the problem i've installed his latest 12/02/11 (i think)

oh and i did a software update it found 89 new files :eek: still didn't make no difference though.

who's got the solution then:thumbsup:

regards: canthackit

20-02-11, 19:37
See Update here


20-02-11, 20:02
thanks mate.

so that's the problem, and there's been me sodding about all day trying to get it to work, oh and btw i don't like crossepg always had problems with it otherwise i'd be using that.

regards: canthackit