View Full Version : My Simple_Ten_Eighty skin modification

27-05-22, 11:53
Inspired by requests from my wife who didn't like the epg layout or the channel zap. I've made the picons larger (and included the 400x240 size picons I use for 28.2E). I moved the date and time to the right side.

I know I should use a user skin file, but I couldn't seem to get it to work. Just replace the existing Simple_Ten_Eighty files with these and restart the GUI.

Hope some of you find it useful and fun.


63923 63924 63925 63926 63927

PLEASE NOTE: The Simply_Ten_Eighty skin used images for the epg from the "skin_default/epg" folder. You need to replace those as well. They are included in the zip file.

27-05-22, 19:55
The Simply_Ten_Eighty skin used images for the epg from the "skin_default/epg" folder. You need to replace those as well.
No, no, no... put them in...


That way they get backed up and not overwritten on a software update.

And no idea why you can't get a user skin to work. What is the problem?

27-05-22, 20:35
It just doesn't seem to recognise it. I named it skin_user_Simple_Ten_Eighty. I'll try again (if I can find all the changes I made) :(

27-05-22, 21:00
I just tried this file but it isn't making the changes like if I edit the skin and skin template files. Any idea why that is?


27-05-22, 21:15
It looks like your missing the skin parts at the top and bottom of the file

<skin> at the top
</skin> at the bottom

My modified skin code

27-05-22, 21:39
Still no joy. Could it be because the code I changed is from the skin_templates.xml and not the skin.xml ?

27-05-22, 21:49
I haven't checked it on my box so there could be other issues. One I've noticed is <screen name="NumberZapPicon" section hasn't had </screen> at the end of that section

27-05-22, 21:54
I'll add it and see what it does. I did see that bit of code and noticed I never saw the picon.

This is what I altered: 63930

27-05-22, 22:47
It just doesn't seem to recognise it. I named it skin_user_Simple_Ten_Eighty. I'll try again (if I can find all the changes I made) :(

/etc/enigma2/Simple_Ten_Eighty/skin_user_Simple_Ten_Eighty.xml along with your new graphics folders.

27-05-22, 23:11
It needs to be like this:


28-05-22, 00:05
Thanks to both of you. That works perfectly Willo, you are a star! :thumbsup:

02-11-23, 22:44
This is the latest iteration of my modification if anybody wants to give it a go. I've made the icons work better and added a SNR bar instead of text.