View Full Version : Sourcetree workflow error

abu baniaz
25-04-22, 05:27
I am getting this error when pushing with Sourcetree.

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks push -v --set-upstream origin Developer:Developer
POST git-receive-pack (226 bytes)
Pushing to https://github.com/AbuBaniaz/enigma2_OpenViX.git
To https://github.com/AbuBaniaz/enigma2_OpenViX.git
! [remote rejected] Developer -> Developer (refusing to allow an OAuth App to create or update workflow `.github/workflows/enigma2.yml` without `workflow` scope)
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.com/AbuBaniaz/enigma2_OpenViX.git'

Completed with errors, see above.

I have seen this:


I have generated the token. But it does not tell me where to enter the token in Sourcetree. Any pointers please.

26-04-22, 15:24
Github: https [...] Password-based authentication for Git has been removed [...]

Why are you not using ssh and a key?

abu baniaz
26-04-22, 19:57
I am using SSH and a key. The key has been there since 2016.

abu baniaz
26-04-22, 21:18
Sorted it by crook. I went credential manager in Control panel, deleted all Github credentials.
Started Git bash, it forced Git Credential manager to authenticate, did so. And done.

User@DESKTOP/e/001_Git/02_mycopy/vix_enigma2_mycopy (Developer)
$ git push -u origin Developer
info: please complete authentication in your browser...
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Create a pull request for 'Developer' on GitHub by visiting:
remote: https://github.com/AbuBaniaz/enigma2_OpenViX/pull/new/Developer
To https://github.com/AbuBaniaz/enigma2_OpenViX.git
* [new branch] Developer -> Developer
Branch 'Developer' set up to track remote branch 'Developer' from 'origin'.

User@DESKTOP/e/001_Git/02_mycopy/vix_enigma2_mycopy (Developer)

26-04-22, 23:54
How can you be using ssh if the url is https?

abu baniaz
27-04-22, 00:03
So please tell me, what is the url of my Github account ?

27-04-22, 00:17
origin should be "git@github.com:AbuBaniaz/enigma2_OpenViX.git"

abu baniaz
27-04-22, 01:16
So how/where do I change it?

The contents of post 4 are by Gitbash, so sourcetree was not even involved. I had stopped trying to resolve issue using sourcetree. I just pasted
git push -u origin Developer

27-04-22, 19:19
I only use command line to work with github, it changed to required you to create a token and use that instead of using your password.

Not my real token by the way!

git clone https://LraiZer:lk36j34k66j3kllklkjlkj63l3k46l3k46jl3lk6@g ithub.com/LraiZer/autobouquets.git