View Full Version : RSS Newsreader?

02-04-22, 18:29
Downloaded the most recent openvix 6 for my VU+ Solo4k and all installed just fine.

I have added the RSS newsreader from the Plugin download menu but it does not appear to bring and messages when one of them is selected from the list.

The list is there as it added the feeds.xml file into the etc folder but when I click on one of the links nothing happens, any idea's anyone as I like to read the Sports news on there.

TIA Ashy

06-04-22, 12:07
I now see that this plugin has been removed from the list, anyone have any information about it?


06-04-22, 12:16
.... if you already have it installed you won't see it in the download list, only the remove list.

I can see newsreader and simplerss.

07-04-22, 17:23
Ok thats why I aint seeing it any more then. Idid install the other one too simplerss but it wont work for me either and returns the message "not a string" what ever that means. Cany understand it as the box has Ethernet and Wifi connections working 100%


07-04-22, 17:25
You need to provide debug logs to see what's going on.

08-04-22, 07:23
Now gone back to my old image and all working fine again.

08-04-22, 08:26
Going back to an abandoned image is not helpful. If this is going to be fixed it needs input from someone that is actually using the plugin.