View Full Version : Who do I speak to about a mod request for the Magic HD Night skin?

30-03-22, 12:21
I'd like to please request to get a mod done to the "Magic HD Night" skin where more of the unused space is allocated to extra rows. At the moment the max rows (channels) you can have is 20. I'd like to have at least 2 extra rows up to maximum of 5 extra rows. If possible could you also change it to 1080p instead of 720p. I'm happy to pay for the work done.

Does anyone have the contact details of the person who created the "Magic HD Night" skin so I can ask them about modding it? Or do you know if there's somewhere I can ask modders about this job?

Can anyone create their own skin or is it only members of the Vix team who can do so?

If I need to hire someone to do the job such as on a job site then what skills should I say are needed to mod a skin? Python for example?

Here's a screenshot mockup example of what I'd like it to look like:


30-03-22, 12:42
What version of ViX are you using, the current skin version is Magic-FHD.

Rob van der Does maintains it and is an active developer on this forum.

30-03-22, 12:48
OpenViX 5.4.014. Pretty sure I've seen the Magic-FHD skin before and I didn't like it. I downloaded the "Magic HD Night" skin which is the skin I'd like to get modded. Do you have a link to Rob's profile page so I can contact him please?

abu baniaz
30-03-22, 16:03
The Grid EPG number of rows is in the python file. Not sure if you can/cannot just change that in the skin.

Anybody can make changes to the skin in a separate file so it wont get overriden by changes to the "official" skin.

Comparing the screenshot to what is in the git version of skin, you just want the button bar at the top? Is that the only change? Can you explicitly list all the changes. Bear in mind you are at least two image lines behind now, so there will be differences in python files/features.

30-03-22, 16:14
You can compare a screenshot of the Skin before and after my proposed change. Here's the original skin. My proposed change is in my first post:


I removed all the excessive blank space.
I moved the Date text to the left of the time.
I moved the buttons to the top between the "All channels" and Date and time text
I added extra rows to fill in the extra space obtained after doing all of the above.

abu baniaz
30-03-22, 18:44
The files you want to change are

Common skin file:

HD night skin file

Best you stop Enigma2 and start it in console mode so you can quickly start/stop and make changes. Skin reload is not available in Release images yet.
Best to make the background colour a weird/obscure colour while you identify/modify what you want.

abu baniaz
30-03-22, 18:57
BTW, the screen needs quite a bit of updating.

30-03-22, 18:59
Thanks for the info about the skin. Don't understand what you mean by the screen needs updating?

abu baniaz
30-03-22, 19:07
Sorry, should have said. Look at the expandable icon in the screenshot I attached.

30-03-22, 19:10
eg .......


30-03-22, 19:10
I clicked on the screenshot but I still don't know what you're talking about?

30-03-22, 19:13
I'm lost. I'm familiar with the Plugins page but what is it that you're saying I should do?

abu baniaz
30-03-22, 19:17
I have updated the screenshot. I should really have annotated it in the first place. I am saying the skin looks wrongs wrong at the moment and needs to be updated to bring it in line with other changes in E2.

01-04-22, 16:11
The files you want to change are

Common skin file:

HD night skin file

Best you stop Enigma2 and start it in console mode so you can quickly start/stop and make changes. Skin reload is not available in Release images yet.
Best to make the background colour a weird/obscure colour while you identify/modify what you want.

I don't have any spare time at the moment to learn about modding it myself so I'd rather pay someone to do it for me as I need to get this done urgently before a new channel comes on air sometime in April.
I've contacted Rob van der Does but haven't heard from him after a couple of days. In the event that he doesn't reply, is there anyone you can recommend who might want to do this job for some money? Or is there a good place to post this job such as on Fiverr.com?

Are there any specific skills a person will need to be able to do the mod such as a specific coding language?

Is there somewhere on the forum that I can post a job? Thanks

01-04-22, 16:34
You can change line 142 of https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/blob/Release/lib/python/Components/EpgConfig.py to increase the number of rows.

You end up with this. 63605

Not sure what sized telescope you'll need. :)

01-04-22, 16:49
Thanks. However like you said it makes the rows smaller. I was looking to keep the rows the same size but remove the wasted black space to fit more rows.

abu baniaz
01-04-22, 16:57
You have to do both things.

12-04-22, 17:28
Anybody interested in doing the job for me? Will pay you for your time. Need to get this done before April 25th.

12-04-22, 22:59
Anybody interested in doing the job for me? Will pay you for your time. Need to get this done before April 25th.

Why? What happens then?

13-04-22, 13:23
Had a faff with it but it all looks a bit busy to me :confused: How come the OP's grid is blue when it's black on mine?


13-04-22, 13:42
How come the OP's grid is blue when it's black on mine?

No idea, I see what you see.

13-04-22, 13:50
Had a faff with it but it all looks a bit busy to me :confused: How come the OP's grid is blue when it's black on mine?

63684OP is using Magic-HD-Night, not a 1080 skin.

13-04-22, 13:57
OP is using Magic-HD-Night, not a 1080 skin.

This is what I see.... 63685 63686

13-04-22, 15:37
OP is using Magic-HD-Night, not a 1080 skin.

That's what this says it is?


13-04-22, 16:12
Had a faff with it but it all looks a bit busy to me :confused: How come the OP's grid is blue when it's black on mine?


In settings change view mode to Text not Graphics

13-04-22, 16:17
In settings change view mode to Text not Graphics

That works :thumbsup: