View Full Version : openvix-6 mutantHD2400 plugin-vcs not work

28-03-22, 19:53
I'm here new,since you have an python3-image for my box Mutant HD2400.
I test this image.But I have a problem with the plugin"enigma2-plugin-extensions-vcs_2.9_all.ipk". When I install the plugin
and go to the plugin's,there comes this error. 63571

I think it's not for python3. Is there a functioning version?
With the 'plugin-vcs' I can enlarge or reduce the image section on the TV or change it as I want it.
I hope someone can help me.

28-03-22, 20:51
Where did you get the plugin from? Its certainly not adapted for python3 judging by the issue.

28-03-22, 21:46
I have been using the plugin for many years (version 2.4, 2.7, 2.9). I used this image (HDF, Openatv, OpenPli Last Pure2).
I do not know where from is the original plugin. Openvix has Python3 for my box, so I want to use the picture.
The plugin VCS is important to me because I often use it.
I hope someone can build the plugin for Python3.

29-03-22, 01:50
I think it's this:


Later: Actually it looks like Dima73 is actively working on it and has converted, or partially converted, it to Python 3.

29-03-22, 14:10
@Input2 --- having had a quick look, its basically written for OpenPli (so not just a python3 change) , and apart from that I think most of the features can be achieved by changing options in AV setup.

29-03-22, 16:06
Hello twol
It's not what I want. The AV setup changes the aspect ratio, the proportions of persons are changed with ( egg head).
With the VCS plugin I can enlarge and move the TV picture. The proportions of the persons are retained if I want it.
This can enlarge the TV image to reduce or remove the black bars.

29-03-22, 16:17
This is done in the overscan wizard.

29-03-22, 17:21
I think maybe the idea is that you can have it automatically only display the centre 704x576 when you receive 720x576 video or automatically display only the centre 528x576 when you receive 544x576 video while not changing HD video at all.
You'd need to be able to enable and disable it as well because sometimes the 16:9 picture does fill the entire 720x576 or 544x576 that's transmitted.

Oh and maybe it also lets you shrink video marked as 16:9 down to 4:3 or expand video marked as 4:3 to 16:9, both of which are sometimes needed for some of the more obscure channels.

29-03-22, 20:34
I think you do not understand what I mean. I show a few pictures while the plugin works.

I hope the pictures show how the plugin and the settings menu work.
The settings are absolutely flexible.
The proportions of people remain the same.
This can you not do with aspect ratio or overscan wizard.

It is a very nice plugin. I use it for all movies to fully use the TV screen.
I have multiple profiles in the plugin that I can switch with a key.

I did that with my current image.

29-03-22, 21:46
Ah. These are things I wouldn't think of. I never crop my video.

Presumably your current image isn't OpenViX and isn't a Python 3 image?