View Full Version : Flash space

05-03-22, 16:04
Any boday tell me what menu u do I use to find how much I have in the flash space I’m using the doc thenks

05-03-22, 16:09

05-03-22, 16:29
How do free up space it says 3.5 g free2.9g thanks

05-03-22, 16:36
Abigail Bump guys

05-03-22, 16:47
Is it causing any issues? To free up free space possibly remove unwanted plugins and check epg is going to your storage device

05-03-22, 16:55
We’re do I do this is it var/lib/opkg/list is this right thanks

05-03-22, 17:30
Menu, plugins red to remove plugins.

05-03-22, 17:45
What should I delete oe-alliance-settings-f 65.575 open is -3rd party 3.145 open is-all 399.958 open is-cortexa15hhf-5334.773 open vix -picon-feed 6828 open vix-vuultimo4k 967.320 vix-vuultimo4k 0

abu baniaz
05-03-22, 17:46
You have almost 3GB of internal flash memory free. That is more than you will ever use.

Please spit out what the problem is. Use words other people will understand.

Which receiver are you using?
Which image are you using? Please do not say "latest". "latest" could mean anything.
What are you trying to do?
Post a picture of: menu > information > about
Post a picture of: menu > information > devices

abu baniaz
05-03-22, 17:47
Leave var/lib/opkg/list alone. You are going to mess things up.

Screw DCC and use your remote

05-03-22, 17:52
How do I do it in the menu thanks deltec.

abu baniaz
05-03-22, 17:57
Answer the question in post 9 first

Post 7 actually answers your question. If you don't understand advice/response, please ask. People are hear to help. But you have to communicate effectively.

05-03-22, 17:59
Menu, plugins red to remove plugins but read abu baniaz post above and give more details about your box.

I use a vu uno4k with 3.5gb and I don't think I've ever used more than 1gb and installed various plugins so using up memory shouldn't be an issue.

05-03-22, 18:12
I’m using the latest vix image iv loaded picons in the flash and my epg to my sed that is it I am using a vu ultimo 4k that’s it

05-03-22, 18:30
What is the problem, and who is Abigail Bump?

05-03-22, 18:34
Abigail What is this mate I having no problems I just wanted is free up space

05-03-22, 18:48
There's no need to free up space. I'm not sure how much space a clean image uses but you should be fine unless you plan to install lots of plugins

05-03-22, 18:56
I’ll just leave it then I don’t bother with the plug-ins I just watch tv

05-03-22, 19:18
Any boday no how much space a clean image uses

abu baniaz
06-03-22, 02:13
Looks like I have a new name.

Not all boxes are the same, some have different things pre-installed. Like Bluetooth drivers, wireless drivers, weather plugin, etc. If you want to compare, it has to be an identical receiver.

My Duo 4K has only used 275MB.

root@vuduo4k:~# df -Th
Filesystem Type Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root ext4 3.5G 275.5M 3.0G 8% /
devtmpfs devtmpfs 269.1M 4.0K 269.1M 0% /dev
tmpfs tmpfs 64.0K 0 64.0K 0% /media
tmpfs tmpfs 277.3M 256.0K 277.0M 0% /run
tmpfs tmpfs 277.3M 148.0K 277.2M 0% /var/volatile
/dev/sda1 ext4 465.6G 157.7G 306.9G 34% /media/internalhdd

In Telnet part of DCC, type df -Th and post back what it shows you. Like I have.