View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] AutoTimer error when it runs.

07-02-22, 15:26
Couple of weeks after firmware updating I started to get Autotimer error every time when it runs.
One specific autotimer item is causing the error. If I disable that item, no more errors.
Autotimer error log:

<160600.3889> 15:39:56.3095 [eEPGCache] lookup events with 'Simpsonit' in title (ignore case)
<160600.5162> 15:39:56.4369 [Task] >>> Error: [<Components.Task.FailedPostcondition object at 0x69a99340>]
<160600.5169> 15:39:56.4375 [Task] job Components.Task.Job name=Automaattiajastus #tasks=23 completed with [<Components.Task.FailedPostcondition object at 0x69a99340>] in Components.Task.Task name=Simpsonit_14
<160600.5184> 15:39:56.4390 [Task] unrecoverable task failure
<160600.5186> 15:39:56.4392 Automaattiajastus
Virhe: [Failure instance: Traceback: <class 'SystemError'>: <built-in function eEPGCache_search> returned a result with an error set
--- <exception caught here> ---
]<160600.5188> 15:39:56.4394

I have done couple of experiments, and here is the summary:

If there are lot of search results (~50 or more) for a keyword in autotimer, it fails.
Easy to reproduce by using OpenWebIf AutoTimer->Simulate.
The issue is not in the AutoTimer itself. It seems to be an EPG search issue. I reproduced the same kind of issue without autotimer, if searching the same keyword from EPG by WWW-browser:
I tried to limit the number of search results by modifying the python file: /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/AutoTimer/AutoTimer.py line 441
Original (maxmatches=3000):
epgmatches = epgcache.search(('RITBDSE', 3000, EPG_searchType, match, caseMap[timer.searchCase])) or []
Modified (maxmatches=44):
epgmatches = epgcache.search(('RITBDSE', 44, EPG_searchType, match, caseMap[timer.searchCase])) or []
No AutoTimer error after that modification. (bigger maxmatches >= 45 gives the error)
Same here: /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/models/services.py line 1001:
events = epgcache.search(('IBDTSENRW', 128, search_type, sstr, 1))
events = epgcache.search(('IBDTSENRW', 43, search_type, sstr, 1))
No Search error after that modification.

Some kind of resource limitation issue?

07-02-22, 16:05
Is there a specific term that causes the crash?

On my box that gives 128 results an no crashs.

07-02-22, 16:37
Gives "Processing Failed".

<167255.8441> 17:30:48.9629 [eEPGCache] lookup events with 'Simpsonit' in title (ignore case)
<167255.9666> 17:30:49.0854
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/twisted/protocols/basic.py", line 548, in dataReceived
why = self.lineReceived(line)
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/twisted/web/http.py", line 2243, in lineReceived
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/twisted/web/http.py", line 2369, in allContentReceived
req.requestReceived(command, path, version)
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/twisted/web/http.py", line 1003, in requestReceived
--- <exception caught here> ---
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/twisted/web/server.py", line 229, in process
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/twisted/web/server.py", line 294, in render
body = resrc.render(self)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/base.py", line 206, in render
data = func(request)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/web.py", line 1557, in P_epgsearch
return getSearchEpg(search, endtime, fulldesc, False, self.isJson)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/models/services.py", line 1001, in getSearchEpg
events = epgcache.search(('IBDTSENRW', 128, search_type, sstr, 1))
builtins.SystemError: <built-in function eEPGCache_search> returned a result with an error set

http://digibox/web/epgsearch?search=Simpsonit%20(7) gives less results, and returns 23 elements as expected.

Yes indeed, some other common keyword can return 128 results! such as:
Very strange!

08-02-22, 22:02
So it's probably limited to a maximum of 128?

08-02-22, 23:56
According to the (comment in the) code the maximum number of matches to return is set in the second member of the incoming tuple.

And the AutoTimer.py code (#1) sends in a value of 3000. So something else could be happening there.

09-02-22, 00:12
According to the (comment in the) code the maximum number of matches to return is set in the second member of the incoming tuple.

And the AutoTimer.py code (#1) sends in a value of 3000. So something else could be happening there.In webIF the limit is 128.

events = epgcache.search(('IBDTSENRW', 128, search_type, sstr, 1))

09-02-22, 14:02
Yes, probably there is something else than the count limit.

If I try to read all programs from FOX-channel, operation fails:

http://digibox/api/epgservice?sRef=1:0:1:211:3001:20F6:EEEE0000:0:0:0 :
Processing Failed

<329565.9072> 14:35:45.9966
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/twisted/protocols/basic.py", line 548, in dataReceived
why = self.lineReceived(line)
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/twisted/web/http.py", line 2243, in lineReceived
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/twisted/web/http.py", line 2369, in allContentReceived
req.requestReceived(command, path, version)
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/twisted/web/http.py", line 1003, in requestReceived
--- <exception caught here> ---
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/twisted/web/server.py", line 229, in process
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/twisted/web/server.py", line 294, in render
body = resrc.render(self)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/base.py", line 206, in render
data = func(request)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/web.py", line 1607, in P_epgservice
return getChannelEpg(getUrlArg(request, "sRef"), begintime, endtime, self.isJson)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/models/services.py", line 782, in getChannelEpg
events = epgcache.lookupEvent(['IBDTSENCW', (_ref, 0, begintime, endtime)])
builtins.SystemError: <built-in function eEPGCache_lookupEvent> returned a result with an error set

There seems to be a problematic <e2event> in the middle of EPG-data.
I can read <e2event> before that:

http://digibox/api/epgservice?sRef=1:0:1:211:3001:20F6:EEEE0000:0:0:0 :&time=1644501900&endTime=20

picon "/picon/fox.png"
id 44023
date "To 10.02.2022"
begin "16:05"
begin_timestamp 1644501900
duration 30
duration_sec 1800
end "16:35"
title "Simpsonit"
shortdesc "Kausi 16. Jakso 3/21. Vihollinen vuoteessani. Kiusanhenki piinaa Bartia, ja Lisa pelkää, ettei hän ole koskaan kyllin laiha."
longdesc ""
sref "1:0:1:211:3001:20F6:EEEE0000:0:0:0:"
sname "FOX"
tleft 1557
progress -20367
now_timestamp 1644410246
genre ""
genreid 0
result true

And after that:

http://digibox/api/epgservice?sRef=1:0:1:211:3001:20F6:EEEE0000:0:0:0 :&time=1644505500&endTime=20

picon "/picon/fox.png"
id 44025
date "To 10.02.2022"
begin "17:05"
begin_timestamp 1644505500
duration 30
duration_sec 1800
end "17:35"
title "Simpsonit"
shortdesc "Kausi 2. Jakso 21/22. Radioaktiivinen mies. Bart, Milhouse ja Martin ostavat harvinaisen sarjakuvanumeron jaetulla omistuksella, millä on karmivat seuraukset heidän ystävyydelleen."
longdesc ""
sref "1:0:1:211:3001:20F6:EEEE0000:0:0:0:"
sname "FOX"
tleft 1616
progress -21155
now_timestamp 1644410300
genre ""
genreid 0
result true

But that specific <e2event> (16:35-17:05) fails::

http://digibox/api/epgservice?sRef=1:0:1:211:3001:20F6:EEEE0000:0:0:0 :&time=1644503700&endTime=20
Processing Failed

In the Vu+Duo2 screen I can see it in the EPG, but description is empty.

Couple of days earlier, I tried 5.4.016 firmware, and I took the whole XML-log from FOX channel successfully.
The second <e2event> below is the problematic one. It's having a long <e2eventdescription> with couple of scandinavian characters (äö):

<e2eventdescription>Kausi 16. Jakso 3/21. Vihollinen vuoteessani. Kiusanhenki piinaa Bartia, ja Lisa pelkää, ettei hän ole koskaan kyllin laiha.</e2eventdescription>
<e2eventgenre id="0"/>
<e2eventdescription>Kausi 2. Jakso 20/22. Aviokriisi. Homerin on valittava kahdesta vaihtoehdosta: osallistua avioliittonsa pelastavaan terapiaan tai livistää järvelle kalastamaan ennätyssaalista. Kotona Bart ja Lisa käyttävät tilannetta hyväkseen säännöist</e2eventdescription>
<e2eventgenre id="0"/>
<e2eventdescription>Kausi 2. Jakso 21/22. Radioaktiivinen mies. Bart, Milhouse ja Martin ostavat harvinaisen sarjakuvanumeron jaetulla omistuksella, millä on karmivat seuraukset heidän ystävyydelleen.</e2eventdescription>
<e2eventgenre id="0"/>

Could this issue be related to long description text with UTF-8 characters?

11-02-22, 00:46
Is this being populated with EpgImport? Possible some chars are not being handled correctly. Or the source file contains chars that are not UTF8 encoded.

11-02-22, 02:38
Is this being populated with EpgImport? Possible some chars are not being handled correctly. Or the source file contains chars that are not UTF8 encoded.Surely that should be a matter for any importer to handle.
It should ensure that everything in the EPG cache is utf-8.

11-02-22, 06:06
Is this being populated with EpgImport? Possible some chars are not being handled correctly. Or the source file contains chars that are not UTF8 encoded.

No, I am not using EpgImport. EPG-data comes from the broadcasted stream (DVB-T2 receiver).

11-02-22, 08:59
Can you go back to a 5.4 image and retry.

11-02-22, 09:00
Surely that should be a matter for any importer to handle.
It should ensure that everything in the EPG cache is utf-8.I'm not sure how this is helpful to find the route of the problem.

13-02-22, 18:04
Can you go back to a 5.4 image and retry.
Currently there is only one problematic event in all channels when using 6.0.006 image.
http://digibox/api/epgservice... fails for it. Description for it is empty in the screen.

I went back to a 5.4.016 image, retried and collected data.
I can see the description of the problematic event, but the last word is truncated, and the last character is wrong. It's À although it should be ä.
XML and json data for it:

<e2eventdescription>Naisleijonien kesäleiri 2020 oli Anni Keisalalle isku vasten kasvoja - ja tarpeellinen sellainen. Nuorena hän pärjäsi lahjoillaan, mutta enää se ei riittänyt. Hänen oli otettava itseään niskasta kiinni. Keisala teki käänteentekevän pä</e2eventdescription>
<e2eventservicename>Yle Teema &amp; Fem HD</e2eventservicename>
<e2eventgenre id="64">Urheilu: urheilu (yleinen)</e2eventgenre>

"begin": "19:48",
"sname": "Yle Teema &amp; Fem HD",
"end": "20:00",
"title": "Sportliv",
"genreid": 64,
"now_timestamp": 1644768971,
"shortdesc": "Naisleijonien kes\u00e4leiri 2020 oli Anni Keisalalle isku vasten kasvoja - ja tarpeellinen sellainen. Nuorena h\u00e4n p\u00e4rj\u00e4si lahjoillaan, mutta en\u00e4\u00e4 se ei riitt\u00e4nyt. H\u00e4nen oli otettava itse\u00e4\u00e4n niskasta kiinni. Keisala teki k\u00e4\u00e4nteentekev\u00e4n p\u00e4",
"picon": "/images/default_picon.png",
"begin_timestamp": 1644774480,
"duration": 12,
"duration_sec": 725,
"sref": "1:0:19:5DF:2001:20F6:EEEE0000:0:0:0:",
"longdesc": "",
"date": "Su 13.02.2022",
"progress": -3040,
"tleft": 103,
"genre": "Urheilu: urheilu (yleinen)",
"id": 44889

The description is long, but not the longest one. The problematic event description, which does not work:

Naisleijonien kesäleiri 2020 oli Anni Keisalalle isku vasten kasvoja - ja tarpeellinen sellainen. Nuorena hän pärjäsi lahjoillaan, mutta enää se ei riittänyt. Hänen oli otettava itseään niskasta kiinni. Keisala teki käänteentekevän pä
Char count: 234
Byte count: 248

But this works, although it's one byte longer:

12/13. Ruotsin suosituimman tietovisailun toinen semifinaali. Musiikista vastaa Vargas &amp; Lagola, ja tänään ovat mukana myös vierailevat tähdet Agnes Carlsson, Roger Pontare, Nassim Al Fakir, Sami Al Fakir, Fares Al Fakir sekä Ayman Al Faki
Char count: 243
Byte count: 249

The only difference I can see is such that the first one is having scandinavian character (2 bytes UTF-8) in the end.

13-02-22, 18:35
I don't know if this applies, but there is a problem with uk freeview dvb-t2 sd broadcasts and some accents.

I have added an extra line to encoding.conf (https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/commits/future-release/data/encoding.conf)

to change the fallback encoding table (which doesn't appear to be set in sd broadcasts). It works for me because I only use dvb-t2.

chn GB18030
fas UTF-8
per UTF-8
fa UTF-8
pes UTF-8

#Fallback encoding when in dvb-text no encoding table is given
#and no Countrycode and no transponders configs in this config file
* ISO6937

#Sorry for that.. in DVB Spec this is the default behavior
#when no other encoding is given in dvb-texts..
#but this breaks too much providers yet..

I've put my copy of encoding.conf in /etc/enigma2, it then overrides the system version.

14-02-22, 00:12
I agree with ccs. Something is wrong with the encoding. It is a pity you didn't show us a screenshot from the 6.0 image of the same problem.

14-02-22, 03:33
I agree with ccs. Something is wrong with the encoding. So, going back to my previous point, it would make sense(?) if everything putting text into the epg cache put it in as utf-8 (ignoring errors on encoding?).
That way everything retrieving data would always get utf-8 and always work.

14-02-22, 08:20
I agree with ccs. Something is wrong with the encoding. It is a pity you didn't show us a screenshot from the 6.0 image of the same problem.

Unfortunately I cannot take a screenshot from the 6.0 image of the same problem right now, because currently there is no problematic events in any of channels.

The description for it was just empty in the screen. It was like in the below screenshot, which I have edited manually:
Could it be so that truncating UTF-8 encoded Unicode text in the end may cut in the middle of a UTF-8 encoded code-point and cause corruption?

14-02-22, 09:03
So, going back to my previous point, it would make sense(?) if everything putting text into the epg cache put it in as utf-8 (ignoring errors on encoding?).
That way everything retrieving data would always get utf-8 and always work.If you start with an incorrectly encoded string and convert it to UTF8 the output will be wrong. That is what encoding.conf is for. And even then it still relies on the input maintaining the encoding correctly.

14-02-22, 11:12
I was seeing, for example, Benalmádena until I changed the encoding table to ISO6937, when the correct text Benalmádena was stored.

@Joe_90 worked out what the encoding should have been, although I don't know how.

14-02-22, 11:19
I was seeing, for example, Benalmádena until I changed the encoding table to ISO6937, when the correct text Benalmádena was stored.

@Joe_90 worked out what the encoding should have been, although I don't know how.

IIRC - because ISO6937 was specifically mentioned in the Freeview/Freesat D Book as one of the acceptable encodings.

EDIT - here's the reference in "D" book:

F.1 Introduction
Table F-1 lists the displayable characters that shall be implemented by all
decoders conforming to this specification.
Note that the UK MHEG-5 profile specifies several characters that are not
defined within ISO/IEC 6937 [42] on which the DVB SI specifications are
based. These characters may be broadcast in, and shall be displayed
correctly within MHEG-5 applications; there is no guarantee that they will be
displayed correctly within SI delivered text. The characters in the shaded
cells are shown only to emphasise gaps.

It goes on to list UCS-2, UTF-8 and ISO 6937 encodings and the name for each character.

14-02-22, 12:35
The description is long, but not the longest one. The problematic event description, which does not work:

Naisleijonien kesäleiri 2020 oli Anni Keisalalle isku vasten kasvoja - ja tarpeellinen sellainen. Nuorena hän pärjäsi lahjoillaan, mutta enää se ei riittänyt. Hänen oli otettava itseään niskasta kiinni. Keisala teki käänteentekevän pä
Char count: 234
Byte count: 248

This is what the description probably should look like (6 extra characters at the end).....

Naisleijonien kesäleiri 2020 oli Anni Keisalalle isku vasten kasvoja - ja tarpeellinen sellainen. Nuorena hän pärjäsi lahjoillaan, mutta enää se ei riittänyt. Hänen oli otettava itseään niskasta kiinni. Keisala teki käänteentekevän päätökse

14-02-22, 12:57
If you start with an incorrectly encoded string and convert it to UTF8 the output will be wrong.That's not what I'm trying to say.
What I meant was that everything in the EPG cache should be utf-8 (whether it's the "correct" text is another matter).
That way you won't get an error when searching/extracting from it.

So anything that updates the EPG cache should only put valid utf-8 into it, which appears to not be the case currently.

14-02-22, 13:44
root@vuultimo4k:~# echo Naisleijonien kesäleiri 2020 oli Anni Keisalalle isku vasten kasvoja - ja tarpeellinen sellainen. Nuorena hän pärjäsi lahjoillaan, mutta enää se ei riittänyt. Hänen oli otettava itseään niskasta kiinni. Keisala teki käänteentekevän päätökse|od -h
0000000 614e 7369 656c 6a69 6e6f 6569 206e 656b
0000020 c373 6ca4 6965 6972 3220 3230 2030 6c6f
0000040 2069 6e41 696e 4b20 6965 6173 616c 6c6c
0000060 2065 7369 756b 7620 7361 6574 206e 616b
0000100 7673 6a6f 2061 202d 616a 7420 7261 6570
0000120 6c65 696c 656e 206e 6573 6c6c 6961 656e
0000140 2e6e 4e20 6f75 6572 616e 6820 a4c3 206e
0000160 c370 72a4 c36a 73a4 2069 616c 6a68 696f
0000200 6c6c 6161 2c6e 6d20 7475 6174 6520 c36e
0000220 c3a4 20a4 6573 6520 2069 6972 7469 c374
0000240 6ea4 7479 202e c348 6ea4 6e65 6f20 696c
0000260 6f20 6574 7474 7661 2061 7469 6573 a4c3
0000300 a4c3 206e 696e 6b73 7361 6174 6b20 6969
0000320 6e6e 2e69 4b20 6965 6173 616c 7420 6b65
0000340 2069 c36b c3a4 6ea4 6574 6e65 6574 656b
0000360 c376 6ea4 7020 a4c3 a4c3 c374 6bb6 6573
0000400 000a

root@vuultimo4k:~# echo Naisleijonien kesäleiri 2020 oli Anni Keisalalle isku vasten kasvoja - ja tarpeellinen sellainen. Nuorena hän pärjäsi lahjoillaan, mutta enää se ei riittänyt. Hänen oli otettava itseään niskasta kiinni. Keisala teki käänteentekevän päätökse|od -c
0000000 N a i s l e i j o n i e n k e
0000020 s 303 244 l e i r i 2 0 2 0 o l
0000040 i A n n i K e i s a l a l l
0000060 e i s k u v a s t e n k a
0000100 s v o j a - j a t a r p e
0000120 e l l i n e n s e l l a i n e
0000140 n . N u o r e n a h 303 244 n
0000160 p 303 244 r j 303 244 s i l a h j o i
0000200 l l a a n , m u t t a e n 303
0000220 244 303 244 s e e i r i i t t 303
0000240 244 n y t . H 303 244 n e n o l i
0000260 o t e t t a v a i t s e 303 244
0000300 303 244 n n i s k a s t a k i i
0000320 n n i . K e i s a l a t e k
0000340 i k 303 244 303 244 n t e e n t e k e
0000360 v 303 244 n p 303 244 303 244 t 303 266 k s e
0000400 \n

root@vuultimo4k:~# echo Naisleijonien kesäleiri 2020 oli Anni Keisalalle isku vasten kasvoja - ja tarpeellinen sellainen. Nuorena hän pärjäsi lahjoillaan, mutta enää se ei riittänyt. Hänen oli otettava itseään niskasta kiinni. Keisala teki käänteentekevän päätökse|wc
1 32 257

25-04-22, 09:13
I have noticed now this same issue with some Finnish channels. For some reason there is something wrong at EPG descriptions and autotimer fails. But there is also an issue with recording; if I manually add timer, the system will keep rebooting during while recording the program. Do You have any known fixes or workarounds for this issue?

25-04-22, 10:24
I have noticed now this same issue with some Finnish channels. For some reason there is something wrong at EPG descriptions and autotimer fails. But there is also an issue with recording; if I manually add timer, the system will keep rebooting during while recording the program. Do You have any known fixes or workarounds for this issue?

if it keeps rebooting you should have crash logs.
If you haven't done so, then turn on debug logs and save to other than flash(menu/setup/system/logs/settings)
post crash and debug logs

29-10-22, 19:13
I am typically using AutoTimer to search some text in a title. Log is displaying for example "[eEPGCache] lookup events with 'Simpsonit' in title (ignore case)". I am just wondering why an illegal description is causing the issue, although the code should not care about the description text at all? Would it be possible to fix at least the title search case?

30-10-22, 06:23
I am typically using AutoTimer to search some text in a title. Log is displaying for example "[eEPGCache] lookup events with 'Simpsonit' in title (ignore case)". I am just wondering why an illegal description is causing the issue, although the code should not care about the description text at all? Would it be possible to fix at least the title search case?

As requested ………..please post debug logs

30-10-22, 18:38
As requested ………..please post debug logs

The debug log attached (SW 6.2.011). The exception is the same as in the first post.

< 196.0866> 18:49:10.1041 [eEPGCache] lookup events with 'Eräelämää' in title (ignore case)< 196.1279> 18:49:10.1454 [Task] >>> Error: [<Components.Task.FailedPostcondition object at 0x6917d418>]
< 196.1295> 18:49:10.1471 [Task] job Components.Task.Job name=Automaattiajastus #tasks=27 completed with [<Components.Task.FailedPostcondition object at 0x6917d418>] in Components.Task.Task name=Eräelämää_4
< 196.1317> 18:49:10.1493 [Task] unrecoverable task failure
< 196.1322> 18:49:10.1498 Automaattiajastus
Virhe: [Failure instance: Traceback: <class 'SystemError'>: <built-in function eEPGCache_search> returned a result with an exception set
--- <exception caught here> ---

30-10-22, 19:22
So you need to go through you channels and find which one has junk in the epg.

30-10-22, 20:02
Yes. I have a python script, which goes through all channels, and try to get epg data by requesting "http://<ip>/api/epgservice?sRef=<sref>&endTime=<endtime>". In case of failure, it tries to find the longest possible request without errors. And yes, in that way I can find the program, which one has junk in the epg, and I can create an autotimer for it to reproduce the issue.

31-10-22, 23:23
So where is it coming from?

01-11-22, 06:32
So where is it coming from?

Right now, all channels are clear. There is no junk descriptions in any of Finnish channels.