View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-S/S2] ABM cannot get the nim

23-12-21, 14:33
I'm not sure if this is normal for unicable LNB's but I set my preferred tuner to C and my preferred tuner for recordings to D.
I was expecting this to leave the main tuners A & B free to avoid a black screen when scanning with ABM but I just get the 'cannot get the NIM' message.
If I reset the preferred tuners to Auto then it works fine.
Tuner A is 28.2E and Tuner B is 19.2E.

Not really an issue but I was expecting a different result.

23-12-21, 17:42
Can you post a log with extra debug enabled please.

23-12-21, 17:58
I'm just having a search for the ABM log.
This is from the normal debug log:

16:51:49.6360 [ActionMap] Keymap 'WizardActions' -> Action = 'ok'.
16:51:49.6507 [ABM-config] level: expert
16:51:49.6513 [ABM-config] providers: sat_282_sky_uk:hd_east_midlands:0:|sat_282_freesat :hd_freesat_110_f:0:|sat_192_sky_deutschland::0:|s at_192_movistar_plus_esp:hd_1:0:
16:51:49.6518 [ABM-config] keepbouquets: |userbouquet.GROGTV.tv|userbouquet.IPTV.tv
16:51:49.6522 [ABM-config] add provider prefix: True
16:51:49.6524 [ABM-config] show in extensions menu: True
16:51:49.6527 [ABM-config] placement: top
16:51:49.6529 [ABM-config] skip services on non-configured satellites: True
16:51:49.6532 [ABM-config] show non-indexed: False
16:51:49.6535 [ABM-config] schedule: True
16:51:49.6538 [ABM-config] schedule time: [6, 50]
16:51:49.6542 [ABM-config] schedule days: ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
16:51:49.8574 [ABM-Manager][load] Loading settings...
16:51:49.8580 [ABM-BouquetsReader] Reading lamedb...
16:51:49.8591 [ABM-BouquetsReader] lamedb ver 4
16:51:49.9042 [ABM-BouquetsReader] Read 103 transponders and 1095 services
16:51:49.9049 [ABM-Manager][load] Settings loaded
16:51:49.9056 [eInputDeviceInit] 0 160 (352) 1
16:51:49.9058 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 0
16:51:49.9088 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 352 (Break) KeyID='KEY_OK' Binding='('OK',)'.
16:51:49.9763 [eFilePushThreadRecorder] stopping thread.
16:51:49.9769 [eDVBRecordFileThread] waiting for aio to complete
16:51:49.9769 [eDVBRecordFileThread] buffer usage histogram (40 buffers of 188 kB)
16:51:49.9769 [eDVBRecordFileThread] 1: 6
16:51:49.9782 [eFilePushThreadRecorder] THREAD STOP
16:51:49.9809 [eDVBServicePlay] remove timeshift files
16:51:49.9839 [eDVBServicePlay] Start timeshift!
16:51:49.9852 [eDVBServicePlay] timeshift recording to /media/hdd/timeshift/timeshift.20pPQD
16:51:50.0427 [setIoPrio] realtime level 7 ok
16:51:50.0427 [eFilePushThreadRecorder] THREAD START
16:51:50.3099 [Timeshift][Timeshift] 'eEPGCache' object has no attribute 'saveEventToFile'
16:51:50.3106 [eDVBServicePlay] unpause
16:51:50.4251 [ABM-main][doTune] searching for tuner for Sky UK
16:51:50.4382 [ABM-main][doTune] tuner selection algorithm 'OpenPLi Hot Switch compatible'
16:51:50.4514 [eDVBResourceManager] another linked frontend is in use.. so allocateFrontendByIndex not possible!
16:51:50.4520 [ABM-main][doTune] Cannot get the NIM
16:51:53.1985 [eEPGChannelData] abort non avail schedule reading
16:51:53.2453 [eEPGChannelData] abort non avail schedule other reading
16:51:53.3491 [eEPGChannelData] nownext finished(1640278313)
16:51:54.1414 [eInputDeviceInit] 1 ae (174) 1
16:51:54.1415 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 1
16:51:54.1439 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 174 (Make) KeyID='KEY_EXIT' Binding='('EXIT',)'.
16:51:54.1442 [ActionMap] Keymap 'MsgBoxActions' -> Action = 'cancel'.
16:51:54.3992 [eInputDeviceInit] 0 ae (174) 1
16:51:54.3992 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 0
16:51:54.4017 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 174 (Break) KeyID='KEY_EXIT' Binding='('EXIT',)'.
16:51:55.2439 [eInputDeviceInit] 1 ae (174) 1
16:51:55.2439 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 1
16:51:55.2465 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 174 (Make) KeyID='KEY_EXIT' Binding='('EXIT',)'.
16:51:55.2467 [ActionMap] Keymap 'InfobarShowHideActions' -> Action = 'hide'.
16:51:55.4321 [eInputDeviceInit] 0 ae (174) 1
16:51:55.4325 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 0
16:51:55.4352 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 174 (Break) KeyID='KEY_EXIT' Binding='('EXIT',)'.
16:51:57.8466 [eInputDeviceInit] 1 8b (139) 1
16:51:57.8466 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 1
16:51:57.8492 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 139 (Make) KeyID='KEY_MENU' Binding='('MENU',)'.
16:51:57.8494 [ActionMap] Keymap 'InfobarMenuActions' -> Action = 'mainMenu'.
16:51:57.8546 [Skin] Processing screen 'Menu' from list 'menu_mainmenu, Menu', position=(0, 0), size=(1920 x 1080) for module 'MainMenu'.
16:51:57.8818 [gAccel] alloc failed
16:51:57.8819 [gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
16:51:57.9662 [gAccel] alloc failed
16:51:57.9663 [gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
16:51:57.9712 [gAccel] alloc failed
16:51:57.9712 [gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
16:51:58.1044 [eInputDeviceInit] 0 8b (139) 1
16:51:58.1047 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 0
16:51:58.1118 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 139 (Break) KeyID='KEY_MENU' Binding='('MENU',)'.
16:52:02.3612 [eInputDeviceInit] 1 ae (174) 1
16:52:02.3612 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 1
16:52:02.3639 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 174 (Make) KeyID='KEY_EXIT' Binding='('EXIT',)'.
16:52:02.6181 [eInputDeviceInit] 0 ae (174) 1
16:52:02.6182 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 0
16:52:02.6311 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 174 (Break) KeyID='KEY_EXIT' Binding='('EXIT',)'.
16:52:02.6314 [ActionMap] Keymap 'OkCancelActions' -> Action = 'cancel'.
16:52:06.6376 [eDVBVideo0] VIDEO_GET_EVENT SIZE_CHANGED 720x576 aspect 2
16:52:07.1471 [AVSwitch] setting aspect: 16:9
16:52:07.1478 [AVSwitch] setting wss: auto
16:52:07.1483 [AVSwitch] setting policy: panscan
16:52:07.1488 [AVSwitch] setting policy2: letterbox
16:52:25.2173 [eDVBPESReader] ERROR reading PES (fd=61): Function not implemented
16:52:42.4952 [eHdmiCEC] received message 00 8F
16:52:42.4954 [hdmiCEC][messageReceived0]: msgaddress=0 CECcmd=<Give Device Power Status>, cmd = 143, ctrl0=0, length=1
16:52:42.4958 [HdmiCec][sendMessage]: CECcmd=<Report Power Status> cmd = 144, data=struct.pack
16:52:42.4959 [hdmiCEC][sendMessage3]: CECcmd=<Report Power Status> cmd=144, msgaddress=0 data=16:52:42.4959
16:52:42.4959 [eHdmiCEC] send message 00 90 00
16:52:43.7525 [eDVBFrontend0] dont close frontend while the linked frontend 4 in slot 4 is still in use

Is it this bit?

16:51:50.4382 [ABM-main][doTune] tuner selection algorithm 'OpenPLi Hot Switch compatible'
16:51:50.4514 [eDVBResourceManager] another linked frontend is in use.. so allocateFrontendByIndex not possible!

Just realised that you have to save the ABM log yourself:


23-12-21, 18:04
You can "Show log" and save it from within ABM, it goes into /tmp.

(ABM works fine when setting up preferred tuners to C and D in a freeview only setup.)

[ABM-Manager][load] Loading settings...
[ABM-BouquetsReader] Reading lamedb...
[ABM-BouquetsReader] lamedb ver 4
[ABM-BouquetsReader] Read 10 transponders and 205 services
[ABM-Manager][load] Settings loaded
[ABM-main][doTune] searching for tuner for East Yorks & Lincs terrestrial
[ABM-main][doTune] tuner selection algorithm 'OpenPLi Hot Switch compatible'
[ABM-main][doTune] Tuner B selected
[ABM-main][doTune] Fixed dish. Will wait up to 10 seconds for tuner lock.
[ABM-main][checkTunerLock] TUNING
[ABM-main][checkTunerLock] TUNING
[ABM-main][checkTunerLock] TUNING
[ABM-main][checkTunerLock] ACQUIRING TSID/ONID
[ABM-Manager][read] Reading terrestrial_finder (custom)...
[ABM-Tools][customtransponder] Transponder provider name terrestrial_finder
[ABM-Tools][customtransponder] 2 custom transponders found for that region.

23-12-21, 19:40
No, you turn on extra debug in ABM and the log is the standard debug log.

23-12-21, 19:56
.... just answering the OP's question.

I'm just having a search for the ABM log.

23-12-21, 20:22
I thought that combination worked, but I have tried with current service on tuner B and recording on tuner E and Tuner A is not available. For me selects tuner J.

23-12-21, 20:27
(ABM works fine when setting up preferred tuners to C and D in a freeview only setup.)

Is there such a thing as a DVB-T2 FBC tuner though?
I've had it working fine in the past with a quad tuner setup but I had a physical cable to each tuner on that.

I have a unicable LNB and 2 x DVB-S2X FBC Tuners (8 demodulators)
I was hoping that if I used virtual tuners as my preferred option, that it would leave the main tuners free to scan ABM without causing a black screen and interrupting viewing.
It seems to me that by using a virtual tuner you are in effect already using the main tuner because the virtual one is connecting to it.

I was hoping that it was just a bug rather than just the way things are with FBC.

23-12-21, 20:34
... I only mentioned it in case selecting preferred tuners was the problem.

23-12-21, 20:35
I thought that combination worked, but I have tried with current service on tuner B and recording on tuner E and Tuner A is not available. For me selects tuner J.