View Full Version : Online version check error openvix 6.02

22-11-21, 21:57
I have just upgrade zgemma 9s se to release 6.02 and since upgading l recieve an error message related to Python 3.9 daily
I am not sure what need to be upgraded to resolve this

Any comments would be welcomed


22-11-21, 22:13
I have just upgrade zgemma 9s se to release 6.02 and since upgading l recieve an error message related to Python 3.9 daily
I am not sure what need to be upgraded to resolve this

Any comments would be welcomed


You need to post crash/debug logs so we can see the exact issue (which may be fixed looking at what is visible in the picture)

22-11-21, 22:44
Hi twol

I have looked for the crash log to publish. Can you advise of the location

22-11-21, 22:50
Menu/setup/system/logs/settings "……… enable, change location to hdd, show in extensions…..so in future logs in /hdd/logs

22-11-21, 23:33
Hi twol
I was able to view the logs via the start menu on the box but now I have setup the log setting to HDD as indicated. I will wait untill the next error and update the thread with the log

23-11-21, 09:48
Hi twol

After configureing the logs to download i have attached the log file and await your imput
Many thanks


23-11-21, 10:32
Hi twol

After configureing the logs to download i have attached the log file and await your imput
Many thanks

no crash in that log.
If you enabled logmanager - show in extensions, then quick press Blue button will show logmanager (usually at top of list)
Select, then you will see any crash logs, press red button will show current debug logs....
Make a note of the logs you need, after a crash, you normally need crash log and the last but one debug log.
Then post here

23-11-21, 18:38
Hi twol
I have followed your direction and setup the logmanager and when viewing the debug logs on screen they look more like an event log and not a crash

I go back to my original post where the “Online version error” is an error displayed on the screen and when you select the exit key the error is removed from the screen. My box is not crashing

I have tried look in various folder to see if l was able to find any message or log that reflects what is displayed on the screen without success

23-11-21, 19:03
I have just check for updates and l see there is a new version 6.0.3 with some 72 updates

I have updated my box and will see if the error appears
Thank for your help