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View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] Softcam Screen Crash

03-10-21, 11:13
Hi all mates,

I flashed and factory settings to my duo4k and Unfortunately, Softcam screen crashing
I attached log file.

Meanwhile; This image is slower than older images.My machine,channel speed and others was faster before

Have a good sunday to all :)

03-10-21, 11:20
Same/similar to crash reported here...


< 63.0740> 11:02:09.8114 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 1
< 63.0745> 11:02:09.8119 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 352 (Make) KeyID='KEY_OK' Binding='('OK',)'.
< 63.0746> 11:02:09.8120 [ActionMap] Keymap 'WizardActions' -> Action = 'ok'.
< 63.0754> 11:02:09.8128 [Screen] Showing screen 'InfoBarSummary'.
< 63.0923> 11:02:09.8297 [Skin] Parsing embedded skin '<embedded-in-VIXSoftcamManager>'.
< 63.0929> 11:02:09.8303 [Skin] Processing screen '<embedded-in-VIXSoftcamManager>', position=(680, 340), size=(560 x 400) for module 'VIXSoftcamManager'.
< 63.1013> 11:02:09.8387 [gAccel] alloc failed
< 63.1013> 11:02:09.8387 [gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
< 63.1023> 11:02:09.8397 [gAccel] alloc failed
< 63.1023> 11:02:09.8397 [gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
< 63.1089> 11:02:09.8463 [Skin] Processing screen 'SimpleSummary' from list 'VIXSoftcamManagerSummary, ScreenSummary, VIXSoftcamManager_summary, SimpleSummary', position=(0, 0), size=(480 x 320) for module 'PluginBrowserSummary'.
< 63.1159> 11:02:09.8534 [Screen] Showing screen '['VIXSoftcamManagerSummary', 'ScreenSummary', 'VIXSoftcamManager_summary', 'SimpleSummary']'.
< 63.1161> 11:02:09.8535 [SoftcamManager] Selectedcam: oscam-latest
< 63.1350> 11:02:09.8724 [Screen] Showing screen 'VIXSoftcamManager'.
< 63.1377> 11:02:09.8751 [Console] command: ps.procps -C oscam-latest | grep -v 'CMD' | sed 's/</ /g' | awk '{print $4}' | awk '{a[$1] = $0} END { for (x in a) { print a[x] } }'
< 63.1378> 11:02:09.8753 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
< 63.1566> 11:02:09.8940 [Console] finished: ps.procps -C oscam-latest | grep -v 'CMD' | sed 's/</ /g' | awk '{print $4}' | awk '{a[$1] = $0} END { for (x in a) { print a[x] } }'
< 63.1569> 11:02:09.8943 Traceback (most recent call last):
< 63.1569> 11:02:09.8943 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Console.py", line 48, in finishedCB
< 63.1571> 11:02:09.8945 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/ViX/SoftcamManager.py", line 232, in showActivecam2
< 63.1572> 11:02:09.8946 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/config.py", line 2022, in __getattr__
< 63.1573> 11:02:09.8947 AttributeError: softcams
< 63.1575> 11:02:09.8949 [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method EnigmaLogFatal.write of <bound method ConsoleItem.dataAvailCB of <bound method EnigmaLogDebug.write of <bound method ConditionalShowHide.__getattr__ of <bound method Progress.changed of <bound method Progress.changed of <bound method CList.__call__ of <bound method eSlider.eSlider_setValue of <bound method eLabel.eLabel_setText of <bound method Converter.changed of <bound method ClockToText.changed of <bound method CList.__call__ of <bound method Label.changed of <bound method Label.changed of <bound method CList.__call__ of <bound method eLabel.eLabel_setText of <bound method CList.__call__ of <bound method eSlider.eSlider_setValue of <bound method eLabel.eLabel_setText of <bound method PliExtraInfo.changed of <bound method PliExtraInfo.changed of <bound method PliExtraInfo.changed of <bound method PliExtraInfo.changed of <bound method CryptoInfo.changed of <bound method PliExtraInfo.changed of <bound method ServicePosition.changed of <bound method ServicePosition.changed of <bound method ServicePosition.changed of <bound method ChannelNumber.changed of <bound method CList.__call__ of <bound method Converter.changed of <bound method Label.changed of <bound method CList.__call__ of <bound method eLabel.eLabel_setText of <bound method Pixmap.changed of <bound method CList.__call__ of <bound method ConditionalShowHide.__getattr__ of <unbound method ConditionalShowHide.__getattr__>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>,(0,)) failed)

03-10-21, 15:33
Hi all!

And thanks to you all for the development and improvement of OpenVix!

Same here, did a fresh install (Duo 4K 5.4.015) and restored settings and plugins from 5.4.013

Got one crash and reboot, after reboot and the box seemed to be stable I did made many channel changes and measured the times,
it took about 4 - 6 seconds before the picture came, the sound came around a second before the picture.
It was a little faster to go back to the previous channel, but longer again to an unused channel.

I tried another skin, with the same result. I use oscam, No card sharing. Tried some previous versions of oscam, but the same results with all of them.

I went back to 5.4.013, I would be happy to try again with 5.4.015 if I can be of help with something for you experts that can hopefully solve this problem.

Unfortunately I did not save any logs from 5.4.015 but I would be happy to install 5.4.015 again if it can be helpful for surveys.

03-10-21, 18:59
Softcam error is down to some py3 code … I will fix it tomorrow.

08-10-21, 18:34
Hi, I have just flashed with clean image, everything is ok apart from 62671OSCAM, getting box crashing, 62671

Logs Attached

08-10-21, 18:43
Hi, I have just flashed with clean image, everything is ok apart from 62671OSCAM, getting box crashing, 62671

Logs Attached

See post #3 here https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?64651-Softcam-manager-crash

09-10-21, 08:25
Thanks, all sorted.......