View Full Version : Auto Timer issue

19-08-21, 18:51

Currenltly using xtrend 8000. OpenViX 5.4.012 (2021-05-14)

For some reason i keep getting this error message every time i set an auto timer. I have factory resettled and still keeps happening.

i dont know why its not working.

Anyone know

19-08-21, 18:56
Difficult to see, if it causes a crash post the crash log, if not, switch on debug logs and post the results.

19-08-21, 18:57
Difficult to see, if it causes a crash post the crash log, if not, switch on debug logs and post the results.

Oh ok.

It does not cause a crash so will have to look the this debug log. How do i upload this?

19-08-21, 19:06
Oh ok.

It does not cause a crash so will have to look the this debug log. How do i upload this?

There is no debug log for this.
I updated to latest Openvix and its still doing it.

19-08-21, 19:09
The you'll need to switch debug logs on, and restart the GUI.

Guessing at Menu/Setup/System/Logs

19-08-21, 19:09
Ok i have found the log. How do i upload it. I have gone thourgh filezilla . Where is it saved?

19-08-21, 19:11
It depends what you set it to, try /media/hdd/logs and attach the file using advanced options when posting.

19-08-21, 19:15

Please see attached logs about this issue

I dont understand why its doing it

19-08-21, 19:17
I have tried everything and its constantly doing it.

19-08-21, 19:21
No idea, not seen anything like this.....

< 370.9780> [Skin] Processing screen 'AutoTimerOverview', position=(0, 0), size=(541 x 720) for module 'AutoTimerOverview'.
< 371.0633> [Skin] Parsing embedded skin '<embedded-in-AutoTimerOverviewSummary>'.
< 371.0647> [Skin] Processing screen '<embedded-in-AutoTimerOverviewSummary>', position=(0, 0), size=(132 x 64) for module 'AutoTimerOverviewSummary'.
< 371.0718> [Screen] Showing screen 'AutoTimerOverviewSummary'.
< 371.0778> [Screen] Showing screen 'AutoTimerOverview'.
< 371.1156> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /usr/bin/grab
< 371.1488> [eInputDeviceInit] 0 160 (352) 1
< 371.1488> [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 0
< 371.1514> [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 352 (Break) KeyID='KEY_OK' Binding='('OK',)'.
< 373.0431> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /usr/bin/grab
< 373.6522> [eInputDeviceInit] 1 18f (399) 1
< 373.6523> [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 1
< 373.6549> [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 399 (Make) KeyID='KEY_GREEN' Binding='('GREEN',)'.
< 373.8551> [eInputDeviceInit] 0 18f (399) 1
< 373.8552> [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 0
< 373.8577> [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 399 (Break) KeyID='KEY_GREEN' Binding='('GREEN',)'.
< 373.8583> [ActionMap] Keymap 'ColorActions' -> Action = 'green'.
< 373.8632> [Screen] Showing screen '['menu_timermenuSummary', 'MenuSummary', 'ScreenSummary', 'menu_timermenu_summary', 'Menu_summary', 'SimpleSummary']'.
< 373.8713> [Screen] Showing screen '['menu_timermenu', 'Menu']'.
< 373.8926> [Task] >>> Error: [<Components.Task.FailedPostcondition instance at 0x705b85d0>]
< 373.8936> [Task] job Components.Task.Job name=AutoTimer #tasks=2 completed with [<Components.Task.FailedPostcondition instance at 0x705b85d0>] in Components.Task.Task name=Anupamaa_0
< 373.8941> [Task] unrecoverable task failure
< 373.8953> AutoTimer
Error: [Failure instance: Traceback: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: enable_multiple_timer
--- <exception caught here> ---
]< 373.8954>
< 373.8964> [Task] not retrying job.
< 374.4976> [eInputDeviceInit] 1 ae (174) 1
< 374.4976> [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 1
< 374.5005> [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 174 (Make) KeyID='KEY_EXIT' Binding='('EXIT',)'.
< 374.7031> [eInputDeviceInit] 0 ae (174) 1
< 374.7031> [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 0
< 374.7058> [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 174 (Break) KeyID='KEY_EXIT' Binding='('EXIT',)'.
< 374.7064> [ActionMap] Keymap 'OkCancelActions' -> Action = 'cancel'.
< 374.7095> [Screen] Showing screen '['menu_mainmenuSummary', 'MenuSummary', 'ScreenSummary', 'menu_mainmenu_summary', 'Menu_summary', 'SimpleSummary']'.
< 374.7145> [Screen] Showing screen '['menu_mainmenu', 'Menu']'.
< 374.9624> [eInputDeviceInit] 1 ae (174) 1
< 374.9624> [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 1
< 374.9653> [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 174 (Make) KeyID='KEY_EXIT' Binding='('EXIT',)'.
< 375.0344> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /usr/bin/grab
< 375.1672> [eInputDeviceInit] 0 ae (174) 1
< 375.1672> [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 0
< 375.1703> [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 174 (Break) KeyID='KEY_EXIT' Binding='('EXIT',)'.
< 375.1708> [ActionMap] Keymap 'OkCancelActions' -> Action = 'cancel'.
< 375.1804> [Screen] Showing screen 'InfoBarSummary'.
< 375.1932> [Skin] Processing screen 'MessageBoxSimple' from list 'MessageBoxSimple, MessageBox', position=(380, 355), size=(520 x 10) for module 'MessageBox'.
< 375.2187> [ePNG] loadSVG /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/icons/input_error.svg 53x53 from 53x53
< 375.2273> [ePNG] loadSVG /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/icons/input_info.svg 53x53 from 53x53
< 375.2341> [ePNG] loadSVG /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/icons/input_question.svg 53x53 from 53x53
< 375.2386> [Screen] Warning: Skin is missing element 'icon' in <class 'Screens.MessageBox.MessageBox'>(AutoTimer
Error: [Failure instance: Traceback: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: enable_multiple_timer
--- <exception caught here> ---
]).< 375.2388>
< 375.2392> [Pixmap] setPixmapNum(3) failed! defined pixmaps: []
< 375.2522> [Skin] Processing screen 'MessageBoxSimple_summary' from list 'MessageBoxSimpleSummary, MessageBoxSummary, ScreenSummary, MessageBoxSimple_summary, MessageBox_summary, SimpleSummary', position=(0, 0), size=(132 x 64) for module 'ScreenSummary'.
< 375.2572> [Screen] Showing screen '['MessageBoxSimpleSummary', 'MessageBoxSummary', 'ScreenSummary', 'MessageBoxSimple_summary', 'MessageBox_summary', 'SimpleSummary']'.
< 375.2587> [Screen] Showing screen '['MessageBoxSimple', 'MessageBox']'.
< 377.0271> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /usr/bin/grab
< 377.2101> [eInputDeviceInit] 1 160 (352) 1
< 377.2102> [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 1
< 377.2133> [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 352 (Make) KeyID='KEY_OK' Binding='('OK',)'.
< 377.2137> [ActionMap] Keymap 'MsgBoxActions' -> Action = 'ok'.
< 377.2197> [Screen] Showing screen 'InfoBarSummary'.
< 377.4161> [eInputDeviceInit] 0 160 (352) 1
< 377.4161> [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 0
< 377.4191> [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 352 (Break) KeyID='KEY_OK' Binding='('OK',)'.
< 377.6633> [eInputDeviceInit] 1 8b (139) 1
< 377.6633> [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 1
< 377.6662> [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 139 (Make) KeyID='KEY_MENU' Binding='('MENU',)'.
< 377.6666> [ActionMap] Keymap 'InfobarMenuActions' -> Action = 'mainMenu'.
< 377.6882> [Skin] Processing screen 'Menu' from list 'menu_mainmenu, Menu', position=(0, 0), size=(541 x 720) for module 'MainMenu'.
< 377.7231> [Skin] Processing screen 'MenuSummary' from list 'menu_mainmenuSummary, MenuSummary, ScreenSummary, menu_mainmenu_summary, Menu_summary, SimpleSummary', position=(0, 0), size=(16 x 1) for module 'MenuSummary'.
< 377.7272> [Screen] Showing screen '['menu_mainmenuSummary', 'MenuSummary', 'ScreenSummary', 'menu_mainmenu_summary', 'Menu_summary', 'SimpleSummary']'.
< 377.7288> [Screen] Showing screen '['menu_mainmenu', 'Menu']'.
< 377.8632> [eInputDeviceInit] 0 8b (139) 1
< 377.8633> [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 0
< 377.8659> [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 139 (Break) KeyID='KEY_MENU' Binding='('MENU',)'.
< 378.0710> [eInputDeviceInit] 1 160 (352) 1
< 378.0711> [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 1
< 378.0737> [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 352 (Make) KeyID='KEY_OK' Binding='('OK',)'.

19-08-21, 19:39
Yh it's strange. All of a sudden too

19-08-21, 19:49
OK so strangest thing. I realised this happened after I installed vpn plug in.
I uninstalled that plug in and now it's fine. No error. Had no idea a plug in can cause auto timer issues

19-08-21, 19:51
Autotimer has a setting "Allow double timer for different services" defaulting to No, maybe that was set to Yes?

19-08-21, 19:53
OK so strangest thing. I realised this happened after I installed vpn plug in.
I uninstalled that plug in and now it's fine. No error. Had no idea a plug in can cause auto timer issues

Ahhhh, that probably needs looking into.

19-08-21, 20:28
Ahhhh, that probably needs looking into.

Yh really strange.
I thought it couldn't be a coincidence so that must have been the issue.

19-08-21, 21:50
OK so strangest thing. I realised this happened after I installed vpn plug in.Which VPN plug-in?

It shouldn't be removing a different namespace's variables.

19-08-21, 22:01
You appear to have conflict detection for new timers switched off?

Hence this in the logs at start-up:

< 283.3708> [TimerSanityCheck] Exception - timer does not have to be checked!

(It shouldn't cause a crash in AutoTimer, but just noting that this is a setting that other's probably do not have.)

20-08-21, 00:25
Erm can't remember the plug in
It was vpn config and vpn manager. (something like that (

So are you saying it was nothing to do with them?

20-08-21, 02:27
So are you saying it was nothing to do with them?I'm just saying that they shouldn't affect it.