View Full Version : Dish sticks at 13east and have to move to 28east before it works ok again!!

15-08-21, 20:07
I have a motorised set up its a Vu+ Duo2 with superior dark motor and 1.1m dish and get 42east to 30west BUT I tend to use 13 east mostly with a fixed dish on 28east. Tuner A is 28east and B is usals. lately I am finding when I want to go to another sat, say 0.8west dish does not move. What I do then is to set record on 28east on fixed and then select another channel on 28east and dish will move. After this I can get all sats but its getting to be a pain. Have I done something wrong and is their a fix?

Image is openvix 5.3.039

18-08-21, 10:12
Your not going to get support for a 5.3 image. Please update.