View Full Version : PiP issue with 0 button move PiP to main picture

15-08-21, 15:06
I've set the 'Behaviour of 0 key in PiP mode' to move Pip to main picture.
Does this actually move PiP to main picture and close PiP or is it running in the background?

Quite often I will be watching a recording later on and I get a message 'Incorrect service type for PiP' when, as far as I'm aware PiP isn't running.

If I just press 'OK' the message goes away but if I try and use PiP later on I just get a black screen and PiP doesn't show a picture until I do a full reboot. GUI restart doesn't sort it.
If I press the blue extensions button I can disable PiP and everything is okay.

I just assumed that moving PiP to the main picture would then exit PiP altogether or is that not the case?

This is on a Vu+ Uno 4K running ViX 5.4.013.

15-08-21, 22:07
Yep. I get an issue too with 5.4.13 on more than one image of Vix. The Pip seems to randomly start even though nothing has asked it to! This only seems to occur with multi tuner setups with me.

15-08-21, 22:26
I only really watch the Vu+ Uno 4K SE so can't comment on if it's happening on any of my other boxes. It has a twin FBC sat tuner with 5 scr's allocated to 28.2 and 3 to 19.2.

16-08-21, 10:59
Yep. I get an issue too with 5.4.13 on more than one image of Vix. The Pip seems to randomly start even though nothing has asked it to! This only seems to occur with multi tuner setups with me.

Would this happen when the OpenTV EPG reader is running, by any chance? This runs at an interval of 6, 9 or whatever hours you have configured. I have noticed that, if I am viewing the recordings list or viewing the EPG, and I exit the particular menu that the PiP will remain on-screen as a black rectangle on the right0hand side if OpenTV reader is running. The rectangle will clear after the reader is finished (2-3 minutes). It doesn't normally cause an issue if I am watching in full screen mode.

16-08-21, 12:37
It's a possibility because I do use the openepg reader. Not quite sure it would give the message about the service type being incorrect for PiP though.
I will disable it and go back to EPGimport and see if that cures it.

16-08-21, 20:41
Possible it is the plugin. Just need to check the log when it appears.

I have seen this too, but only when the box is tuned to an IPTV service.

If we can find the condition possibly we can switch to "fake" recording in those instances.

16-08-21, 21:02
< 79337.0132> 21:45:48.3255 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 7 (Make) KeyID='KEY_6' Binding='('6',)'.
< 79337.0201> 21:45:48.3324 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 7 (Break) KeyID='KEY_6' Binding='('6',)'.
< 79337.0249> 21:45:48.3372 [opentv_zapper] forced download.
< 79337.0251> 21:45:48.3373 [opentv_zapper] start_download.
< 79337.0816> 21:45:48.3939 [opentv_zapper]currentlyPlayingNIM None
< 79337.0818> 21:45:48.3941 [opentv_zapper]available tuners [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9]
< 79337.0825> 21:45:48.3948 [Skin] Processing screen 'PictureInPictureZapping', position=(870, 45), size=(180 x 39) for module 'PictureInPictureZapping'.
< 79337.1352> 21:45:48.4475 [Skin] Processing screen 'Dishpip', position=(30, 90), size=(130 x 202) for module 'Dishpip'.
< 79337.1439> 21:45:48.4561 [Skin] Processing screen 'PictureInPicture', position=(400, 60), size=(240 x 192) for module 'PictureInPicture'.
< 79337.2325> 21:45:48.5447 [PictureInPicture] playing pip service 4097:0:1:***************************************** ******
< 79337.2326> 21:45:48.5449 [eServiceMP3] construct!
< 79337.2327> 21:45:48.5450 [eServiceMP3] playbin uri=http://*********************************************
< 79337.2336> 21:45:48.5459 [eServiceMP3] stop http://************************************************** *
< 79337.2336> 21:45:48.5459 [eServiceMP3] stop state:NULL pending:VOID_PENDING ret:SUCCESS
< 79337.2340> 21:45:48.5463 [eServiceMP3] destruct!
< 79337.2342> 21:45:48.5464 [Notifications] RemovePopup, id = ZapPipError
< 79337.2343> 21:45:48.5465 [Notifications] AddPopup, id = ZapPipError
< 79337.2362> 21:45:48.5485 [Skin] Processing screen 'MessageBoxSimple' from list 'MessageBoxSimple, MessageBox', position=(480, 532), size=(960 x 15) for module 'MessageBox'.
< 79337.2536> 21:45:48.5659 [Screen] Warning: Skin is missing element 'icon' in <class 'Screens.MessageBox.MessageBox'>(Incorrect service type for PiP!).
< 79337.2544> 21:45:48.5667 [Pixmap] setPixmapNum(3) failed! defined pixmaps: []
< 79337.2547> 21:45:48.5670 [MessageBox] Timeout set to 5 seconds.
< 79337.2561> 21:45:48.5684 [Skin] Processing screen 'MessageBoxSimple_summary' from list 'MessageBoxSimpleSummary, MessageBoxSummary, ScreenSummary, MessageBoxSimple_summary, MessageBox_summary, SimpleSummary', position=(0, 0), size=(800 x 480) for module 'ScreenSummary'.
< 79337.2583> 21:45:48.5705 [PictureInPicture] playing pip service 1:0:1:105D:7D4:2:11A0000:0:0:0:
< 79337.2584> 21:45:48.5706 [servicedvb][eDVBServicePlay] now running: m_is_streamx set by M_is_stream 0
< 79337.2584> 21:45:48.5707 [servicedvb][eDVBServicePlay] now running: m_is_pvr set to; 0
< 79337.2586> 21:45:48.5708 [servicedvb][eDVBServicePlay][start] m_is_stream set to: 0
< 79337.2586> 21:45:48.5709 [servicedvb][eDVBServicePlay][start] m_is_pvr set to; 0
< 79337.2588> 21:45:48.5710 [eDVBResourceManager] allocate channel.. 07d4:0002
< 79337.2588> 21:45:48.5711 [eDVBFrontend1] opening frontend
< 79337.2590> 21:45:48.5713 [eDVBFrontend] opened frontend m_filename: /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend1
< 79337.2590> 21:45:48.5713 [eDVBFrontend] opened frontend m_fd: 34
< 79337.2681> 21:45:48.5804 [eDVBFrontend1] setVoltage FE_ENABLE_HIGH_LNB_VOLTAGE 0 FE_SET_VOLTAGE 2
< 79337.2797> 21:45:48.5920 [eDVBFrontend1] tune
< 79337.2798> 21:45:48.5921 [eDVBSatelliteEquipmentControl] RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
< 79337.2799> 21:45:48.5922 [eDVBFrontend1] prepare_sat System 0 Freq 11778000 Pol 1 SR 27500000 INV 2 FEC 2 orbpos 282 system 0 modulation 1 pilot 2, rolloff 0, is_id -1, pls_mode 1, pls_code 0, t2mi_plp_id -1 t2mi_pid 4096
< 79337.2799> 21:45:48.5922 [eDVBFrontend1] tuning to 1178 mhz
< 79337.2800> 21:45:48.5922 [eDVBChannel] OURSTATE: tuning

So the service playing was 4097, which does not use the default player. So maybe try to check which player is in use before starting the download.

For sure it is a player problem because if you are playing a 4097 service and you press BLUE BLUE to open pip you get the same message.

16-08-21, 21:46
I usually see the message when playing a downloaded file which I usually play with ext3player.

16-08-21, 22:04
I usually see the message when playing a downloaded file which I usually play with ext3player.Which is not compatible with PIP.

16-08-21, 22:14
But I'm getting the service type incorrect for PiP message when I'm not using PiP :confused:
Unless of course the openepg downloader uses PiP?

16-08-21, 23:01
So, if you are using ext3player pip is not available. If something (e.g. OpenTvZapper) tries to use the pip (e.g. to download the EPG) you will get that message.

17-08-21, 08:13
Yes I am using extplayer3 also for my IPTV services. Could there not be a menu item workaround that permanently disables the blue button (PIP enable/disable) and the possibility of PIP startup when we are using an external player?

17-08-21, 11:44
Ok, so we know the cause now. If this bothers anyone just turn on "Hide zap errors" in "GUI Settings".

17-08-21, 12:04
I already have 'hide zap errors' enabled but I still get the PiP messages.

17-08-21, 12:29
If you have that enabled I can't see how you can get that message.


Or is it a different message?

17-08-21, 12:46
These are my settings:


17-08-21, 15:02
These are my settings:


Is the message the one I linked to in the code?

17-08-21, 15:36
Sorry, looking after a 2 year old :zoom:

Yes it is, I still get the message with hide zap errors enabled.

Notifications.AddPopup(text=_("Incorrect service type for PiP!"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=5, id="ZapPipError")

17-08-21, 16:08
Ok, I can't explain that then. There is an if clause that should only show if "hide" is disabled.

04-10-21, 12:54
Just an update for anyone experiencing similar problems. Disabling OpenTV EPG Downloader and just using EPGimport cured it.

04-10-21, 13:30
Just an update for anyone experiencing similar problems. Disabling OpenTV EPG Downloader and just using EPGimport cured it.But it is not a fault with ViX. It is because you are coming from a player that does not support PiP. i.e. you are playing a 4097 service. Most likely switching to fake recording would stop this.

04-10-21, 13:46
There doesn't seem to be the option to switch to fake recording in OpenTV EPG Downloader, just in EPG Refresh.

04-10-21, 15:24
There doesn't seem to be the option to switch to fake recording in OpenTV EPG Downloader, just in EPG Refresh.I haven't added it yet.

04-10-21, 22:44
Try this: https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/commit/85dcd731a6c7241ce64926cbb0be8e2665302a75

Personally I don't like the fake recording and would put up with the error message.

05-10-21, 10:02
Try this: https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/commit/85dcd731a6c7241ce64926cbb0be8e2665302a75

Personally I don't like the fake recording and would put up with the error message.

Problem is that if you don't see the message and disable PiP immediately it breaks it until a full reboot is done.
You just get a black screen if you try to use PiP until fully rebooted. Restart GUI doesn't fix it.

Will have to test the new py later thank you. I'm looking after a 2 year old today :eek:

05-10-21, 11:20
crash when enabling


05-10-21, 12:10
That crash is because you haven't changed all 3 files.

05-10-21, 13:09
I didn't notice there were 3 files, sorry.
All looks good so far :thumbsup: thanks for taking the time to sort it out :)

06-10-21, 16:58
Given a thorough testing last night and all is working great thank you :thumbsup:

06-10-21, 20:42
Looking forward to testing the "fake recording" option as I've had PIP issues also.

06-10-21, 21:18
Looking forward to testing the "fake recording" option as I've had PIP issues also.

Just extract the attached to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/OpentvZapper/ and restart GUI.

You should then have the option in settings to turn off PiP mode.


Thanks again to Huevos for the fix :thumbsup: