View Full Version : [ET10x00] IPTV Reconnect Plugin

George Kildare
07-08-21, 12:01
I gather that there is a plugin for Enigma2 boxes called "Quarterpounder" (a descendant of "Hamburger") that reconnects when IPTV channels fall out and helps with recording IPTV. I cannot find it in the OpenVix plugins on my Xstream ET10000.

Are there plans to incorporate it in OpenVix or are there other ways of obtaining it?

Recording IPTV channels usually works well for me, but occasionally there are problems with stopping prematurely.

Very many thanks everybody.

07-08-21, 12:13
This may be where the source resides.....


George Kildare
07-08-21, 14:26
Many thanks. Sorry for being so ignorant, but how can I install it as a plugin into OpenVix? Do I need to use OpenATV?

07-08-21, 14:38
If you go to the feed pointed to by ccs, there is an ipk which you can try on ViX - copy to /tmp and use the ViX ipk installer to install
- however I notice that it has been modified for python3, so you might have to flash a python 3 image first

07-08-21, 15:30
I've got quaterpounder 6.2.0h ipk, can I upload it here?

07-08-21, 15:35
I've got quaterpounder 6.2.0h ipk, can I upload it here?

There are "fixes for ViX" after version h.....

https://github.com/oottppxx/enigma2/commit/a432b09e423c702a117bb6cb962e7085c8b9bf88#diff-8434a535dad51d909049f89d73cfa2ab885d59ab796764da71 7dab7460768b7a

George Kildare
07-08-21, 16:26
Sorry. Its not clear to me how to install this plugin and how well it works.

07-08-21, 17:06
.... I see your same question on OpenPLi has a mention of the plugin being linked with" Xstream service which is used for illegal IPTV."

07-08-21, 18:09
Sorry. Its not clear to me how to install this plugin and how well it works.

No idea how well it works,but ..
Copy to /tmp
Blue button, select ViX, select ipk installer, install.
See if it works.

George Kildare
08-08-21, 08:12
I will wait and see whether anybody gets this working on OpenVix.

A few years ago I had reconnect problems in recording IPTV with OpenVix. I changed to OpenPLI and it seemed to work better, although I find OpenVix a better operating system overall.

There is also legal IPTV, so I do think that a good reconnect plugin would be very useful. By the way, one of the reasons that I really like E2is because I can mix cable + satellite + IPTV channels in the order that I want and create bouquets.

Again, many thanks.

08-08-21, 08:40
.... you should give it a try, simple instructions in post #9.

George Kildare
08-08-21, 11:51
.... you should give it a try, simple instructions in post #9.

Many thanks. I'll give it a try, but I'll first have to reflash my ET10000 with Openvix.

Also, when I try to download the ipk file, my Mac converts it to a ipk.webloc file. What am I doing wrong? Shouldn't I be able to just copy the ipk file to the /tmp folder on my ET10000?

08-08-21, 11:54
.... you should give it a try, simple instructions in post #9.

.... it installs ok on my ET10K (Python 2), removing it now.

08-08-21, 14:26
.... it installs ok on my ET10K (Python 2), removing it now.

...but not on Python 3. (Not sure why I'm doing this, but not worry.)

08-08-21, 20:20
It installs OK on my Zgemma H7S, whether or not it works, I can't see what it does.