View Full Version : Silverfox E2 Flipflop settings

17-02-11, 12:37
Using Vix 2.0 with catseye E2 75E/58W can i incorporate silverfox E2 flipflop hd settings if so do i just download from plugins, if so do i use multi or other.

17-02-11, 12:57
if you wish to incorporate settings that is possible using dbedit

catseye ans silverfox is possible

catseye and sgtflipflop is possible

but catseye silverfox and sgtflipflop is not possible as silverfox and sgtflipflop are both 28.2e setting

choose which you want and then mergethem

open cats eye settings then fo to import and import the 28.2 settings and place them in the list that where u want

17-02-11, 13:29
Which one is the best to use with catseye e2,or the best updated one, also is it possible to download silverfox and add 13/16/19e from another as i do not need all those sats in catseye.

17-02-11, 13:32
they both are uniquie in there own way

silverfox has them numbered as in the sly box and also in catagories

sgtflipflop has them just in catagories and nnot sly box numbered

so the choice is yours as they both updated regularly

17-02-11, 13:45
Where do i find the satellite files to be edited using debedit.

17-02-11, 14:47
when u say sat files what do u mean

all aettings can be found in the settings section