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View Full Version : Amiko A6 Combo Hybrid

21-07-21, 18:47
(It was suggested I post in this section)

I upgraded from a SD receiver to the Amiko A6 Combo Hybrid, to get HD channels.

Using USALS, I inputted my location as 0.0E 51.5N, which I got from using dishpointer.com

Whenever I move to a satellite, it finds no channels or the wrong channels. It was suggested that I first find the nearest satellite , which would be 0.8w Thor. When I move to this satellite, I believe it finds bulgariasat 1.9E.

The dish I am using is a motorised 80cm dish, with a single LNB. The other settings I use are:

LNB - Uni(9750/10600)
12v - off
Diseqc 1.0 - off
Diseqc 1.1 - off
Motor - USALS

Are these settings correct for a single LNB?

21-07-21, 19:07
The LNB settings look fine. You will need to use the co-ordinates that you were originally using in the technomate. If the dish was set up incorrectly in the first place then inputting the correct co-ordinates now won't work. It looks like your dish is 2.5 to 3 degrees out. You can play with the E/W co-ordinates to try to fix this. What exact channels are you finding at 0.8W? Real examples will help more than guesswork.

21-07-21, 19:27
Some of the channels are ERT world, Bulgaria, and Radio Vesellina

21-07-21, 19:34
Right that looks like 1.9e. What settings were you using in the technomate?

21-07-21, 19:45
Technomate has similar settings of 0.0E and 51.4N

21-07-21, 19:52
One of the receivers must be calculating the positions incorrectly. Try adjusting the E/W co-ordinate by 2.5 degrees and see if you can get thor.