View Full Version : [ABM-MISC] Dsayers CustomMix files for Py2/Py3

06-06-21, 12:26
Ive started reworking my CustomMix files. At first I have added some deletes and added hacks for creating ITV regions bouquet and create CVS files in TMP.

For Sky ROI I have added some Sky UK channels via add by ID

Files on GitHub https://github.com/davesayers2014/CustomMix_Files/tree/master/Standard

Download the attached files

Simply send the xml for your provider Sky UK or SKY ROI to \usr\lib\enigma2\python\Plugins\SystemPlugins\Auto BouquetsMaker

These are designed for HD line up but custom regions should be fine

Im wanting to make the hacks compatible on python 3 and python 2 on OpenViX and OpenATV 6.4/6.5. I think the hacks have been done correctly but im no expert in python.

These have also been added to ABM CustomMix Importer that will be availible on the next OpenATV/OpenViX update

06-06-21, 13:42
Test on Py2 and Py3 and if you get any problems we can try to fix.

07-06-21, 15:09
Ok im happy the CustomMix files work on PY2/PY3. Here is ABM CustomMix Importer IPK this should be availible on the next vix release. PY2/PY3 compatible

Install IPK then reboot.

Menu, setup, Reception, ABM CustomMix Importer

Menu, setup, Tuners and scanning, ABM CustomMix Importer

Set Import: Sky UK Custommix by DSayers or Sky ROI Custommix by DSayers.