View Full Version : Recording settings

10-05-21, 18:50
I'm trying to change the recording and playback settings on my vu ultimo box with the latest vix image but i can't change them, any ideas?

10-05-21, 18:53
I'm fine on 5.4.010 (assuming that's what you mean by latest), Ultimo4K.

Setup/System/Customise/Setup mode reduces your options unless it's set to expert.

10-05-21, 18:55
Thanks, it is set to expert. yes same box

10-05-21, 18:58
So, what do you mean by "can't" - you don't see them, they don't change, or they appear to change but don't get remembered?

10-05-21, 19:00
Th settings are on the screen but won't move up or down with the curser. timeshift won't move either.

10-05-21, 19:04
Is this the only menu it happens on ?

10-05-21, 19:06
as far as i can see yes

10-05-21, 19:08
Which skin are you using?

Maybe you need to post some debug logs, it's a strange one.

10-05-21, 19:12
using vix day skin, i'm just going to start from scratch again, thanks.

10-05-21, 19:38
.... ViX-Day-HD skin works ok for me.

10-05-21, 19:40
It does for me usually.

10-05-21, 21:17
Anyway i started from scratch but it's still the same, can't work it out.

11-05-21, 15:11
I tried open blackhole image today and i had the same problem with recording settings, namely that i can't change them, does that mean anything to anyone who may have a clue what's happening? as i don't. just to add on the blackhole image there are extra settings, in there i could change the recording settings.

11-05-21, 15:14
Maybe post some debug logs as mentioned before.

11-05-21, 15:16
i have edited my post above, not sure how to post logs.

11-05-21, 15:20
... go to advanced when posting (bottom right-ish) and manage attachments from there.

11-05-21, 15:27
Thanks, can you tell me where the logs are?

11-05-21, 15:37

Set the folder location to /media/hdd (assuming you have an hd), otherwise use the default of /home/root

Enable debug logs and then reboot.

Hopefully you can change these settings. :)

You then need to use something like Filezilla to transfer the log (after going thru' the menu section that fails) to your pc.

11-05-21, 15:55
after a bit of study i hope i have done it right? may be wrong one

11-05-21, 16:00
That's a very old crash log, dated 2014, not sure where that came from.

11-05-21, 16:03
I'm working on it:confused:

11-05-21, 16:04
This one is the right one.

11-05-21, 16:13
I can see lots of up and down keys, are you saying nothing actually happens on the screen when you press them?


When next in Setup/System/Logs/Settings, set the Debug log time format to local time, it is easier to read.

11-05-21, 16:15
Yes that's exactly what happens, but only on the recording and timeshift settings page, the rest are fine. i have changed that setting.

11-05-21, 16:21
Yes that's exactly what happens, but only on the recording and timeshift settings page, the rest are fine. i have changed that setting.

That's really weird, I've just done the same and my debug log looks pretty much like yours.

11-05-21, 16:24
Maybe reflash without a settings restore and see what happens.

(Take an image backup of your current system, then you can restore it again very quickly.)

11-05-21, 16:29
I did just that yesterday, no settings or plugins restored, it was the same, can't work out why it does it on another image also, is there anything else it could be, remote, box?

11-05-21, 16:35
Are you certain this box is a 4k? Someone please check the top of the log and post it in the thread.

11-05-21, 16:35
I did just that yesterday, no settings or plugins restored, it was the same, can't work out why it does it on another image also, is there anything else it could be, remote, box?Not a clue, flashing without a settings restore is effectively a factory reset.

11-05-21, 16:37
Are you certain this box is a 4k? Someone please check the top of the log and post it in the thread.

It is i hope, bought from wos last year.

11-05-21, 16:41
Ok, so how did you create a 7 year old crash log? :D

11-05-21, 16:41
Only mention of vuultimo4k in the logs.

What model does Menu/Information/About come up with?

11-05-21, 16:43
Ok, so how did you create a 7 year old crash log? :D

Probably from an older box, i've had a few.

11-05-21, 16:44
Only mention of vuultimo4k in the logs.

What model does Menu/Information/About come up with?

says vu+ Ultimo4K

abu baniaz
11-05-21, 17:42
Do yourself a favour, in your debug logs settings, change it to local time. It will help you correlate times better. Delete all the older logs unless you need them.

There is this in your debug log:

< 121.7954> [Harddisk] new Network Mount being used as HDD replacement -> /media/hdd/

< 122.0385> [PiconLocator] adding path: /omb/picon/
< 122.0512> [PiconLocator] adding path: /media/hdd/picon/

To complicate things, you are using open multiboot plugin. Which image is on the internal flash memory?

11-05-21, 17:52
I have changed those settings to local time as suggested by ccs, should i get rid of the open multiboot?

abu baniaz
11-05-21, 17:58
Are you running ViX from internal flash or open multiboot plugin?

11-05-21, 17:59
from the plugin i believe

abu baniaz
11-05-21, 18:06
That is going to interfere with things as the way devices are mounted is affected. Do you know which image is on internal flash memory?

I would suggest having Vix 5.4 010 on internal flash memory. You can then experiment with other images in OMB plugin.

11-05-21, 18:08
Thanks, how would i put the image on internal flash? can i just start again without OMB plugin as i know vix is the best image i don't need to try others.

abu baniaz
11-05-21, 18:19
I don't know which image is on the internal flash memory (hence why I asked). Most will allow you to flash an image using the menu. I think you have to be using the image on internal flash to do so.

The main menu do so:
OpenATv call it flash online,
Pli call it flash image,
Vix call it Image manager

But they all usage ofgwrite.

Otherwise, download an image from openvix.co.uk

Then flash it by USB.

If your USB stuck is temperamental, boot into the image on the internal flash memory ( i.e Do not use Open Multi Boot), provide details of the image and we can assist you to flash image using the remote.

11-05-21, 18:29
sorry to be a pain, but can you explain where i find the internal flash information?

abu baniaz
11-05-21, 18:35
When you reboot the box, openmultiboot plugin will ask you which image to load. Select the one that says internal flash. Then go into menu > information > about

11-05-21, 18:40
Thanks, i have managed to flash it with a fresh image with usb, so hopefully i can start afresh with no backups.

11-05-21, 19:03
After fresh flash and setup it's now working as it should, i won't be using OMB again as i don't understand things enough, thanks to all for the help, i've learnt a few things anyway:thumbsup:

11-05-21, 19:09
After fresh flash and setup it's now working as it should, i won't be using OMB again as i don't understand things enough, thanks to all for the help, i've learnt a few things anyway:thumbsup:

.... at least it looks like you've found a really weird bug !!

11-05-21, 19:11
.... at least it looks like you've found a really weird bug !!

I come in handy sometimes.