View Full Version : [VU+ Solo4K] No up and down possible in Rec,Play& Timeshift submenus.

20-03-21, 13:01
I found out that only in the two submenus Setup/Recording, Playback & Timeshift, in the two submenus for Rec&Play and the other one for TS is not possible to go down.
It happens only in these two submenus, as far as I know and, obviously, it does not depend on the RCU because
1) it does it with every RCU units I've got;
2) It does it also by OWIF.
3) It does the same also in OBH 4.4.008.

EDIT after replacing Recordings.pyo and Timeshift.pyo from older images
Replacing the two file above mentioned in /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens Timeshift submenu works, whilst Rec&Play crashes.
But the issue it's almost surely due to some change in these two files or also some other ones.


Rob van der Does
20-03-21, 13:42
Sorry, but I can't reproduce your report.
Best advice I can give is to flash and restore your box. If the issue is there again, try a flash without restore.

20-03-21, 16:30
Although I was completely sure about my report, because it'd be too strange that too different images (although liased) had the same issue and because of what I said, that replacing Timeshift.pyo at least immediately solved the issue in the related submenu, I wanted to reflash 5.4 and it has got the same issue.

I was able to try it only with Solo4K and Zero4K, not also with Duo2.
And it's installed in Flash in Zero4K, in OMB in Solo4K.
In Zero4K there's OBH 4.4.008 and, surprise, there it works Recording & Playback submenu and not Timeshift menu.
I repeat: works means you can move the cursor down.

So I started Solo4K from flash with OBH 4.4.003, which has got the same pyo ViX 5.4 has, just to see if running from OMB might cause the strange behaviour and, actually, both some menu work.

As a final try, I performed a full backup of this image working in flash and loaded it as a OMB image and there both submenus don't work.

So, it seems a OMB-related issue.

I also tried OATV 6.4 from OMB and there there was no issue.

20-03-21, 16:49

As there was no problem from OATV under OMB, I decided to use its files for ViX launched from OMB:

The result is that OBH submenus now both work by OATV files also running from OMB.
Instead OATV files made work only "Recordings&Playback" ViX submenu, whilst Timeshift crashes.

Anyway, as it was clear from the beginning, it's a .pyo issue, although only for OMB installed images.

25-10-21, 19:16
It seems, as some coder found out, the issue was introduced after a commit or recordings.pyo and Timeshift.pyo a while ago.
The GitHub discussion (thanks to Huevos who replied to me, although he's only the person who committed, not the author).

Here is the GitHub thread about it:


25-10-21, 19:54
Both setup for Recordings/Timeshift require an available ext4 device - are you making an EXT4 device available under OMB?

26-10-21, 19:58
Please test these files...

18-11-21, 00:00
I have just purchased the uno4k SE and have found the same issue where I cannot move curser up/down in the recordings/timeshift menus. Is there a proper fix for this for openvix?

18-11-21, 01:15
I have just purchased the uno4k SE and have found the same issue where I cannot move curser up/down in the recordings/timeshift menus. Is there a proper fix for this for openvix?
Yes, use proper media and format it EXT4. And the warning messages state this.