View Full Version : [VU+ Duo4K SE] IPTV channel Zapping Delay

07-03-21, 16:33
Can anyone help please

when I zap channels that are next to each other in the bouquet EG SLYone and SLYtwo I get a complete freeze on the previous channel
so If I zap down to the next change its fine, but if I zap back to the previous channel it freezes, if I zap to a third channel further down the bouquet it unfreezes, and then zap back to the frozen channel it will display fine.

My question is, is this normal or is this an issue with a setting somewhere

I'm using a VU+ Duo VU+ Duo 4K SE
200meg Virmin Media broadband
Bouquet has mixed DVB and IPTV service in one, service start with 4097 for IPTV.

I do not get any freezes while watching the service in the bouquet it only happens when quickly zapping channels IPTV to IPTV and a 4 second delay from IPTV to DVB channels

08-03-21, 12:35
I use ABM to generate bouquets and replace some channels with streams. This is how I have box setup. It then allows full 7 day EPG for streams. I too use 4097 service type.

Personally, I have had odd issues little similar to what you have mentioned but it's not all the time for me. Just odd times. Not yet established a pattern but I'm also mindful that at end of the day E2 boxes were more designed for DVB than mixture of DVB/IPTV streams so put it down to that.

Don't normally have a long delay like just odd time I switch to channel either via Grid EPG or live TV, it would just like freeze.

It could be any number of things including gstreamer which I believe handles 4097 service. If you don't record or pause IPTV streams you could install serviceapp and exteplayer3 and use 5002 service type for IPTV streams and see if that helps.

08-03-21, 18:53
Do you really mean an original duo?

09-03-21, 20:04
Do you really mean an original duo?

yes purchased from the sponsor

09-03-21, 20:11
I use ABM to generate bouquets and replace some channels with streams. This is how I have box setup. It then allows full 7 day EPG for streams. I too use 4097 service type.

Personally, I have had odd issues little similar to what you have mentioned but it's not all the time for me. Just odd times. Not yet established a pattern but I'm also mindful that at end of the day E2 boxes were more designed for DVB than mixture of DVB/IPTV streams so put it down to that.

Don't normally have a long delay like just odd time I switch to channel either via Grid EPG or live TV, it would just like freeze.

It could be any number of things including gstreamer which I believe handles 4097 service. If you don't record or pause IPTV streams you could install serviceapp and exteplayer3 and use 5002 service type for IPTV streams and see if that helps.
this is good to know mate i have custom built my bouquet nd added service an interested in which service provider you have if you could PM would be appreciated.

09-03-21, 20:12
...... Pm ?????

09-03-21, 21:40
yes purchased from the sponsor
When? Because the thread is marked Duo 4k SE.

09-03-21, 22:14
...... Pm ?????

Private message

09-03-21, 22:19
Private message

I'd worked that bit out, what needs to be kept private?

09-03-21, 22:19
When? Because the thread is marked Duo 4k SE.

Iam confused what do you mean??

I own a vu+ duo 4K se ??

09-03-21, 22:22

Iam confused what do you mean??

I own a vu+ duo 4K se ??

I'm using a VU+ Duo

200meg Virmin Media broadband

abu baniaz
10-03-21, 02:16
Post 1 edited to show Duo 4K SE. If OP had not stated "latest" and used the actual image number, that would have been better too as the build number would have eliminated the Duo original.

"Original" in this context is "version" not as in genuine.

10-03-21, 02:37
I'd worked that bit out, what needs to be kept private?

Am asking who the Iptv supplier. Wasn’t sure if this was something I could ask for openly