View Full Version : we need your crash logs !

16-02-11, 02:48
i have read many many posts on the forum over the last week or so since the launch of VIX 2.0. in some of these posts members have reported a "GREEN SCREEN" crash on their box but given us little or no extra information.

i would like ask that any one experiencing a crash on their VU receiver while using a VIX image, please post your crash logs and some other details for us.
this kind of information is vital to us so that we can identify why your box crashed and hopefully work a fix so that it does not happen again.

i would also ask that if you do suffer a crash and decide to post the crash log for us, could you please make your own thread for us rather than tagging it onto the end of some one else's thread as this will make it a lot easier for andy and team to find and work with.

one last thing,
if you do decide to post your logs, we would ask that you include as much information as possible.

for example

the type of box ie VU+DUO or VU SOLO
the version of VIX you were running at the time
a description in as much detail as you can about exactly what you were doing on the box that lead up to the crash.
and lest not forget most importantly upload a copy of the crash log it self into the thread so that we can examine it.

the staff of World-of-Satellite.com and the VIX development team would like to thank you for your co-operation with this matter so that we can make the best image possible for you the end user.