View Full Version : [Zgemma H7] EPG time scale looks wrong in 5.4.008

04-03-21, 22:38
The time scale in the grid EPG in OpenViX 5.4.008 seems to be messed up.
I don't think it's anything I've done but I can't guarantee that.
It could even have been wrong in previous versions but I only just noticed.
Two screenshots, first on my slightly customised version of Simple Ten Eighty skin, second one with Vix-Night-HD skin.
61644 61645

My Grid EPG settings:
61646 61647 61648

04-03-21, 22:58
I can confirm that my grid EPG display is also wrong. The time markers in the first row don't actually match with the program start/stop time boundaries. The alignment appers to be around 15 minutes out.

The actual time the box is dispalying is correct (Europe/London via NTP). I also tried transponder time with no network connection and that was fetching the correct time this morning on 5.4.008.

I've just checked with 5.4.007 and it has the same problem including with a EPG delete and a forced download of new EPG data.

04-03-21, 23:39
I can't reproduce this.



04-03-21, 23:47

Is it any better with Time Scale set to 150 ??

04-03-21, 23:58
Ok, so it happens if the "Time scale" is either 210 or 270. All others are correct.

05-03-21, 00:05
I can confirm that my grid EPG display is also wrong.

I've just been playing around with the number of minutes dispayed in the grid EPG screen and the "maintain old epg data for" time and the problem seems to have sorted itself with some of the settings, but not with others.

maintain old epg data for = 30 minutes

Time scale = 210 = data not aligned (error approx 15 minutes)
Time scale = 240 = data aligned with time marker
Time scale = 270 = data not aligned (error approx 15 minutes)
Timescale = 300 = data aligned with time marker

I'm assuming that the left hand edge of the left hand digit of the time marker is the alignment point

05-03-21, 00:55
Thanks everyone.
I've changed my Time scale to 180 and Base time to 30 and it's making more sense now.
I'm sure I originally wanted 3 hours shown at once so I don't know how I ended up with Time scale = 210.

05-03-21, 17:47
Thanks everyone.
I've changed my Time scale to 180 and Base time to 30 and it's making more sense now.
I'm sure I originally wanted 3 hours shown at once so I don't know how I ended up with Time scale = 210.

I've just updated a box to 5.4.008 and the time scale was 210. :confused:

I'll double check the settings backup I took ....

Settings file I restored had these entries....


Current settings file just has the same two entries with the value 150, which I had already changed.