View Full Version : [VU+ Duo4K SE] Backup compatibility

02-03-21, 17:19
Hello, can I upload a 5.4.001 backup from Duo4K to Duo4K SE receiver? These two boxes seem very similar, but maybe hardware is different I'm afraid. So, I do not know if such backup can be used, and I do not want damage my new box. Could you please explain? Thank you.

02-03-21, 19:36
Looking at images they list separate files for each model so maybe stay safe and only use what is meant for each.

Unless i am told its ok i would not.

02-03-21, 20:35
Yes right. This is the reason for which I asked this, it's better stay safe instead of damaging a new box! But if possible, I have a good backup that I would like to load in my new Vu+. So I hope that someone could tell without doubts. Thanks.

02-03-21, 22:01
They are different images so you can't upload an image backup. You should be able to transfer a settings backup. It it doesn't work properly it wont break anything.

02-03-21, 22:04
Also you can transfer your settings manually -its the safest method. Read post #6 in this thread https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?47588-Flashing-Settings-backup-and-Restores/

03-03-21, 09:12
Thank you for all your replies. Well, I prefer to install a fresh image in my new box, only few minutes are needed to configure it. I believe it would be the safest way. Thank you again.

03-03-21, 16:36
You can use a settings backup from a different model without any problem. Obviously, the backup will change the name of the box to the other model. Change back in /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname.

03-03-21, 17:34
You can use a settings backup from a different model without any problem. Obviously, the backup will change the name of the box to the other model. Change back in /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname.Presumably you'd need the same tuner configuration over the two boxes as well (or remember to set it correctly in the new one)?

03-03-21, 17:58
Presumably you'd need the same tuner configuration over the two boxes as well (or remember to set it correctly in the new one)?Yes maybe a few tweaks (settings file) for any hardware differences, but loading a backup from another box will get it working more or less the same as the other box, e.g. plugins, bouquets, lamedb, etc.

abu baniaz
03-03-21, 18:19
Also you can transfer your settings manually -its the safest method. Read post #6 in this thread https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?47588-Flashing-Settings-backup-and-Restores/

Post 6 in that thread was made to benefit people crossing over 4.2 image changes. Yes, applies to other receivers and images too.

The OP used the word "backup". Whether he meant "settings backup" or "image backup" is unclear.

The Duo 4K and Duo 4K SE have different CPUs. An "image backup" cannot be used on what is a different receiver, albeit with similar name.

As in post 4 of this thread, a "settings backup" can be used. Just copy from old receiver FTP it to /hdd/backups on new receiver. As noted above, the hostname and tuner configurations would need checking/changing. It wouldn't damage anything. Even if you got in a bootloop, you could just flash image again and start from scratch.