View Full Version : Help with configuring TBS6904 with multiswitch

24-02-21, 12:23
Hi. I've got this multiswitch https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61pSWAgLYkL._AC_SL1200_.jpg - four of the inputs are connected to 4xLNB pointing at Astra 28.2 and im planning to connect the remaining four to Hotbird dish in the future.
Three of the outputs are wired up to triplex euro modules like this one: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/t4UAAOSw-KFXekzX/s-l500.jpg - im not sure if that's a correct set up, but it seems to work.
The bigger problem is that i want to wire a TVheadend server with TBS6904 card to this setup. I have tried connecting outputs directly to the multiswitch and it works in "Universal LNB only" mode, but im missing half of muxes (TVHeadend sees 119 muxes but 66 fail to scan). I have tried "Unicable I (universal LNB)" and "Unicable II (universal LNB)" modes those dont work.
1. Can i use TBS6904 with such multiswitch at all?
2. What if i upgrade to TBS6909 - apparently it has switches built in?
3. Are there any alternatives to https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/t4UAAOSw-KFXekzX/s-l500.jpg but in form of in line splitter instead of euromodule?

26-02-21, 15:40
I use a TBS6904 from a multiswitch (not that one, but also a cheapo from Amazon). It takes 4x legacy/universal connections and can access all channels broadcast on 28.2e without a problem.

I don't know if it can use Unicable - Google suggests it might but I use it in Windows where it appears as a simple BDA device and I can't see how you apply any settings to it. That said I've never tried - in Win10 it doesn't miss a beat with 4x legacy connectors.

I tried a 6909 however the Win10 drivers will only allow the card to take an input from a Quattro (VH, VL, HH, HL) or a Quad LNB (which it makes emulate a quattro). I connected it straight to my Quattro LNB (rather than from the multiswitch) when it worked as expected.

The 6909 user guide is here:
And suggests that under Linux unicable is possible. Equally 4x legacy connectors from the multiswitch should also work.

The 6904 user guide is here:
(searching the pdf for unicable finds nothing)

Have you checked that other devices can see all channels and which ones are missing, it could be something as simple as misconnecting (or a dodgy connection in) the trunk feeds from the quattro LNB?

Also I played a while with TVHeadend and found its channel scan to be a little flakey, sometimes it found channels, sometimes not but I never resolved the issue. This though was with a Sat>IP server not a native card.