View Full Version : [ET10x00] Couch flash and backup auto restore

10-02-21, 22:38
I have an ET10000 box and if I use the NIC designated as VLAN when I do a couch flash the restore always fails reporting that there is no internet connection. If I switch over to the LAN2 NIC then everything is fine.

Anybody have any ideas as what if anything I can do to maybe resolve this?

Not that urgent a problem, more curious as to why flash reports no internet connection when using the VLAN port.

10-02-21, 22:50
The obvious answer is to use the LAN port, I'm pretty sure it's also faster. It's the one I use.

10-02-21, 23:13
the box with 2 lan ports and i have to use lan2.

10-02-21, 23:25
The name VLAN kind of suggests that there may be extra configuration required before the port becomes a nornmal port accepting normal non-VLAN tagged traffic.

11-02-21, 17:16
The obvious answer is to use the LAN port, I'm pretty sure it's also faster. It's the one I use.

It's actually slower, 100MB as against 1GB, but I've always used it, and never had a problem with performance or restores.

11-02-21, 21:37
Both ports are configured in the same manner from within VIX, the VLAN port is a gigabit port as pointed out above.

I was simply wondering why a flash behaved as it does and reports that there is no internet connection but when I cancel the import part and check the box I can straight away browse and download plugins.

11-02-21, 22:38
Maybe the wizard checks the 1st lan port and decides there is no network, restores settings (which enables the 2nd lan port),
but as far as the original check is concerned there is no network for the plugin downloads.

abu baniaz
11-02-21, 22:45
You have mentioned two separate processes. Can you clarify following please.

1. After flashing a new image (please do not confuse matters by mentioning restore process), does the Gigabit port work without installing any drivers?If not, what do you have to do to get the adapter to work?

2. Once the Gigabit port is working, can you restore settings/plugins?

11-02-21, 23:13
I tried it this morning with the VLAN enabled in a settings backup.

Flashing 5.4.005 release, and abandoning the restore wizard leaves device LAN ticked (but no ethernet cable), VLAN crossed (ethernet cable plugged in) and WLAN crossed.

A settings restore using backupmanager reports that there is no network connection, but after the reboot VLAN is ticked and working.

Another settings restore in needed to get back the plugins.

Flashing 5.4.005 release with the LAN port connected goes through the full settings and plugins restore - the initial check for a network connection is positive.

These are the ticks and crosses mention above.

abu baniaz
11-02-21, 23:42
Just to clarify:
Flash, Complete install wizard, Reboot. VLAN then works?

Please do not mention restore wizard at this stage.

12-02-21, 10:28
Just to clarify:
Flash, Complete install wizard, Reboot. VLAN then works?

No, not if you exit the restore wizard immediately (and chose not to configure the network). LAN is still ticked.

The first settings restore enables networking after the auto reboot, a second restore is needed to download plugins.

It's exactly the same problem when a wifi adapter is configured before flashing.

Only if the LAN port is connected to the network before flashing will the restore wizard complete in one go - settings and plugins.

12-02-21, 12:06
It's the same on an Ultimo4K, if you're using WIFI, the initial flash defaults to LAN, a settings restore enables WIFI and another restore from backupmanager brings in the plugins.

The ET10K is more complicated because it has 2 ethernet ports.

I assume if you've no plugins to download then you won't see any network warnings when restoring settings.

abu baniaz
12-02-21, 14:20
To summarise, we need to adapt things so the VLAN works after flashing an image.

I don't see how Wi-Fi would ever work without configuring it or restoring settings first and then doing a second restore.

12-02-21, 14:58
From my understanding the VLAN port is configured and fully working, so no restart needed but whatever checks are made to determine internet connectivity must be checking the LAN port.

12-02-21, 15:23
From my understanding the VLAN port is configured and fully working, so no restart needed but whatever checks are made to determine internet connectivity must be checking the LAN port.

The VLAN port is not configured after reflashing, enigma needs your settings to establish which connection you want, so it initially assumes the LAN port will be used if it's connected.

After all this time without anyone reporting the problem, surely another settings restore is no big deal, WIFI needs one.

12-02-21, 15:32
To summarise, we need to adapt things so the VLAN works after flashing an image.
...and also the LAN connection still works as it does at the moment. :)

abu baniaz
12-02-21, 16:03
How do ATV/PLI behave after flashing an image? Do both Vlan/LAN work "out of the box" or does user have to configure?

12-02-21, 21:18
The VLAN port is not configured after reflashing, enigma needs your settings to establish which connection you want, so it initially assumes the LAN port will be used if it's connected.

After all this time without anyone reporting the problem, surely another settings restore is no big deal, WIFI needs one.

Who said it was an issue, I posted as I was curious as to why.

12-02-21, 22:31
I wonder what this 6 year old thread actually means .......?

"Couch restore now only needs one reboot!"

Just a quick thanks for tbuild 077 HD, it now fixes the problem where Vlan connection was not being recognised... Requiring 3 reboots to restore all settings and plugins