View Full Version : "Upgrade available" flashes constantly

16-01-21, 06:48
This phenomenon started after I upgraded to 5.4.004
No error messages or other problems during the last upgrade.

It says "Do you want to upgrade your Vu + Duo 4K?"
(1 updated package available)

What to do?

16-01-21, 09:05
there might be a conflict and a packet could not be updated and therefore you get this message over and over again. With telnet and opkg list-upgradable you can find out which package caused this conflict.


16-01-21, 12:14
Something like this?

root@vuduo4k:~# opkg list-upgradable
Not selecting libx264-161 r2970+git0+0d754ec360 as installing it would break existing dependencies.

abu baniaz
16-01-21, 15:58
That is the same issue as here:

Flash newest image and restore settings and plugin will overcome the hurdle. Otherwise install the libx264 using the force command

Thread will be moved to image support section.

16-01-21, 16:04
Thank you Ralf, and abu baniaz.

Did it, and it works well now.


17-01-21, 18:13
Otherwise install the libx264 using the force command

Sorry, what is is the syntax of that force command ?

abu baniaz
17-01-21, 18:29
Normally it is
opkg install -force-depends name_of_package

So please try this:
opkg install -force-depends libx264-161

If that doesn't work
opkg -force-reinstall libx264-161

Force Options:
--force-depends Install/remove despite failed dependencies
--force-maintainer Overwrite preexisting config files
--force-reinstall Reinstall package(s)
--force-overwrite Overwrite files from other package(s)
--force-downgrade Allow opkg to downgrade packages
--force-space Disable free space checks
--force-postinstall Run postinstall scripts even in offline mode
--force-remove Remove package even if prerm script fails
--force-checksum Don't fail on checksum mismatches
--noaction No action -- test only
--download-only No action -- download only
--nodeps Do not follow dependencies
--no-install-recommends Do not install any recommended packages
Remove package and all dependencies
--autoremove Remove packages that were installed
automatically to satisfy dependencies
--host-cache-dir Don't place cache in offline root dir.
--volatile-cache Use volatile cache.
Volatile cache will be cleared on exit

glob could be something like 'pkgname*' '*file*' or similar
e.g. opkg info 'libstd*' or opkg search '*libop*' or opkg remove 'libncur*'

17-01-21, 18:58
This happens:

root@vuultimo4k:~# opkg install --force-depends libx264-161
Package libx264-161 (r2970+git0+4121277b40-r0) installed in root is up to date.

root@vuultimo4k:~# opkg install --force-reinstall libx264-161
Not selecting libx264-161 r2970+git0+0d754ec360 as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Collected errors:
* get_pkg_url: Package libx264-161 is not available from any configured src.

So I can't get that package updated. Only chance to do couch flash ?

abu baniaz
17-01-21, 20:29
You could ignore it.

Problem is that every time package is updated, it will fail the online update.

18-01-21, 19:50
That is the same issue as here:

Flash newest image and restore settings and plugin will overcome the hurdle. Otherwise install the libx264 using the force command

Thread will be moved to image support section.

Thanks, update no longer flashing