View Full Version : update & dish movement image probs

14-02-11, 18:59
hi all....i have had my vuduo since november 2010 and yesterday i tried to update with USB nightly build...i thought it was about time i updated as my box hangs slightly on channel and menu changes and i have(reason unknown)lost my dish movement image on screen...i did the flash but all seemed ok but it couuld or would not recognise mt LAN CONNECTION ( error reading web page)....can anyone help me restore my dish image or help me update.....could it be that i have download all the same file in PACKAGE MANAGMENT...that were used on this image...

this is what i see when looking at the box info page....

Enlgma: openPLi-2010-12-21 oldloopthrough
Image: openpli - 2010-05-21

thank you all in advance......:)

14-02-11, 20:27
the core pli image is a very image and needs alot of work doing to it

i would recoment not to update with nightly builds as that can break the image you have runnign already

what i would suggest is report these issues to pli on the pli forum so they can look at it and in the mean time either use the stable image or try

VIX 2.0 which is based on PLI but all those little bugs you talk about fixed by our very own genious coder Andyblac

14-02-11, 21:00
Thanks very much for that.....im still learning so as i say..thanks..if i use the VIX image ..will i have to input ALL of the settings again...for eg....all the packet management stuff ???

14-02-11, 21:23
yes you would a new image new start im afraid but well worth it

then after that u can make a backup of the image